A topic for traders. - page 160

osmo1709 #:
Can I have a link to your blog - I can't find it


Only small traders who trade in kitchens with 1 to 1,000 leverage can get big returns relative to investment. The big players (mio) who have billions can't get that kind of profitability as they won't get big leverage. There are a lot of small traders out there who would love to put their $100 into your system and they can't move the market. They will just make a profit. The big players may move the market after receiving your system, but they won't get more profit, because there is no big leverage there. Well, they will move the market, but they will get a maximum of 13% per annum. There is nothing wrong with that for the market. If you don't want to advertise your TS, don't. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR TS, DON'T DO IT.
osmo1709 #:
Only small traders who trade in kitchens with 1 to 1000 leverage can get big profits in relation to investment. The big players (mio) who have billions can't get that kind of profitability as they won't be given big leverage. There are a lot of small traders out there who would love to put their $100 into your system and they can't move the market. They will just make a profit. The big players may move the market after receiving your system, but they won't get more profit, because there is no big leverage there. Well, they will move the market, but they will get a maximum of 13% per annum. There is nothing wrong with that for the market. If you don't want to advertise your TS, don't. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR TS, DON'T DO IT.

You see the reaction to the mere mention of my TS by such giants of the humanities as Transgender and the like.

Why do I need these windmills. I'm not Don Quixote).

There's a saying used by car mechanics: "A good knock will come out".
Applied to the Forex market (and other markets as well),
you could rephrase it: "A good (reliable) signal will not go unnoticed!
You just have to wait for it, and that is the problem of many novice traders.
They lack the patience and discipline to wait for that cherished
to wait for the signal. What they often take for "intuition",
is actually nothing more than an illusion.
They want to think there is a signal on the market and willingly mistake
and willingly mistake their wish for reality. Meanwhile, many of them would be able to
recognize this most reliable signal when it really appears.

I would compare an experienced professional trader with a wild animal hunter.
The latter can spend hours stalking his prey, and once he's stalked it,
he chooses the right moment for the shot. An experienced trader does the same thing.
But it's not hunting for the beast but for the trading signals.
Patiently waiting for such a signal, he selects a convenient moment for entering.
Each profitable deal for such a trader is like a prey for the hunter.

And what does a beginner do? He fires a shotgun at random, hoping there's a big prey in the bush.
in the bushes.
Uladzimir Izerski #:

You see the reaction to the mere mention of my TS by such giants of the humanities as Transgender and the like.

Why do I need these windmills. I'm not Don Quixote).

Make a signal and show in practice that your TS really works
Uladzimir Izerski #:

You see the reaction to the mere mention of my TC by such giants of the humanities as Transgender and the like.

Why do I need these windmills. I'm not Don Quixote).

Having caught negative connotations in the word "humanities", I can't help noticing that signing zigzag tops from right to left and drawing a canal over them - this primitive thing cannot pretend to be the pinnacle of technical thought as well. Useless colouring of history by means of publicly available simple tools, with disastrous redrawing and zero predictive power.

ForMaxx #:
There's a saying used by car mechanics: "A good knock will come out".
Applied to the Forex market (and other markets as well),
you could rephrase it: "A good (reliable) signal will not go unnoticed!
You just have to wait for it, and that is the problem of many novice traders.
They lack the patience and discipline to wait for that cherished
to wait for the signal. What they often take for "intuition",
is actually nothing more than an illusion.
They want to think there is a signal on the market and willingly mistake
and willingly mistake their wish for reality. Meanwhile, many of them would be able to
recognize this most reliable signal when it really appears.

I would compare an experienced professional trader with a wild animal hunter.
The latter can spend hours stalking his prey, and once he's stalked it,
he chooses the right moment for the shot. An experienced trader does the same thing.
But it's not hunting for the beast but for the trading signals.
Patiently waiting for such a signal, he selects a convenient moment for entering.
Each profitable deal for such a trader is like a prey for the hunter.

And what does a beginner do? He fires a shotgun at random, hoping there's a big prey in the bush.
in the bushes.

One of the most basic skills in trading is the ability NOT to trade.

And sitting in an ambush and waiting for a signal is precisely the task of robots.


I was watching a film about how people live in Africa, and a film crew with local hunters, in the early morning, organized an ambush at a waterhole, elephants walked away and the presenter whispered into the camera - we were lucky that the wind blew in our direction. Yes, they were armed with bows, in a word "ambushes" are different.

Can you tell me if there is a feature in MT5 that calculates how many stocks, lots, etc. can be bought or sold, based on the value of your portfolio, so you don't have to do it manually in the calculator? In Quick and other terminals there are calculations everywhere, some programs immediately give me on the basis of portfolio's value calculation how many stocks are available to me... What about MT5? It's a good terminal, but it's inconvenient to place orders...
Niveya #:
Do you know, is it possible to connect a function in MT5 that would calculate how many stocks, lots, etc. can be bought or sold on the basis of your portfolio value, without having to do it manually in a calculator? In Quick and other terminals there are calculations everywhere, some programs immediately give me on the basis of portfolio's value calculation how many stocks are available to me... What about MT5? It's a good terminal, but it's inconvenient to place orders...

There are quite a few people here who trade stocks specifically in MT5. The vast majority trade on FOREX, some, like me, trade futures on FORTS.