A topic for traders. - page 46

Uladzimir Izerski #:

I see the appetite for waves is showing towards the end of the day???))

Rolling updates.... Sitting in this browser tab in parallel... no more...

transcendreamer #:

I'm being ironic to keep the heat up 😊

Actually there's nothing wrong with waves per se, price movement can be called by any word...

All that matters is an adequate methodology to describe and use them, well, or trading methodology...

What distinguishes a systematic approach from paleolithic trading...


I'm sure if you screw the Yusufhoji method to waves, it will work out best)

Uladzimir Izerski #:

We don't have an argument. There are brackets (in which waves do not exist). Capitalists are blind, after all, and don't notice them at allb))

How could they not? post #440

Or has the prophet already merged? 🤣

And by the way, what does this have to do with capitalists?

Capitalists might even have invested in "waves" if they "worked", but so far there is no evidence of that.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

I'm sure if you screw the Yusufhoji method to the waves, it will work out the best)

Wave PNB! - Exactly! - It means autoregressive model will draw future wave... get rich 😉

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

I'm sure if you screw the Yusufhoji method to the waves, you'll get the best out of it)

There. A clever thought has already appeared. Welcome.

It's a shame that the question posed to him is not answered.(

transcendreamer #:

How could it not? post #440

Or has the prophet already merged? 🤣

And by the way, what does this have to do with capitalists?

Capitalists might even have invested in 'waves' if they 'worked', but there's no evidence of that yet.

If I wanted subscribers or investors, would I really, from your bellwether, behave like that. Hee hee))

Uladzimir Izerski #:

If I wanted subscribers or investors, would I really, from your bell tower, behave like that. Hee-hee.))

You're exposing yourself as unprofessional -- for all the pros who work there know that investors in our industry are the real deal...

In before -- it's understandable that I'll be bragging about having the Grail and not needing investors. 😃

That's how people get lost forever in the abyss of grail-seeking and end up at a broken trough...

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

I'm sure if you screw the Yusufhoji method to the waves, it will work out the best)

In fact it does. I saw such a perspective 10 years ago and am not backing down now. Few people understand Yusuf and that makes him sad.

He has an unconventional and correct approach to the market, but little experience in trading. Apparently he is more busy with his grandchildren).

transcendreamer #:

You give yourself away as unprofessional at once -- because all the pros who work in our industry know that investors are the value...

In before -- it's understandable that you're going to brag that I have the Grail and don't need investors. 😃

That is how people disappear forever in the abyss of grail-seeking and find themselves at a broken trough...

It's into the abyss that the Aleshis who fall out of the 9th floor windows fall.

Don't confuse "Dreamer" your greed with my dignity towards others.

Your greed shines through in every post. I don't like those types of people.

Uladzimir Izerski #:

It's the Aleshis who fall out of the ninth floor windows who fall into the abyss.

Don't confuse "Dreamer" your greed with my dignity towards others.

Your greed shines through in every post. I don't like those types of people.

You're just jealous of me as usual.... 😁 and I don't have greed... I'm a great humanitarian...

So think about it, why is everyone here laughing at you? - it's probably for a reason, right?

I remind you, by the way, that you now have to prove to the community that"waves work".

Ei incumbit probacio, qui dicit, non qui negat.

Otherwise everyone will remember you as a false prophet and braggart. 😉