From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 122


Well, then show either your state or your diploma in education. What are you and your best friend wagging for? What the fuck?

The automaton says straight out - he's a systems engineer, I'm a quantum physicist, Vladimir is a biologist, Alexey Ivanov is a quantum physicist... What the fuck are you doing all over the place?

Good old argumentum ad hominem) It's a standard sign of no argumentum ad rem)


"He reads the book but sees the fig".

I'm not criticising the result. I'm saying it's a classic counter-trend. And thinning doesn't change the nature of the instrument.

Hehe... You're smart, Doc, in spite of your lack of a degree. There's something about you that a fool doesn't have. The ability to keep a discussion going! Yeah, yeah... That's worth a lot.

I use thinning in my TS. But, comparative results - yes, we must do and publish. I agree.


Well, then show either your state or your diploma in education. What are you and your best friend wagging for? What the fuck?

The state was presented three years ago)
You don't like the picture? I will give you the link as soon as myfxbook will allow you to hide the history of trades. For the trades the system is easily restored.

I use thinning in my TS. But, comparative results - yes, should be done and published. I agree.

I, you know, still remember your "proof" of the possibility of making money on SB.

Comparative results are good, but not enough. If you call yourself a quantum physicist, be so kind as to show us illiterate people some hard evidence.

Don't like the picture? I'll give you the link as soon as myfxbook allows you to hide the history of trades. I will give you the link as soon as myfbook allows you to hide the history of trades.

myfxbook allows you to hide everything, no problems, it has always been like this. you can view the monitoring from under your profile, everything will always be visible there, and the public link - only what the author of the monitoring allows to show is visible there.


I, you know, still remember your 'proof' of the possibility of making money from SB.

Comparative results are good, but not enough. If you call yourself a quantum physicist, be so kind as to show us illiterates some hard evidence.

OK. I'll work on that.


Who's arguing )). Mathematics is a tool. A microscope. To behold the Grail. But thinning is a dead end. It doesn't change Hearst. And no Hearst, no money.

Apparently, you do not understand the meaning and essence of the Hearst index H = H(N) characterizing the fractal dimension of the considered time series.

To state that"there is noHearst, there is no money" is to signify your own incompetence.

Here is an article for your perusal, study it carefully and thoughtfully:

There is literature on the subject, and if you make the effort, you can deepen your knowledge in this area.

So far, your fixation on "Hearst" has been observed. Probably because you really like the sound of that word.

Олег avtomat:

Apparently, you do not understand at all the meaning and essence of the Hearst index H = H(N), which characterizes the fractal dimension of the time series in question.

To state that"there is noHearst, there is no money" is to sign your own incompetence.

Here is an article for your perusal, study it carefully and thoughtfully:

There is literature on the subject, and if you make the effort, you can deepen your knowledge in this area.

So far, your fixation on "Hearst" has been observed. Probably because you really like the sound of that word.

Thank you, Oleg. I'll read it. By the way, counting it just through the fractal dimension.

As for the"noHearst no money" statement, that's not mine. Those are Nobel laureates. Illiterate people, apparently.

Well, if so, then it's good)
And this is still on the demo. Do you do that? Ah. If you put it on real?
Are the lots still the same in terms of ratios or not?

A copy of the real one.

In the end - I don't care about the lots, you can just do one pair.

The main thing is that the trend turned out

But the triangle just shows the right trading, and that's it...


I, you know, still remember your 'proof' of the possibility of making money from SB.

Comparative results are good, but not enough. If you call yourself a quantum physicist, be so kind as to show us illiterate people some hard evidence.

All we need here is Nawalny's cowards.

I also wondered. Why does the doctor need forex? I don't quite understand. Maybe he came to cure the disease in this room? Everybody here has been incurable for a long time.

Or maybe he's thinking of cutting up the forex? So it's a disease. A doctor and a disease? With a smart face. Ooh.

But you can saw it.))) Even the little brothers can saw already)))
