A topic for traders. - page 236

khorosh #:

In a welfare state, schooling should be free for all, and higher education should be free for those who have passed a rigorous examination on a competitive basis. It is an important task of the state to enable talented and gifted people from the grassroots to obtain higher education. Remember Lomonosov from the Pomor fishermen or Marshall Zhukov from the peasants. Failure to fulfil this task leads to the degradation of the elites, because only the children of rich parents who are not always bright and do not pass the competitive selection process end up there.

I guess I agree, basic schooling should be free of charge so the masses don't slip into beasts, while quality higher education cannot be free of charge due to its exclusivity.

When you say "the state should" you understand that it is always expensive, resources are not free, because it is the work of high quality teachers.

Therefore, it is important that these resources reach the most valuable, and there is no point in teaching the unpromising, and it is especially useless to retrain the already entrenched obscurants, it would be a waste of valuable resources of society, I agree with that too.

But if you look deeper, it turns out that a socially oriented state would do well to give people the opportunity to earn, so that it would not be a problem for them to pay for their children's education, that would be better.

transcendreamer #:

I probably agree, it is useful to make basic schooling free of charge so that people in the mainstream don't slip into beasts, but quality higher education can no longer be free due to its exclusivity.

When you say "the state should" you realize that it is always expensive, resources are not free, because it is the work of high quality teachers.

Therefore, it is important that these resources reach the most valuable, and there is no point in teaching the unpromising and especially useless to retrain the already entrenched obscurantists, it would be a waste of valuable resources of society, I agree with that too.

But if you look deeper, it turns out that a socially oriented state would do well to give people the opportunity to earn, so that it would not be a problem for them to pay for their children's education, that would be better.

Politics bro, this is a site for peddlers
Aleksey Nikolayev #:
I remember that Pushkin's contemporary Senkovsky (Baron Brambeus) had a fantastic story about the discovery of "ancient writing" somewhere in Siberia).
Tertiary tablets do not seem to be fake. Although they are more likely proto-literature or random shamanic pictograms and patterns. Of course, they are far from developed Egyptian and Sumerian script.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Politics, bro, this is a site for hustlers.

A plug in every hole.

Valeriy Yastremskiy #:

Not all animals and insects, rabbits foxes mosquitoes without hierarchies, but humans always do. The properties of a member/individual of a multitude/society determine its structure because the laws of interaction are formed within the multitude. So the state of a society depends directly on the upbringing of its members))))

Yes, the quality of governance and not only depends on the development of technology. Therefore this factor determines) And the inhibition of acceleration from forms of management is critical only in rare situations. Unfortunately it applies only to the standard of living, not happiness))))

And of course there is a feedback, it's about an effective environment)))

Everything is important for trading!

In general I agree, on a global level. And education is of course important. In practice the question is always how to distribute resources, how to divide the total product, and who gets more and who has to settle for less.

transcendreamer #:

When you say "the state should" you realise that it is always expensive, resources are not free, after all it is the work of high quality teachers.

Therefore, it is important that these resources reach the most valuable, and there is no point in teaching the unpromising, and it is especially useless to retrain already entrenched obscurants, it would be a waste of valuable resources of society, I agree with that too.

But if you look deeper, it turns out that a welfare state would do well to give people the opportunity to earn money so they don't have a problem paying for their children's education, that would be better.

Yes, I understand. The defence complex is also expensive for the state, but the state has to make these expenditures, because its security depends on it. The quality of the elites also affects the security of the country. As history shows, when mediocrities are at the helm of a state, it faces many hardships, up to and including its collapse.

That's what I wrote: "... and higher education is free for those who pass a tough exam on a competitive basis."

I agree. Only not the fact that it will be cheaper and easier to implement, the more so everyone is unrealistic. Besides, there are also orphaned children.

transcendreamer #:

I guess I agree, basic schooling is useful to make it free so that people in the mainstream don't slip into beastliness, and quality higher education can no longer be free due to its exclusivity.


Andrei Trukhanovich #:


By the way, they have started teaching for free in state universities since some year, but students start to work for free right during their studies.

khorosh #:

Yes, I understand. The defence complex is also expensive for the state, but it has to make these expenditures because its security depends on it. The quality of the elites also affects the security of the country. As history shows, when mediocrities are at the helm of a state, it faces many hardships, up to and including its collapse.

That's what I wrote: "... and higher education is free for those who pass a tough exam on a competitive basis."

I agree. Only not the fact that it will be cheaper and easier to implement, the more so everyone is unrealistic. Besides, there are also orphaned children.

I did not want to get into this particular topic, but as you know, some states in history have objectively required deconstruction and reform, due to the fact that they have become inefficient. What does not stand up to competition needs to be quickly replaced or simply dies out.

khorosh #:

and higher education is free for those who pass a rigorous examination on a competitive basis."

I think this is very useful as it's an investment in potentially better people.

But unrestricted expansion of social support is a potentially harmful practice - because the talentless beggars from the lower strata will begin to breed new talentless beggars at a catastrophic rate, worsening the quality of the population as a whole.