The future of the Forex industry - page 44


Then explain why many people who have left their homeland feel homesickness, discomfort and nostalgia. And some go back. For example, some Germans who left Kazakhstan for Germany have returned. Some Jews came back. Solzhenitsyn came back. Is it thanks to divorce and propaganda?

Nostalgia should not be confused with love, I, for example, also have a kind of nostalgia for the time of the USSR, even though the USSR was the bottom.

And the whole point is that one remembers good things, one's youth, some stories that always leave their mark.


Then explain why many people who have left their homeland feel homesickness, discomfort and nostalgia. And some go back. For example, some Germans who left Kazakhstan for Germany have returned. Some Jews came back. Solzhenitsyn came back. Is it thanks to divorce and propaganda?

What's more I even have nostalgia for the early 20th century now 😀 how can you explain that? 😅


Of course it happens, of course the front line is put on the front line whenever possible, the ones you don't feel sorry for. The point is that if you acknowledge only your immediate circle, ignoring the interests of the far side, you may find yourself in a situation where there is no far side and you and your little fellow man are on your own against the enemy, who to your mind is irrational, but efficient and well aware that in a fight the group always beats the loner who did not blow all the way and only took a pitchfork to the edge of his hut.

You will always treat the near and far differently, for example, here are 10 people in front of you, 5 of them are your relatives, there is a boat with 5 seats, +1 helmsman is you and you decide who to take who to keep, and everyone wants to be saved, but you have to choose five, and just try to tell me that you will not put your five? 😉

The rest of the pitchfork and hut metaphors don't stand up to any, even the most superficial criticism 😀

It gets wrapped up in the specific example when your neighbour's house is on fire and yours isn't yet and you watch the telly instead of helping to put out his fire and soon get your own. It is clear that the situation and morals in some distant region has little effect on your life directly, but nevertheless, you have let the region fall into depression and you will get your own house full of troublemakers who will rob honest citizens, among whom you yourself can also happen to be. The house is illusory, in the sense that when they come to you to take something against your will, you can't hide behind your progressive views about supranational cultural values, about how you're outside the conflict, because you don't associate with those who are involved and are therefore kind of beside the point. It's like the representative of a nation at the sight of pogroms on his doorstep will start telling them that he's a citizen of the world, doesn't recognize some silly archaic concept and in general is a marketer, meritocrat and globalist. Only it is not the passport that is being hit.

Another far-fetched example, let's put it this way: if I see a fire here, I'll try to help, but I won't go to put out fires in California or Australia or Siberia 😃 I think you won't go either, people are suffering there by the way. - What kind of patriot are you then, not caring about your fellow countrymen?

Then you talk about pogroms and depression - you look like you were writing on a dial-up connection in the 1990s - what pogroms? What depression? - If you see something bad going on in the street you just call the police, while no one will do anything about depression, Russia has been depressed for decades? - And by the way why don't you do anything about the depression?

I don't understand why you're trying to ascribe some extraneous qualities to me. I have never written anything that I would call for giving up the police, rescue services, etc.


The example doesn't seem very abstract to me, maybe it's too abstract, but it seems to me that you have expanded it a bit. You have been talking here for a few days, you're already warmed up, and I just rolled in :) But I see that it's time to roll out, very resource-intensive discussion, and most importantly the endless, a hundred years in such a dabbing :) People devote their whole lives to these topics, far be it for us on the forum in a dozen posts to discuss it.

Does that mean you've admitted that you have no arguments on the merits?

I think you underestimate the energy of the periphery, sipping juice in your metropolis, but go a little further and it turns out that all these ridiculous outdated for you values are more alive than ever. Sure the centre is richer and more resourced and where possible pulls in the most loyal, progressive and conformist by whom you judge, but if you count by head you probably get something like a dozen retards per advanced, ironic postmodernist. 10 % of planet's population literally cannot read, and it is clear that this skill in itself does not guarantee anything in the sense of reasonableness and critical thinking. And they can't even do that. So it seems to me that I'm not behind the times, but you see a reversal where the old trend is in full swing. That's without taking into account possible diversions in the form of a new world war or some super-crisis like default of the USA. We'll see in some years, but the reversal seldom looks unambiguous at the moment :)

I may not know what's going on in the periphery, but so far it seems that there have been no cases of cannibalism.

