The future of the Forex industry - page 89

Олег avtomat:

If you assert such nonsense, your stupidity is obvious to all.

We both understand that Northern Eurasia is chronically lagging behind the normal vector of development.

Of course you deny it, because your inner censor and embedded zombopropaganda patterns make you say so.

Deep down you hate yourself and your region.

Everyone understands this very well.

But unable to escape from the black hole of the corrupted attractor, you are forced to retreat into excuses that things are not so bad.

The horror of characters like the Automaton is that once in a puddle, you don't try to get out of it, but you try to settle down in that puddle.


If you want your children to be initiated into all intimate matters and encourage gender reassignment from a young age, grow up there. Just keep in mind that if you don't agree with this, you can be accused of being a bad parent and have your parental rights revoked.

God, where do you find such filth? And put it in your mouth.

Олег avtomat:
According to the news in the U.S., degradation is on the march.

There is that, but I don't care, let the plebs and losers degrade themselves.

And the creative high achievers are quite comfortable.


God, where do you find such filth? You take it in your mouth.

Okay, TV.


The US is still one of the leading economies and you can't change that 😂

How's the petrol situation over there? No problems with refuelling?

Олег avtomat:

Exactly! Degradation! Through the efforts of people like you.

No, that's not true.

You are degrading because of your own chronic mistakes.

And worse than that - you are strenuously denying your mistakes and not trying to correct them.

There is a very unsound word for those who do that. 😆

However, no one forbids you to degrade further - it is your inalienable right.


We both understand that Northern Eurasia is chronically lagging behind the normal vector of development.

Of course you deny this, because your inner censor and embedded patterns of zombopropaganda make you say so.

Deep down you hate yourself and your region.

Everyone understands this very well.

But unable to escape from the black hole of the corrupted attractor, you are forced to retreat into excuses that things are not so bad.

The horror of characters like the Automaton is that once in a puddle, you don't try to get out of it, but you try to settle down in that puddle.

Do you think that perversion of all kinds isa normal vector of development?

Apparently, you are close to these perversions.


There is that, but I don't care, let the plebs and losers degrade themselves.

And the creatives who are highly evolved are quite comfortable.

That way they won't hit you on your "creativity", they'll hit you in the face.

Andrei Trukhanovich:

So, television.

It's not for nothing they say about the zombie TV... but now it's even worse - now YouTube is also zombifying itself with propaganda and patriotic nonsense... They breed new conformist socialists...


God, where do you find such filth? And you take it in your mouth.

One of the myths of primitive zombified patriots who have never been anywhere they know for sure that only gays live in Europe 😉