Experiment - page 78

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Nah, there's someone here without me.)
Well, you've made yourself known, go ahead, if you're a man.
Well, Vladimir, you're a real piece of work ) It's indirect speech. I myself am the dust of the universe, like everyone else, though...

I hope it's not because they found new ones?

How are the new ones worse than the old ones? )

No. Old or new. Doesn't make any difference.

There's only one rule that drives the market, money.

Where there is more of it, it dominates, and the price goes where it needs to go. It automatically sets a trend as well as a counter-trend!

But this is of course a first-grade lesson, I can't tell you this, but...

Knowing where and when, at what moment it happens, is a whole other thing!

But to know where and when it happens, that's a different story.


on pure statistics, which are identical on almost any financial chart.Aren't they?

99% of statistics are based on commonly known algorithms because everyone uses them, the market ate them up a long time ago,

that's why these systems don't survive in a market environment, because there is always a conflict with the market about the algorithm, because he who has money, big money, is right.

That's why if you use the market method itself, the rules by which the market moves the price, then naturally the market cannot do otherwise and go against itself.)

that is why this method algorithm must always work steadily and most importantly together with the market to absorb all the other participants in the market crowd. ;)

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Well, Vladimir, you're a real piece of work ) It's indirect speech. I myself am the dust of the universe, like everyone else, though...

Man is not dust, 'man is a proud sound').

Marat Zeidaliyev:

How are the new ones any worse than the old ones? )

No. Old or new. It makes no difference.

The market is driven by only one rule - money.

Where there is more of it, it dominates, and the price goes where it needs to go. It automatically sets a trend as well as a counter-trend!

But this is certainly a first-grade lesson, I can't tell you that, but...

Knowing where and when, at what moment it happens, is a whole other thing!

But to know where and when it happens, that's a different story.

99% of the statistics are based on well known algorithms because everyone uses them, the market ate them up a long time ago,

that's why these systems don't survive in a market environment, because there's always a conflict with the market about the algorithm, because he who has money, big money, is right.

That's why if you use the market method itself, the rules by which the market moves the price, then naturally the market cannot do otherwise and go against itself.)

that is why this method algorithm must always work steadily and most importantly together with the market to absorb all the other participants in the market crowd. ;)

too many words for the truth.


too many words for the truth.

You're right.

Truth is just about"simplicity and genius!!! ",

which no one can see! )

Dear Khorosh, you are right. Pride is a fundamental quality of personality. And quite often, one might say all the time, we first attribute non-existent merits to ourselves and then take pride in them :)
Marat, what is the power of simplicity and genius, brother?

Judging by the flooders' efforts, no one has done shit and hasn't mastered it...there's no better thing in the world than PNB !

Even Renat is confused about 300% :-)

Aleksei Stepanenko:
Marat, what is the power of simplicity and genius, brother?

Strength is in the truth brother, that's what simplicity and genius and power is all about !

The market is always right, that's its unbreakable power! )

(Solve the riddle,

What do you see in the picture?

indicate on the image where you think the trend is emerging,

If you see a trend, indicate where you think it starts.

99.999% of traders always see the same analogous chart in front of their screens, and everyone is looking for entry and exit points,

and they all do it in completely different ways.

here is all the genius and power hidden in this chart, it's just a little example. ;)