From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 177

I wonder how you see logical proof without revealing the system).

Actually, I just wanted to lead up to this question, which will arise regardless of the presence/absence of an aryma)

I will not be able to answer all these questions but even at this point the questions will not end) It will be necessary to prove somehow that this particular money was obtained through this system) And so on and so forth).

So is there any point in even asking such questions on the forum?

In my opinion, discussing personal finances in a public format is generally quite incorrect.


vladimir, re-login.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

In my opinion, discussing personal finances in a public format is highly inappropriate.

I did not even try to discuss personal ones.)
I just wanted to bring you to the conclusion, with rhetorical questions, that there is no money to be made on ARIMA's, and they can only be monetised by applying for a Nobel Prize)

In fact, Arima is only good for trivial series, like electricity consumption, which even by eye is not difficult to predict)

And in our case, the series has a very non-trivial structure.
Guys, wake up! What trends and levels can we talk about on the fourth decimal point? It's dust that can be blown anywhere by any breeze.
You can look for series in whole numbers, in fractions it's absurd.
Arims, in fact, are only good for trivial series.

Arima, in fact, are suitable for rows where the ACF differs significantly from the Dirac function.

I have provided here a link to an example of earning on ARIMA. Moderators erased it (

I wasn't even trying to discuss personal matters)
I just wanted to bring you to the conclusion, by asking rhetorical questions, that there is no money to be made on ARIMA's and that they can only be monetised by applying for a Nobel Prize.)

In fact, Arima is only good for trivial series, like electricity consumption, which even by eye is not difficult to predict)

In our case, the series has a very non-trivial structure.

Well, without ARIMA (only ARMA) is not so beloved by many ADF-test and cointegration) And just, ARIMA - is at least some step forward (for this forum) compared to the annoying SB)

I'm really tired of endless meaningless requests to "show the state" as a standard reaction to something new and unfamiliar) In fact, on the forum it's just a substitute for the "shut up") And this in the almost total absence of this requirement where it is actually absolutely necessary!) The obvious hypocrisy and the mutual responsibility of dealers of various trinkets)

Vladimir Baskakov:
Guys, wake up! What trends and levels can we talk about on the fourth decimal point? It's dust that can be blown anywhere by any breeze.
You can look for series in whole numbers, in fractions it's absurd.
Well, multiply it by 10,000 and you'll have the integers.

I've provided a link here to an example of making money on ARIMA. Moderators erased it (

Well, it probably was not forex), maybe there are spreads. Can you give me the link in private?
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Well, without ARIMA (only ARMA) there is no much-loved ADF test and cointegration)

Co-integration can be seen by eye)
Aleksey Nikolayev:

In addition to the SB, I'm also tired of the constant nonsensical demands to "show the state" as a standard reaction to something new and unfamiliar) In fact, in the forum it is just a substitute for the "shut up" suggestion).

I disagree with you categorically)
The state in our case immediately shows whether it is worth listening to the author's words, or it is just another stream of consciousness)
In those clubs where the state is presented immediately at the entrance, the conversation proceeds at a high intellectual and cultural level)