The future of the Forex industry - page 93


I differ fromProfessor Yusuf in that I am not trying to convince everyone that I have discovered something ))).

My thought was as simple as a rattle. If people are massively professing some idea of this world, it's for a reason and for a long time.

And yet claimed to know some "underlying processes"... yet you never really said anything...

By your logic, savages who practice animism and worship stumps have some kind of significance, okay...

Or the enduring delusions of superstition and conspiracy theories must also have some objective meaning...



Or the enduring ravings of superstition and conspiracy theories must also make some kind of objective sense...

You are not far from the truth. The content of heads is not objective. Especially when it is of a mass stereotypical nature. That's probably all I wanted to let you know.


You are not far from the truth. The content of heads is not accidental. Especially when it is of a massive stereotypical nature. That's probably all I wanted to let you know.

Pfft... well everyone has known about archetypes for a long time and it's no surprise to anyone in 2021...

Equally, there's nothing to wonder that the savage/barbarbaric customs you mention have seeped into modern times...

The funniest thing is that individual characters and whole groups are subject to archetypal complexes on the scale of entire nations/societies...

And it is certainly a very sad phenomenon opposing ideas of progress and freedom when people voluntarily imprison themselves in a mental prison...

Indoctrinated patterns and false values are inculcated often from childhood under the guidance of official cult info priests...

This is reinforced through heroic archetypes and people seriously believe they are being heroic...

But in reality they behave like evil orcs aggressing against everything with a different axiology and/or with a different cultural code...

Poor zombified creatures cannot even realize what happened to them and think that it was their own thoughts...

This is the voodoo magic of noosphere technology...


Humanity needs to get over the divisions, forget the stupid grievances and start integrating.

It will certainly not be an easy process...

That is roughly what the naïve Gorbachev thought. You know what it led to. He wanted to overcome the dissociation of mankind, but got the collapse of the country.

Moderators! Awww!
What's all the shouting about, be quiet before the branch gets hit. We're sitting in our backyard, snapping sunflower seeds, talking about life. There's no need to call for a bathhouse punishment on our heads!
It's an election year. Hence the urge to bicker:)

I don't think anyone would argue that competition for resources is the basis of life on earth. There are many individuals, resources are scarce, and whoever adapts to get a resource survives.

Yes, man due to his social nature and developed brain activity is capable and often does altruistic deeds. But it is impossible to escape from the truth of life, and we are constantly balancing ourselves so as not to slip into either side.

If a person needs help where he cannot cope on his own but strives to do so, then by all means help is needed. But there is no point in putting a person on your neck who is lazy and careless himself. Therefore, capitalism is a more adequate system to life.

There should be guarantees for the sick and infirm, but the rest should rustle. I think there should be no objection to this.

Aleksei Stepanenko:
What are you all shouting about, be quiet before the branch is shut down. We're sitting on the lamppost, snapping sunflower seeds, talking about life. There's no need to call for the punishment of the baths on our heads!

Why do you need a thread where you can't reply?


Dimitri, why not? I listen with interest.