Experiment - page 125

Well, html isn't a programming language, maybe that's why you haven't heard of it, how should I know?
That's not the practice here.
It always shows what's there.
If you want to.
Are gentlemen to be taken at their word?

Did you know that gentlemen are the scariest creatures on this planet? For they have evolved for centuries according to Darwin, as parasites of "no particular occupation" by their own admission in the 1881 census. Exercised to get rich by drowning whole peoples in blood, and so - for centuries )

P.S. In matters of security, it is not intentions but potentials that matter (c) V.V. Putin. Your intentions do not matter to me at all. The only thing that matters is your capabilities, to retroactively draw anything, and to show me, a potential gullible investor, a "state" that poses a danger to my money )

Are gentlemen to be taken at their word?

Did you know that gentlemen are the scariest creatures on this planet? For they have evolved for centuries according to Darwin, as parasites of "no particular occupation" by their own admission in the 1881 census )
OK, you probably read more than just this thread.
They've made the terminal so clever that it's possible to use Python. I'm happy with mql.
Are gentlemen to be taken at their word?

Did you know that gentlemen are the scariest creatures on this planet? For they have evolved for centuries according to Darwin, as parasites of "no particular occupation" by their own admission in the 1881 census. Exercised to get rich by drowning whole peoples in blood, and so - for centuries )

P.S. In matters of security, it is not intentions but potentials that matter (c) V.V. Putin. Your intentions do not matter to me at all. The only thing that matters is your capabilities, to draw retrospectively anything, and to show me, a potential gullible investor "state", which is a danger to my money )

Here's the psca, ok.
Once again, there is no drawing here, hence the beginning
And I, as I mentioned before, don't use mql as a matter of principle, no matter how good it is. I prefer the suspicious executable not to have any access to the algorithmic part.
Once again, whether they draw or not is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that any fool can (!) draw anything.

But they have no chance to trade in real time in public. And you have no chance either.
And as I've pointed out before, I don't use mql on principle, without regard to how good it is. I prefer that the suspicious executable doesn't have any access to the algorithmic part.
You think it doesn't?
Mikhail, Yusuf is pouring, and on the real. You start on the demo and yell that the forex is fucked. I'll tell you. You go to the real world, they'll kill you in five seconds. Don't yell.
Of course it doesn't. All the algorithmic part is in the host system, in Debian 10, and the suspicious executable in the suspicious Windows 10 operating system in a virtual machine built from source code taken from a place where it has been scrutinised .

Of course it doesn't. The entire algorithmic part is in the host system, in Debian 10, and the suspicious executable in the suspicious Windows 10 operating system in a virtual machine built from source code from a place where it has been scrutinised .

Oh man, good luck ;)
You have nothing to say on the merits of the issue, so all you have to do is say "good luck" with a profound look on your face.

You even pretended not to notice the "weak" part. For, indeed, it is weak.