A win-win forex trading system. First test round. - page 18


Of course, no one needs these handicrafts for colouring charts, unless some naive beginner happens to look at them...

Or a housewife who believes that these loosely drawn channels/trends have some value...

By the way, it is noteworthy that the character writes about himself:

That explains a lot, doesn't it - an uneducated proletarian/PTU student is very consistent with low quality content, and so is the picture on the avatar 😁

We can assume he was fired from the factory and decided to become a trader 🤣

But after reading a couple of books from the category "Forex in 90 minutes" and learning to paint "patterns" - of course no success...

Desperate to make money - started selling fakes - a typical fate of a wannabe trader...

I'll tell you that I come from an aristocratic family, but now from a working class family. Because history and geography change. And for you, losing your parents' life savings can turn into sleeping under someone else's TV box. Which is already very evident in the forum posts

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Unfortunately, there is no substantial money in the market behind such characters) Usually, only those who have serious teams of mathematicians have big money...

But who will forbid us to dream that "there are few hares and many fools in the bazaar")

Oh, I agree here too, that there are many fools)))) Of course, and the lambs you herd.)))

Who are you making fools of? Is it just a lack of understanding of the subject or do you want to elevate yourself above the rest?

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'll tell you that I come from a count's family, but now I come from a working class family. Because history and geography change. And for you, losing your parents' savings can turn into sleeping under someone else's TV box. Which is already very evident in the forum posts.

Yeah, the count in the goth adidas, with the hair, and the hygiene like a yard punk, well, well... 🤣

And you clearly do not know what to pick on,and are setting up your painful projections here, I'm doing well with my savings and my briefcase.

It's the proletarians, the pussies, the hairyheads who should be worried because they're about to spend their old age in a doghouse.

So far there is no reason for a revolution or anything like that to happen so that Drimmer's assets will depreciate.

Robust market capitalism, and let's just say it will continue to do so.


Yeah, the count in the gimpy adidas, with the hair, and hygiene like a yard punk, well, well... 🤣

And it's obvious you don't know what to pick on,and you're setting up your painful projections here, I'm doing fine with my savings and my briefcase.

It's the proletarians, the pussies, the hairyheads who should be worried because they're about to spend their old age in a doghouse.

So far there is no reason for a revolution or anything like that to happen so that Drimmer's assets will depreciate.

Robust market capitalism, and god forbid it will continue to do so.

All your ramblings of arrogance lie at a low level. They do me no harm, they only bring success.

And I so wanted to see a smart and positive forum user, but it turned out to be a miserable bum who has lost everything and is living under a TV box.


Sometimes beautiful and clever phrases hide angry individuals resentful of their fate.

Uladzimir Izerski:

All your wanderings into arrogance lie at a low level. They don't harm me, they only bring me success.

And I wanted so much to see a smart and positive forumer in the Dreamer, but it turns out to be an angry, lost cause, living under a TV box, resentful homeless person.


Sometimes beautiful and clever phrases hide angry, resentful individuals who are resentful of their own fate.

And what kind of success do you have? 😁😂🤣 - no good education, no job, no capital, no trading/investing, just posting naive pictures with tehanalysis in the hope that someone will buy your craft...

It's very telling how you used to defend cleaners and all sorts of low skilled workers - isn't that a direct confirmation that you belong to that lower "caste" too? 😃

So you're left to project your image of the "bum in front of the TV" onto the noble Drimmer, who is invulnerable to you at all times.

That's the sad part... But you are very important here - as an example for other novice traders - to know what you can turn into...

In your example, we see the development of a sense of weakness or inferiority, as well as envy towards the class enemy in society, the intellectual elite in particular.

Psychologists and philosophers have shown that resentment is a defining characteristic of the morality of slaves, which opposes the morality of masters.

The forms of this can be very different, but at the heart of it is always the envy of the worst for the best.

The financial industry is a particularly vivid example of how the underdogs (as represented by Mr Isersky) are fiercely complex and lash out at the capitalists.

The subject creates an image of the enemy in order to remove the guilt of their own failures.

