The future of the Forex industry - page 162


And what's typical: forum guru always gets pissed off when it's pointed out that he's a fake piccher 😁

That's a very telling sign.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm feeding off your energy.) I enjoy the way you vent your anger on me.) I'm a sucker for it))) But you're still a wuss.

You fake it, buddy, and everyone can see it 😁

It's just me vamping you all the way and you snapping back painfully-justifying yourself.

You're a loser and can't even come up with anything in trolling.

Waiting for bitcoin at 200000 🤣

Renat Akhtyamov:

I got the theory, I got the results.

What else do you need?

a grail code listing or something? ;))))

even the practical task i described verbatim couldn't be accomplished.

and then I even wrote down what I needed to see

but they couldn't

Fucking hell

to take an example, to see what I clearly pointed out, to understand how the market works....

they couldn't

so what's there to catch for such smart guys in forex?

if you write in riddles, no one will understand what you're talking about

someone will try but won't understand what to do next, there are no hints and additional information.

so they'll just glance at it and forget about it.

I would say the practical task (if you mean constantly opening the lock again and again?) is somewhat masochistic, it's like a squirrel in a wheel)))

If you take out all the drainage systems, you may stay like this for 10 years and never succeed )))

When it comes to the Forex market, you may give many examples, but the important thing is not the examples, but the core!

As for Forex, it's a fundamental thing, you can't catch a bull's-eye here, you have to sacrifice a lot to get a steady flow of money

just a graph or draw a diagram of how it really works that's all, just a purely theoretical not necessary to show all the censorship

show the gist and then whoever understands will study it

otherwise, with a few lines of your big words, sorry friend, no one will understand how the grail works

you need a clear practical example, or a graphical scheme, like the UAT scheme (where the figure shows how the liquidity aggregator works).

it's like this

Marat Zeidaliyev:

If you write in riddles, no one will understand what we're talking about.

Someone will try but won't understand what to do next, there's no hints and extra information, people aren't as bright as you

so they'll just glance at it and forget about it

I would say the practical task (if you mean constantly opening the lock again and again?) is somewhat masochistic, it's like a squirrel in a wheel)))

If you take out all the drainage systems, you may stay like this for 10 years and never succeed )))

When it comes to the Forex market, you may give many examples, but the most important thing is not the examples, but the core!

As for Forex, it's a fundamental thing, you can't catch a bull's-eye here, you have to sacrifice a lot to get a steady flow of money

just a graph or draw a diagram of how it really works that's all, just purely theoretical not to show all the censorship

show the gist and then whoever understands will study it

otherwise, with a few lines of your big words, sorry friend, no one will understand how the grail works

you need a clear practical example, or a graphical scheme, like the UCR scheme (where the figure shows how the liquidity aggregator works).

it's like this

not over and over again but just one and see where the price goes

and that's all it took

then i did give an answer

read it, repeated the experience, made sure

и ....

After we figured out how the price moves, we started writing any programs, anyhow


You're faking it, buddy, and everyone can see it 😁

It's just me vamping you all the way and you snapping back painfully-justifying yourself.

You're a loser and can't even come up with anything in trolling.

Waiting for bitcoin at 200000 🤣

You better tell me, braggart, how good is it to live on welfare in the states? How did you buy a factory and open a brokerage firm on welfare?

You keep attacking everybody like you're on a chain guarding other people's stuff.


Torn up pretty badly today by the false prophets! just into mush! 🤣

One, Rena, is tearing the last of his sweatshirt off his chest, pounding his chest like a gibbon, in a vain attempt to convince himself that he has the Grail 😃

How ridiculous this looks...

The second, the hairy socialist beggar Ulad (eitherunemployed or a cleaner) snaps viciously at the good capitalist Drimmer.

Since Drimmer is invulnerable, Ulad has to go nuts and project his painful projections wildly. 😁

Drimmer's invulnerability causes this poor guy to have particularly deep bouts of frustration.

From this we can see that Ulad identifies himself as a poor slob in the forex market where he has come because he is not allowed to get a good job.

This is particularly evident in the way Mr Izerski tries to invert Drimer's posts:

As soon as Drimer wrote about the unemployed in the US, Ulad immediately started painfully projecting this point! 😁😂🤣

It's all clear-cut now....

Before that, when Drimer wrote that poor people come to the market in a vain attempt to make money and get drained, Ulad too started projecting this frustration of his intensely!!!

Two key signs to show that Mr Izerski is the plummer - otherwise he wouldn't be reacting like this.


Renat Akhtyamov:

not over and over again, but just one and see where the price goes

and that's all it took.

then I gave you the answer

read it, repeated the experience, made sure

и ....

Once they figured out how the price moves, they started writing any programs

where and when?

Did I miss something? )

Uladzimir Izerski:

Tell me, braggart, how good is it to live on welfare in the States? How did you buy a factory and open a brokerage firm on welfare?

You keep attacking everybody like you're on a chain guarding other people's stuff.

Jealous, pauper 😃

And I'm not lashing out at all, on the contrary you're the one who comes running in and pounces like an unfed dog on the kindly Drimmer - everyone can see that.

Drimmer posts good useful interesting posts - and you run over and throw feces - in the history of posts all recorded.

And again, telling! - As soon as I posted about the unemployed - you immediately started painfully projecting on the subject, Mr Izersky! 🤣

Well now it's clear to everyone that you are the unemployed on welfare!


Marat Zeidaliyev:

where and when?

did i miss something ? )


I just wrote later.

i just thought someone would see what i was expecting and say.


I didn't wait and wrote it myself ;)


So we have a clinical picture of the chronic liar and fantasist prophet Rena posting fakopikchi.

And a second clinical picture of the unemployed beggar hippy Ulad with morbid projections, fiercely jealous of capitalists.