How do you properly compare two non-overlapping rows? - page 7

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

So much the worse for this 'scientific world'. Thousands of my undergraduates and doctoral students will have time to defend themselves. Board members won't dare open their mouths. One precedent has already happened. The scientific world will fall by the wayside of scientific progress or find itself in the role of a catching up, rushing, train.

Thousands... don't you know how to count yet?

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Such is your culture of communication. That's a pity.

I call things by their proper names.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I call things by their proper names.

This is instead of getting to the heart of the problem.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

So much the worse for this 'scientific world'. Thousands of my undergraduates and doctoral students will have time to defend themselves. Board members won't dare open their mouths. One precedent has already happened. The scientific world will fall by the wayside of scientific progress or find itself in the role of a catching up, rushing, train.

Anything is possible.

"The future's uncertain, and the end is always near"

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

This is instead of getting to the heart of the problem.

Let your local psychiatrist get to the heart of your problem

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Anything can happen.

"The future's uncertain, and the end is always near".

For everyone, the end is near, the covid is coming.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Let your local psychiatrist get to the bottom of your problem.

I'm out, you win, rejoice. Gone to his sixth ward for a moment.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Anything can happen.

"The future's uncertain, and the end is always near"

I admire your courage!


I wonder, what is the point of the professor trying to convince that hehas invented a non-linear ISC when clearly this is not the case?

Some kind of hypertrophied hubris or something...

Or has the professor not heard of the Levenberg-Marquardt method/algorithm?

And that's the middle of the last century for a second.

The good news is that the algorithm is already in the ALGLIB library, i.e. you don't have to write anything yourself.

There is both documentation and open source code

Everything has been optimized there for a long time for speed and accuracy (L-BFGS).

There are ready-made lsfitfit functions - you can just take it and use it.

The main thing is that it is available in MT5 because alglib was ported natively to mql5 long time ago.

The only disadvantage is that you have to know better than school mathematics and be able to work with barycentric coordinates and hessians.

But in general, you can use polynomials or splines, with or without weights or with constants...

Why reinvent the wheel with such a strain?

Not to say that ISC is not the only approach, and other approaches (loss function, maximum likelihood, etc) have been known for a long time.

Again this has long been known since the 60's at least.

Read it here:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Then please keep quiet and don't mislead the forum members!

Dimitri says it right, a lot of savvy people keep quiet simply because they don't want to get involved and pass it by.