ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 131

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

No no!

Everyone is excited about the market opening.

By the way, Ethanol spot is down, need to buy a couple of lots for the weekend ;) any predictions, expectations?



Rumour has it that Notebooks have fallen sharply by about 20% - attributed to the fall in the exchange rate

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


rumour has it that Notebooks have gone down in price by about 20% - attributed to the fall in the exchange rate.

No one's buying them. So they lowered the price. Now every household probably has a laptop or desktop, or even both together. I don't see the point of buying more, you won't be able to eat them. Maybe they originally wanted to speculate on this whole situation, and now they're justifying themselves this way.

Vitalii Ananev #:

Probably no one is buying. So they lowered the price. Every house probably has a laptop or a desktop PC, or even both together. I don't see the point of buying any more, you won't be eating them. Maybe they originally wanted to speculate on the whole situation, and now they justify themselves this way.

The exchange rate will surely roll back. You should not rush to buy goods at inflated prices.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

h.k. The exchange rate is supposed to roll back of course. There is no need to rush to buy goods at inflated prices

The exchange rate will roll back and stabilise and prices are likely to remain at the new level. I remember from 2014.

Prices for electronics will probably go down at the expense of a lower-quality assortment. And even then not by much.

Edgar Akhmadeev #:

The exchange rate will roll back and stabilise and prices are likely to remain at the new level. I remember from 2014.

Prices for electronics are likely to fall at the expense of a lower quality range. And even then not by much.

I think it is difficult to predict in turbulence mode


Talk of oil in the region of 200I wonder what will happen to steam heating.

Annualinflation in the USreached 7.9%in February2022, according to figures released by the country's Labour Department on Thursday.

Rumour has it that inflation in the US will go above 8%

The White House says US inflation at a record high in 40 years is linked to sanctions against Russia.


And if this is just the beginning, there is a sense that disaster is creeping up on more than just one individual country.

Инфляция в США подбирается к 8%
Инфляция в США подбирается к 8%
Индекс потребительских цен в США (CPI) в феврале ускорил рост до 7,9% с январских 7,5%. Инфляция на максимуме за 40 лет. Ускорение темпов роста совпало с ожиданиями, однако рост базового индекса не включающего продукты питания и энергоносители превысил ожидаемые 5,9%, составив 6,4%. В своей монетарной...


For example, a gallon (about 3.8 litres) of unleaded Regular gasoline - equivalent to Ai-92 gasoline in Russia - now costs more than $4.31 on a national average. This is the highest value ever observed.


It is 4.31*96 = 431.76 rubles per litre of 92-gallon.

Recently I filled up for 48r, ready to sell a little bit for 431.75 rubles. because tomorrow it may become more expensive. ( key word is Few)


Rumour has it that when Biden called the Saudis, the Prince did not even pick up the phone. Dude is clearly a good speculator.

I would probably just wait for $200 per barrel, as a speculator that is all I am saying.

What the hell is going on in this world.


Thenext USpresidential electionis scheduled for November 5, 2024.

simple logic suggests that the democrats are going to get away with it.

Yuriy Zaytsev #:


For example, a gallon (about 3.8 litres) of unleaded Regular gasoline - equivalent to Ai-92 gasoline in Russia - now costs more than $4.31 on a national average. This is the highest value ever observed.


It is 4.31*96 = 431.76 rubles per litre of 92-gallon.

Recently I filled up for 48r, ready to sell a little bit for 431.75 rubles. because tomorrow it may become more expensive. ( key word is "a little")

Taki, 4.31 * 96 / 3.8 = 108.88 p/l.

JRandomTrader #:

Taki, 4.31 * 96 / 3.8 = 108.88 p/l

eh .... Right - we wanted to go to 431.75

then wait until the barrel gets over 200, ideally at 300 or 400


What do you think $ 200 realistic?