A win-win forex trading system. First test round. - page 17

Uladzimir Izerski:

Sorry, Alexei, of course. But I would like to understand you in trading. A complete zero understanding of you in trading, That's not looking at your articles that you can rivet sheep and lambs for a little money with Quotas...

Don't be a coward))) Show your face.))


Yes and here you can see the whole essence of plebs psychology...

Low-cultured scum always throwing themselves with squeals at good respectable people...

In the quoted fragment, the most obvious resentment of the uneducated loser to the intellectual elite...

Mr. Isersky is angry and infuriated by the very fact that there is someone better than him in terms of knowledge...

Again and again with the example of the distressed hairy patsy - we see how the phenomenon of the frustrations of a degenerate consciousness develops...

This is based on resentment and painful transference: the subject creates an image of an enemy to get rid of the guilt of his own material and spiritual poverty...

We see how he arrives and reacts violently to representatives of a higher stratum: squawking, vindictiveness, hostility to what the subject considers the cause of his failures...

Seeing the intellectual elite as a representative of a hostile class, the loser rages and tries to lash out at him, but every time he gets into a puddle...

The reason of spite of the hygienic gopnik is powerless envy and burdensome consciousness of futility of attempts to raise his status in life or in society...

Therefore, he hypercompensates with peculiar twisted projections and silly attacks...

This is a very important anti-example to understand what one can become and to what degree one can degrade...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Start by trying to understand what trading is)

Trading meaningless trinkets by means of meaningless flooding on a forum is not trading)

In a sense, it is an integral part of trading. Only at a different level than trading itself. But the industry is the same)
Forums and all other channels of communication with the consumer are created for that purpose and new ones are being created.

As you can see, there's Market and Freelance on the portal. As well as articles where, as your opponent pointed out, you've already checked in.

Only the words 'peddling nonsensical trinkets' would be more correct replaced with 'selling your products within the established rules.
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Start by trying to understand what trading is)

Trading senseless tricks by means of meaningless rubbish on the forum is not trading)

He is posting coloured pictures with comments that he allegedly knows the essence of the market 😁 He is covered in nonsense tex.

He is full of invalid technical analysis (channels, arrows, bars) and thinks he is clever ...

Such small-minded people think that the more arrows you put on the chart the more reliable the forecast ...

African sorcerers are just as colourful as Mr. Izersky with his charts 🤣

In a sense it is an integral part of trading. Only on a different level from the trading itself. But the industry is the same).
Forums and all other channels of communication with the consumer are for this purpose and new ones are being created.

As you can see, the portal has Market and Freelance. There are also articles, where, as your opponent pointed out, you are already featured.

Yet you can notice that advertising products in the "Forum" is prohibited) But some clever fellow bypass this ban on its very edge - in the hope that the constant spotlighting on the forum will lead to increased sales) First - they are mistaken, and secondly - falls down the quality of communication on the forum.


He also posts coloured pictures with comments that he allegedly knows the essence of the market 😁...

He's using outdated technical analysis (channels, arrows, bars) and thinks he's smarter than everyone ...

Such small-minded people think that the more arrows you put on the chart the more reliable the forecast ...

African wizards paint their charts the same way as Mr Izersky does 🤣 ...

Unfortunately, there is no substantial money in the market behind such characters) Usually, only those who have serious teams of mathematicians working for them have big money...

But who can stop us from dreaming that "there are few hares and many fools in the bazaar")

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Unfortunately, there is no substantial money in the market behind such characters) Usually, only those who have serious teams of mathematicians have big money...

But who will forbid us to dream that "there are few hares in the market and many fools").

Of course, these handicrafts for coloring charts nobody needs, unless some naive novice looks at ...

Or a housewife who believes these loosely drawn channels/trends have some value...

Remarkable by the way, the character writes about himself:

Uladzimir Izerski:

Me, a working class man [...].

That explains a lot, doesn't it - an uneducated proletarian/PTU student is very consistent with low quality content, and with the picture on the avatar too 😁

We can assume he was fired from the factory and decided to become a trader 🤣

But after reading a couple of books from the category "Forex in 90 minutes" and learning to paint "patterns" - of course no success...

Desperate to make money - started selling trinkets - typical fate of a wannabe trader...


Of course, no one needs these handicrafts for colouring charts, unless some naive beginner happens to look at them...

Or a housewife who believes that these loosely drawn channels/trends have some value...

By the way, it is noteworthy that the character writes about himself:

That explains a lot, doesn't it - an uneducated proletarian/PTU student is very consistent with low quality content, and with the picture on the avatar too 😁

We can assume he was fired from the factory and decided to become a trader 🤣

But after reading a couple of books from the category "Forex in 90 minutes" and learning how to colour "patterns" - of course no success...

Desperate to make money - started selling fakes - a typical fate of a wannabe trader...

You're just drowning my thread with posts like this.
An unexpected move on your part.
You are faced with risk either way. With minimal risk and a lot of capital it's much more unpleasant to go out of the market than with a little capital but high risk and profit potential.

There is no limit to the amount of money available. You have to learn how to control the high risk and get the maximum gain from it.

Looking forward to more examples of trading with maximal gains and risk control.

In principle the approach of keeping strictly under collateralized trades in a trading account is not a bad thing.

By itself it doesn't generate any profit.

And lots for sure.

By the way there's a funny resemblance between "lock" and "sucker" 😁 I'm not implying anything, just a consonance... 😃

Let's say you can jag by depositing a small amount of S into your account.

But because zhakh practically turns it into a mono deal.

And again, there is the question of expected payoff, spread and other parameters of such a deal.

You can split the capital into 100 or 1000 parts, to have enough capital for 100 or 1000 zhakh deals.

But the task of managing probability ratios and profit/risk ratios has not been solved.

In any case EV = P*PF - (P-1)*R

Here P = probability of a profitable trade, R = unit risk, PF = target/risk ratio.

What difference does it make to do it on one deposit or on 100 or 1000 deposits?

Well put yourself a stop at 1/100 or 1/1000 and it will be the same.

Isn't it obvious?

However, I'm probably wasting my time.

It's like reading a course on molluscs 😉

You're just drowning my thread with posts like this.
An unexpected move on your part.

On the contrary, sir, I'm raising the profile of your project, albeit in a slightly extravagant way.

There may even be a segment of the public willing to invest in your project . Of course, it's a long shot, but still.

Moreover, using rhetorical devices I lead you to the awareness of corruptibility, to which you are dishonestly indulging in here.

It will certainly help you to realize the futility and get rid of the cloud of false perceptions.


It's like reading a course in matstatistics to a mollusk 😉

It's symbolic that the auto-substitution gave a link to Alex Nikolayev's article - it's definitely a sign of doom and an indication to action.