Negative feedback, statement to regulators and Roskomnadzor. - page 13


The whole marketing is a hoax.

"Mineral water contains juice!", and this juice is stated as 3%, i.e. 1 tablespoon per half litre. And that's not the fact that it's even there, and the rest is dyed with a flavouring agent.

And so everywhere else - on the verge of a foul.


I suggest we get busy coding before the administrators get angry.

We should give them a break.


And so everywhere - on the brink of a foul.

I agree, there is a lot of it. All the more valuable are the people who offer unique things, without having to cheat. There is a recent example:

My daughter bought flowers for her mother's birthday a year ago, and this year, the day before the appointed date, the salon girl reminded us of the event and asked if we would like to purchase a bouquet again. And yes, we did!

There's no cheating, and that's real marketing. And asking others to write self-congratulatory reviews, well, that's a bit mauvais ton.