Anyway, what were you trying to tell me, that I should give my profits to the peripheries or something? 😂🤣😅

The US has been waiting for the fall for decades, but for some reason nothing is falling, long time to wait apparently...


What's more I now even have nostalgia for the early 20th century 😀 how can you explain that? 😅

And you probably remember the silver age with sadness).

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

You're wrong, not a socialist) Interesting test by the way)

That's why I wrote - a quasi-socialist 😆 is a socialist who tells everyone he's not a socialist but supports socialist ideas.

In general I've always thought there is reasoning and there are main thoughts/conclusions. If from Schumpeter you have it (elitist democracy) the main idea, for me it is strange) Generally Schumpeterian readings are spent till now, crisis of 2008 has been based on Schumpeter. And about elitist democracy and caste divisions somehow not mentioned)

No, you won't get away with it, Schumpeter is famous for those two points: creative destruction and elitist democracy.

Apparently you read Schumpeter very selectively , because he is the founder of this trend - elitism in political economy and political science and even prescribed in detail the conditions for the effective management of society, he also wrote that democracy is a competition of leaders, although now his views already seem one-sided.

Among the most important driving forces of the economic process, Schumpeter singled out the entrepreneurial function. Its essence is the implementation of innovations that move the production process forward. This requires the special talents of true entrepreneurs, the true elite.

So you are trying in vain to say thatSchumpeter's elitismis something of an afterthought, especially since he himself came from and was raised in an elitist environment. 🤣

Better curtail this topic so as not to sit in the puddle again.

Tribes had an economy first and laws and customs came later? No comment even. Urgent latest tribal studies and anthropology read!!!!!!!! This is a fundamentally incorrect statement.))) Or give me some examples, maybe we really read such different books))))

I see you not only know history terribly poorly but are proud of it... 😆

And by the way, I'll let you in on a secret: if you put a lot of exclamation marks, it doesn't give your words more weight.

Next, I'll remind you again of the example of Russian Truth, as well as Gordon Childe's, John Graham Clarke's paleo-economics studies.

Economics always precedes law, and not knowing that is a terrible disgrace!

And what would be? What is the rationality of this thesis?

Like what... If you don't want to work better (more efficiently) then no one will do it for you.


Hi. Is it a phenomenon, anyone forced to leave their homeland and find themselves in a foreign country feels uncomfortable, at least at first, as they feel that their environment and foreign people are hostile to them. And this has a reason because not everyone is loyal to immigrants.

I categorically do not accept it, a person's homeland is the country where he was born and raised. Everything else is foreign.

Your mind clings to conventions and templates, discard them and you will feel much better.


This is not possible.

I mean, of course, management may attempt to hide information, but still, one way or another, employees will know their colleagues' salaries.

Of course, you cannot forbid people to communicate and tell each other about themselves, but usually if you explain that this is not a factory, that confidentiality policies apply, and that in the end it will be to your own detriment, people usually understand and do not blab.

I don't know about elsewhere, but in my case it was unseemly to ask.

Perhaps it also depends on the type of company, it is clear that in the government or in a factory there are these stupid tariff schedules, everyone knows everything there, but in normal capitalist high-tech companies this topic is not usually talked about.


Don't talk long, for life is short).

This again means that there is no argument and the socialist wing has failed again, right?


Your mind is clinging to conventions and patterns, discard them and you will feel much better.

No, it will be easier when things settle down, and for that you will have to suffer, suffer a lot first.


Of course, no one will officially acknowledge this. Everyone will say that we are keen for dialogue, cooperation and constructive, but here they are wobbling and undermining and so we have to, but we are still keen and open, at the same time we will not tolerate and will stand up for...

I don't even know who it is, I just remembered it as a good illustration. That's probably why he can afford to call things by their proper names. When he was in office, he must have done it by the book, which is how it's done since the dawn of time).

Who are they? And who are we? Who are you talking about now? I'm just not good at your patriotic discourse. I can only assume you must be for the USA? 😍

As for China, you probably think the USA is asleep and dreaming of a bashing China, don't you?

At the same time, there are those in the elite who benefit from developing relations with China, and there are those who do not care.

You cannot look at the world one-sidedly!