The Dreamer, on the other hand, is as positive and optimistic as possible, looking forward to the future and to cyber-logos and transhumanism.

There is practically no other such positive and humanistic and benevolent capitalist Dreamer.


Yeah, the count in the gimpy adidas, with the hair, and hygiene like a yard punk, well, well... 🤣

And it's obvious you don't know what to pick on,and you're setting up your painful projections here, I'm doing fine with my savings and my briefcase.

It's the proletarians, the pussies, the hairyheads who should be worried because they're about to spend their old age in a doghouse.

So far there is no reason for a revolution or anything like that to happen so that Drimmer's assets will depreciate.

Robust market capitalism, and god forbid, will continue to do so.

By your lengthy posts lately you are creating a negative backdrop on the forum. If you consider yourself superior and smarter than others, why do you sink to their level? Find someone of your own caliber and hone your skills of subtle insults and jabs at him. A world champion boxer won't step into the ring against a third-rate competitor. So why do you do it? Maybe because you're not as smart as you think you are. In any case your intelligence deserves a better use, you shouldn't waste your time and effort trolling individuals you don't like.

When we 'locked' profit with a wider lock (by taking more points to the positive lock), we can trade inside this lock and within this risk.

Anything that goes beyond the loc with equity on top, either do not trade at all or use free margin with the minimum lot. At the same time, it is necessary to first lock the equity with a lot several times larger than the minimum one.

Obviously, it is necessary to understand when there are suitable conditions on the market to implement what has been planned.

Also, it is possible to trade within the positive equity on other instruments, not only on the instrument with such a lock.

To put it simply, the range is traded, but not within a channel but with a locked profit. That won't disappear in case of any strong price movement out of the range.

This I will try to show using a live example.
Let's discuss the fact.

With your lengthy posts of late you have created a negative backdrop on the forum. If you think you are taller and smarter than others, why stoop to their level? Find someone like yourself and hone your skills of subtle insults and jabs at him. A world champion boxer won't step into the ring against a third-rate competitor. So why do you do it? Maybe because you're not as smart as you think you are. In any case your intelligence deserves a better use, you shouldn't waste your time and effort trolling individuals you don't like.

Not at all, I bring light and goodness, while certain characters come down on me (which is obvious from the history of correspondence!) So they get what they deserve for their boorish antics.

The fact is that people in certain groups (you included) sometimes overreact to posts that they feel undermine their values.

But after all, that's their (and yours) personal problem, not mine 😁

My message was to ironically show that some paths lead to a dead end (see my first post in this thread).

Understandably, it destroys the faith of the naive and they get terribly offended by the truth, to the point of resentful yelling and squealing.

When we 'lock' a profit, with a wider lock (taking more pips into a positive lock), we can trade within that lock and within that risk.

Anything that goes beyond the loc with equity on top, either do not trade at all, or use free margin with the minimum lot. At the same time, it is necessary to first lock the equity with a lot several times larger than the minimum one.

Obviously, it is necessary to understand when there are suitable conditions on the market to implement what has been planned.

Also, it is possible to trade within the positive equity on other instruments, not only on the instrument with such a lock.

To put it simply, the range is traded, but not just in the channel but with a locked profit. That won't disappear in case of any strong price movement out of the range.

This I will try to show using a live example.
Let's discuss the fact.

This is good, but why do we need to lock if we can simply close the position and not pay swaps? - What is the secret purpose?

The profit transferred to the balance sheet will not go anywhere with any movement.

Or you can withdraw it, if it bothers you too much 😁 You can also withdraw it from your account.


Very good, but why lock when you can just close the position and not pay swaps? - what is the sacred point?

The profit transferred to the balance sheet won't go anywhere with any movement either.

Or just withdraw them from your account, if you feel like it 😁 Stop it.

One of the quick answers might be this:

You can trade a breakthrough of your positive loc (range) in both directions. Thereby increasing the profit of the aggregate position, while not losing the profit already locked in.

If the price has sat in a range, like in the pound for a few weeks, trade inside this channel.