From theory to practice. Part 2 - page 6

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Same predictions, just a play on words.

There are no calculations in predictions..., only FUTURE results...

Any trader can REPEAT calculations, but few can guess ( predict) a FUTURE event...

Serqey Nikitin:

There are no calculations in predictions..., only FUTURE results...

Any trader can REPEAT calculations but few can guess ( predict ) a FUTURE event...

Where do you think prediction comes from, a crystal ball or voices in your head?We are not discussing fortune-tellers' methods here. Prediction is an assumption about the state of a process in the future, based on its state in the past. Of course it is made on the basis of calculations and analysis.
Serqey Nikitin:

There are no calculations in predictions..., only FUTURE results...

Any trader can repeat a calculation, but few can guess ( predict) a FUTURE event...

Ahhhh, I get it!

My colleagues do not understand the difference between a "Prediction" and a "Prediction"...

A prediction based on a mathematical model is one thing...

Prediction (guessing, foresight, seances...) is another thing...


I will insert a link to an extremely curious study:

I've been working on this too and it's been interesting.

What's interesting about it? Is the conclusion that people sleep at night and trade during the day something of value or non-obvious?
Serqey Nikitin:

Ahhhh, I get it!

Colleagues don't understand the difference between "PROgnosis" and "Prediction"...

A prediction based on a mathematical model is one thing...

Prediction (guessing, foresight, seances...) is another thing...

Prediction == Prediction, it's the same thing, just with different letters and the final word.

You could write: Prediction of weather, or "prediction of monthly turnover".


Yes, with results like that the Robinson Cup is the only place to go - already -2800....

eh connoisseurRobinson ;))))))))))


Automat has done and is doing a lot to popularise science as applied to the market.

???? So what did he do?


Well, apart from the classic "parasite" and "get out" cries all over the forum.


Well, I, for one, was quite interested to read about the struggle with random rambling. I looked with interest at the phase trajectories in his execution. In general, I was interested in tools to fight the market.

I won't say that I use them, but it was informative.

Yes, it was amusing and very funny when he "pulled" some inductor on a piece of SB series and tried to prove to everyone that it makes it possible to conclude that one can trade on SB. However, for some reason it was impossible to trade on the real price chart, but in this case he had a universal excuse, like "the price series is more complicated than the SB"...