The future of the Forex industry - page 70


You're a fool who believes that everyone is weak, but not for long.

Once again you're angry and hissing and yapping like a mooch at an elephant in powerless rage

and at who! - Drimmer himself!

your life won't change until you start doing something yourself


Once again you are angry and hissing and yapping like a mooch at an elephant in a powerless rage.

and at who! - Drimmer himself!

your life won't change until you start doing something yourself

Are you sure you don't want something that brings you down?


Thus, we see that among the lower level workers there are often absolutely disgusting specimens, who sometimes lose their human face and their behavior resembles wild orcs, and this is a great confirmation that there are always better ways to invest available funds than to raise salaries to such creatures, in fact - why feed the spiteful ungrateful mob? -like fast235 - if you raise their salaries there will be more such creatures in society...


Thus, we see that among lower level workers there are often absolutely disgusting examples, who sometimes lose their human face and their behavior resembles wild orcs, and this is a great confirmation that there are always better ways of investing free money than to raise salaries to such creatures, in fact - why feed the spiteful ungrateful mob? -Like fast235 - if you raise their salaries there will be more such creatures in society...

A different person would have told you to go fuck yourself.

Remember I told you, you're going to get it all over you if I don't stop). Shit can be thrown in different directions with a shovel, but you threw it upwards.

Are you sure you don't need something lowering down?

No I don't think so, I'm fine, thank you.

Are you going to go to your plant or not?

You've been wanting to quit for five pages now, but you can't.

you must have something on your mind... and it won't let go so fast...

that stupid feeling of loss will haunt you for a long time to come

i don't even know why you got torn up in the middle of nowhere?

I won't leave until I've seen the film

Anybody else would have told you off by now.

I recommend you take a sedative and go to the factory.

With hard work you may one day be able to prove a raise (or maybe not)

Remember I told you, you're gonna get all over yourself if I don't stop). Shit can be thrown in different directions with a shovel, but you threw it upwards.

Learn to behave in a civilised manner and not become a street trash


I recommend you take a sedative and go to the factory.

with hard work you might one day be able to prove a raise (or maybe not)

You're wrong, and you know I never cheat.