Apophenia as an apologist for clairvoyance in the capital markets. - page 14


A cursory glance at the various timeframe charts shows fractals clearly divided into three segments (indicated in the charts by the bars between the red dots). All the fractals have different order and form local fractal structures.



A superficial look is certainly not enough to determine the attractor that the global fractal structure will aspire to. This requires a more detailed analysis.

The knowledge of the global fractal structure gives understanding in which segment of the global fractal the dynamics of quotations occurs, i.e. gives understanding of the global trend direction, in accordance with which the dynamics of quotations will be built.

We will determine the local fractal structures, make a global fractal structure out of them, determine the order of all the fractals in the fractal structure and then proceed to modeling the dynamics of the EUR/USD quotes on small fractal structures (on charts with hourly timeframes).

Andrey Niroba #:

A cursory glance at the various timeframe charts shows fractals clearly divided into three segments (indicated in the charts by the bars between the red dots). All these fractals have a different order and form local fractal structures.

Are you out of your mind! Such timeframes to consider. This is how long the deal will last?

Vitali Kadel #:

Are you out of your mind! That's a time frame to consider. This is how long a trade will last?

It's a study to see if there's a pattern.


but so far, the author has no conclusions.

Renat Akhtyamov #:

is a study to find a pattern


while the author has no conclusions.

Finding a pattern implies there is a way to test it. Otherwise, what kind of regularity is there that cannot be checked in any way?

There is a statistical way to check "fractal-wave" structures? There isn't.

There is not even a way of defining them - that's how it is with all such wave/ fractalists, everyone draws it in their own way.


If you're looking at the large timeframes, it's a convenient way to ruin your mood, and for a long time. We take, for example, the pound and mark the nastiest events of the last ten years on it.
We select those that are "acts of human hands", not natural disasters. World currencies on a large scale walk on blood and on the same lines.


everyone has looked/checked ? not a fact at all that this is actually the case...90% are effects of vision and psychology. Serious events unfold economics and images, lines and figures are drawn by the brain from the lack of information.
You could lighten the colors, cite unknown authorities and give some dates and welcome to a sect.

Vitali Kadel #:

Are you out of your mind! That's a time frame to consider. How long will a trade last?

If higher TFs are used for analysis among others, it does not mean that deals must necessarily last for a long time. It is not interrelated in any way. The analysis of the higher TFs helps to determine where the current price is located at the moment relative to the global pivot points. And the analysis of fractal structures on all TFs can help to determine the entry direction, the targets and the potential for movement. Alternatively, it can help us refrain from entering if the potential for movement is low due to the proximity of a potential pivot point.

Maxim Kuznetsov #:

Finding a pattern implies that there is a way to verify it. Otherwise, what kind of regularity is there that cannot be checked in any way?

There is a statistical way to check "fractal-wave" structures?

There is not even a way of defining them - that's how it is with all such wave/ fractalists, everyone draws it in their own way.


If you're looking at the large timeframes, it's a convenient way to ruin your mood, and for a long time. We take, for example, the pound and mark the nastiest events of the last ten years on it.
We select those that are "acts of human hands", not natural disasters. World currencies on a large scale walk on blood and on the same lines.


everyone has looked/checked ? it's not at all a fact that this is actually the case...90% are effects of vision and psychology. Serious events unfold economics and images, lines and shapes are drawn by the brain from the lack of information.
You could lighten the colors, cite unknown authorities and give some dates and welcome to a sect.

And they are all acts of human hands

Generally speaking, there is a novelty. It is to look for the appearance of some conditional relative price movements at different scales. But what to do with the found scale is not defined.

I think the idea of states fixation has its place. It resembles the Eliott's one in a way. The alphabet is a bit too much, of course. And the attractors are a bit...

But something is definitely there. As one of the variants of events can be accepted.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Generally speaking, there is a novelty. It is to look for the appearance of some conditional relative price movements at different scales. But what to do with the found scale is not defined.

I think the idea of states fixation has its place. It resembles the Eliott's one in a way. The alphabet is a bit too much, of course. And the attractors are a bit...

But something is definitely there. As one of the variants of events can be accepted.

There is one not so good moment in fractals.

The fractal phase is over and the price maygo against the fractals many, many times.

Andrey recommends to investigate on different timeframes, but it is a collection of coincidences again.

There are no reproaches. I just need a deeper understanding of the subject.


Finished. In general, there is something to the idea of mechanical fitting of temporal logic. Although references to a reference point are of course highly risky.

It would be good for the author to apply his work to other areas where there is definitely fractality in time or not in time. This would add provability to the work.