From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 171

It's not the individual buying and selling volumes that are important, but their difference, i.e. the part that is unbalanced by the bids of the participants. This is one number, not two ;)

The usual volume difference is also nothing.

You need to know how much and at what price.

and then the classic, netting formula.

there's the price.



also told me how to calculate in about 2016

one post only true
Maxim Kuznetsov:

And you get something like an ODE system.

In partial derivatives, most likely (at least price and time). Perhaps even a stochastic partial derivative ODE. I once thought about an adequate mathematical model for meshes and decided so far that it would be too complicated (which means overtraining) and not worth the effort.

Renat Akhtyamov:

you need to know how much and at what price

There is no such information in the charts.


There is no such information in the charts.

yes there is ...

but it's no use except for long term forecasts

and it turns out to be a turtle trade with low returns

that's why the charts were moved to the side and the info was extracted differently

Renat Akhtyamov:
It doesn't really matter whether she is a Renko or not. However, the full picture is there. From a statistical point of view it is probably not interesting
This is statistics in its purest form.
Renat Akhtyamov:
I'll answer it myself then. It doesn't matter where you start from, as long as you don't end the rectangle.
Then it will become infinite and one day it will stop expanding at all.
That is statistics in their purest form.
It's now made up to the point. The RMS does come in handy in some cases
Then it will become infinite and one day it will stop expanding altogether.
That's not bad either.
Renat Akhtyamov:

That's why the chart has been pushed to the side and the information has been mined differently

So there is no real cup, you wrote about it yourself, where did you get what can't be?



While some, let's not point the finger, are doing a rating or a sentence:

I came across an entertaining "for morons" article not too long ago. Just for our level

Here's a picture from it:

the image is quite appealing, because currencies walk any way but the "classic walk" similarity indicated in the picture on the left.

If you draw in the charts, the quotes are pressed to sigmas (marginal, unlikely limits) indicated earlier for RandomWalk. That is, they don't just walk around inside, but shuffle from border to border. You can illuminate and see for yourself.

It has long been thought that the distribution here is at least "double-headed". (And from the resolving power, and we're in the real world, each of the heads will be divided again in half with a hole in the centre) and not in Bernoulli's scheme

but it's just a collection of general ideas, amidst almost full onset of the topic

Понимание квантовых вычислений через случайное блуждание пьяненьких людей
Понимание квантовых вычислений через случайное блуждание пьяненьких людей
  • 2021.04.18
Квантовые вычисления — это самая большая революция в вычислениях со времен… вычислений. Наш мир состоит из квантовой информации, но мы воспринимаем мир как классическую информацию. То есть очень много происходит в небольших масштабах, недоступных нашим нормальным чувствам. Как люди, мы эволюционировали, чтобы обрабатывать классическую...