From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 8

Yes, as the server is lying down.
Aleksei Stepanenko:
Yeah, it looks like the server is down.

Someone must have broken the back of forex ;)

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Maybe so, the system is in a state of resonance again, 32 tools are traded on the cent at a time, so the market has not held out. )

there are often jokes like this in this organisation
in this organisation, jokes like this are common

I came across it for the first time.

Evgeniy Chumakov:
so the market has failed. )


Evgeniy Chumakov:

I came across it for the first time.

Lately, it's been rare. But half a year ago - it was a nightmare.


Someone, in confidence, told me - that the market process is an artificially created PRGP

No, it isn't! They have a quantum PRNG, and for their own, it's an entangled electron-based insider.

There's a shyster company ... Some time ago they changed the password to their personal account and did not notify me by email or anywhere else. Couldn't get my $10 from the cent. ))) ahaha