The future of the Forex industry - page 14


After all, it is the rank-and-file employees who produce,

This is a categorical statement - and it is easy to see that if the employees separate from the enterprise, would they then be able to continue producing on their own and without the conditions given to them by the owner of the enterprise? - Certainly not - and so, it is clear that the employees do not make the products, but the enterprise as a whole and the staff is mostly just the service staff.

It was not ordinary employees who bought equipment with their own money, ordinary employees did not calculate the production chain / conversion, not ordinary employees made costing and efficiency evaluation, they just worked there for payroll ...

The main thing is that the owner has thought through the business idea and brought it to fruition, the owner has found financing and selected accommodation, the owner has found lawyers and marketing experts, that's what unfortunately some people just can not understand and think that it does not cost anything ...

and it sucks their blood like a tick, not paying the money they earned.)

Sure, it's a typical bottom-up view, without understanding the whole economic picture... That's the way the backstreet grannies talk... This is ridiculous!

Why does he underpay? How and on what grounds does he decide that he is underpaying them? does he always underpay? no options? 🤣

And the main question - why should he pay them so much for their trivial manual labour? what have they created that they should be remunerated along with the owner and partners of the business?

really think about it.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

I would say that no matter what, evolution encourages living organisms to constantly adapt to their environment, which in turn changes. I cannot grasp the essence of what is happening and the meaning of being. I hope so far...

The teleology of human existence is a very global issue, we won't figure it out that quickly 😃

There's no doubt that the evolutionary movement applies not only to biological systems

Aleksey Nikolayev:

How about the current popular theory that there is essentially no confrontation between capitalism and socialism, etc. and other isms against other isms, but there is a confrontation between global financial capital and global industrial capital, and everything else is just an episode of this struggle? In my opinion, a good conspiracy theory)

If it's a question, the host should put a question mark at the end of the sentence. Or did the drunken docent forget to put it?


Why? What's the reason? This is the third or fourth time I've asked and I can't hear the answer - why?

The answer has been here.

I am not against entrepreneurs per se and am aware of their usefulness. I am not against private enterprise as the main difference between capitalism and socialism. I just don't agree with how the profits from the sale of the product produced by the enterprise are divided. When the lion's share of profits is appropriated by the upper class, led by the owner. I believe that the personal income that the owner must have should not be more than 10 times the average salary of the employees of the enterprise. I believe that 10 times is enough. Isn't it enough for the owner to live 10 times better than his employees? Of course I am not counting here the money that the entrepreneur spends on production or infrastructure. I am only referring to the money he spends on personal consumption.

Будущее у Forex индустрии
Будущее у Forex индустрии
  • 2021.05.08
Какое будущее у Forex, в том виде, в котором мы его привыкли воспринимать...

(and loans, by the way, are probably not from the government, but from the Central Bank)

Don't mince words, the Central Bank issues loans by government orders or decrees.

Uladzimir Izerski:

No, you don't like the gallows as the gallows needs to be fed.

Why feed her? what's the reason? and most importantly, what's it got to do with me? 😆😅😄 I don't want to feed any losers...

How about destroying it and your life will improve?

Well if you mean global overpopulation - then of course population optimisation is necessary - the problem is long overdue - so many people just aren't needed - but I didn't mean mass murder 😆

Actually had a better opinion of you. You've lost my respect. Pity. Don't give me any explanations for not being fair))

You're repeating yourself... but I don't care... I'm just using the context...

your example could be a telling anti example of how not to dialogue...

you're obviously offended and bombed only because you associate yourself with this very same tit-for-tat, identifying yourself with textual images...


The teleology of human existence is a very global question, we're not going to find it out that quickly 😃

Already Aristotle argued that one must either accept the idea of God as the prime cause, or accept the endless recursion of ever more prime causes. Apparently, this is a fundamental limitation of human cognitive abilities that cannot be circumvented (unless one deludes oneself).

Uladzimir Izerski:

If it is a question, the host should put a question mark at the end of the sentence. Or did the drunken docent forget to put one?

I see the methanol keeps destroying your vision)


Why feed it? what's the reason? and most importantly - what's it got to do with me? 😆😅😄 I don't want to feed any losers...

Well if you mean global overpopulation - then of course population optimisation is necessary - the problem is long overdue - so many people just aren't needed - but I didn't mean mass murder 😆

You're repeating yourself... I don't care though... I'm just using the context...

your example could be a telling anti example of how not to dialogue...

it's obvious that you're only offended and bombarded because you associate yourself with this very rabble by identifying yourself with the images in the textboxes...

I told you everything. You can go deeper if you're capable enough. It's in hard form, but it's not boring.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

How about the current popular theory that there is essentially no confrontation between capitalism and socialism, etc. and other isms against other isms, but there is a confrontation between global financial capital and global industrial capital, and everything else is just an episode of this struggle? A good conspiracy theory in my opinion)

That is a very good and fruitful theme for consideration, I believe that the laws of development are invariant relatively to the territory, the market is invariant too, even if it takes a distorted form, but this is a market (remember that there was a black market for example) and the social stratification is somehow present irrespective of the flags that are plastered around the territory, the elite is in any society, no matter what it is called, the historical socialism is rather an extreme and extremely antisocial form of capitalism with the most expressed divide (between the elite and the market).

I would even suggest that the main struggles are between the ruling groups, who obey the same exact logic of striving for domination as millennia ago, never mind that the level of technology has changed, but the psychology of people is +/- the same.

But I wouldn't set up an opposition between financial capital and industrial capital - I don't see a particularly good reason for that...