Are there any universal support and resistance levels in the forex market? - page 11

Lilita Bogachkova #:

These price levels are calculated using the correlation of historical quotes.

I'm not saying they're right, but there is some consistency between current price resistance and historical resistance.

Finished above
Renat Akhtyamov #:
Finished the above

It's getting late. I'll think about it tomorrow.

Renat Akhtyamov #:
You have to come to the point where you don't need a chart.
At the beginning of the journey I took volumes and prices from the CME website, FX section. Very instructive, but do not dwell on it, you will understand it, I am sure, because the information in the media is both true and misleading, because it is finance.

Volume as well as quote are in constant change, volumes can move at a distance from the quote creating an illusion, in the end it may never work)

VVT #:

Volume like a quote is in constant change, volumes can move at a distance from the quote creating an illusion, in the end it may never work)

Topeka starter gave the formula ;)
A specific volume at a specific price.
It's quite difficult to imagine his movement.
Well then again he also struck out a ten, that is again correct, asking the question - what is the cup?
I've written here a million times - it's just a pistachio to beer, a hallmark, a bijouterie of the exchange, with the sole purpose of being different from forex, nothing more.
Renat Akhtyamov #:
Topeka starter gave the formula ;)
A specific volume at a specific price.
It's quite difficult to imagine its movement.

... gave a formula) well yes, the movement of historical volume is impossible)

VVT #:

... gave the formula) well yes, the movement of historical volume is impossible)

The base asset has a place.
If a new volume appears, then we can see it, but from the history chart, where it has decreased - unfortunately, we can't, because the history is dead, not moving at all, nailed down ;)
We've come to the conclusion - the price has accounted for everything in the present. Therefore, only it, the current one, and nothing else is needed.

To move the issue of universal levels forward, I calculated support and resistance levels for the EURUSD H1 chart, see template: "Sup Res EURUSD.tpl".


Next, levels for other symbols were added, provided their calculated price did not differ by more than 2 points from the EURUSD level in four digits, see template: "Sup Res All symbols.tpl".


Finally, all EURUSD levels have been removed to show only those corresponding to the calculated support and resistance levels for the other symbols, see template: "Sup Res Sub symbols.tpl".


It is not known if this plays a role in forex trading. I would also add that the calculation of support and resistance levels for the H1 chart is not a good example, because of their large number. But since the goal was to find out if such levels exist, the H1 chart was fully compliant.


Why does no one understand how prices move?

No need to look at history. How many sub/cop levels do you want to create, still the price doesn't look at what came before.

Why is it so?

Price movement depends on human factor. And humans are unpredictable, especially those with billions.

One never knows which of them will make an intervention and when. The central banks of big countries are also involved.

And so the price moves arbitrarily, breaking through any levels and in any quantity.

Don't look for or calculate levels based on history. That does not work. Machine learning does not work either.

Petros Shatakhtsyan #:

Why does no one understand how prices move?

No need to look at history. How many sub/cop levels do you want to create, still the price doesn't look at what came before.

Why is it so?

Price movement depends on human factor. And humans are unpredictable, especially those with billions.

One never knows which of them will make an intervention and when. The central banks of big countries are also involved.

And so the price moves arbitrarily, breaking through any levels and in any quantity.

Don't look for or calculate levels based on history. That does not work. Nor does machine learning work.

In case things don't go according to plan, there are stops.

A lot of levels. ....