GRAAL is found. Chapter I prologue. - page 9


Stop cluttering up the thread with your rubbish.

Since when did the newbies start lecturing the old-timers? You got some nerve?


Vitaliy Kuznetsov:

Otherwise, why else would there be a lot of flooding in the thread.

All threads are like that now.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

All topics are like this now.

The problem is that no one will discuss hints of something working, with a ready-made minimum analysis... everyone keeps quiet... the only thing left to discuss is grids, martin, locks, quadrilaterals... and that's all there is to laugh about.

Vitaliy Kuznetsov:

You gave out arrows on an empty chart, then showed how the price worked out there.

That's why I wrote that it was a scam. After all, the screens are completely homemade and fake.

There is no arrows and it was impossible to draw them in advance, even if we know the cycle times.

I don't know why I had to put up these screenshots. If you have something useful, post it. Why else would a branch gather floods.

Yeah I drew it in paint and it came out great the first time)

I can't draw it beforehand but what prevents you from doing it later?

The arrows aren't the main thing. They're just for clarity.

the main thing is to determine the time of a turn or a dynamic S/R and then these arrows appear in the head if the IQ is ok then transferred to the screen)

I don't see what the big deal is that I posted a screenshot to clarify the system?

Marat Zeidaliyev:

Yeah, I drew it in paint and it turned out great the first time.)

It's impossible to draw in advance but what's stopping you from doing it later?

Arrows aren't the main thing. They're just arrows for clarity.

the main thing is to determine the timing of a turn or a dynamic S/R and then these arrows appear in the head if the IQ is ok then transferred to the screen )

I don't see any puncture what is the puncture that I posted the screen to clarify the essence of the system?

Marat, does your mother know that instead of lessons, you sit on the forum fooling around with uncles?


Marat, does your mother know that you sit on the forum fooling around with uncles instead of teaching them?

Do they pay you for your posts? )))

Marat Zeidaliyev:

Do they pay you for your posts? )))

Yeah. Everybody gets paid around here.


By the way, even before the opening of this thread, the author of this thread posted in another thread in advance for the whole day, the time at which reversals will occur up to minutes on the minute chart, maybe not everyone saw it, and who saw it did not immediately understand, but I just put this time in advance on the chart, and in general all coincided as in the screenshots that he posted here. And I'll even say more, he has already hinted in what direction we should dig. That's why we don't need to attack the author. I should say at once that it is one of the few areas, where you can really understand the market in fact and achieve results and the author is going in the right direction, or rather he really has already succeeded in discovering it. At least this is a completely different roada which is definitely worth digging in and which makes sense, rather than all those hackneyed and unworkable schemes. So I want to tell the author that it's cool and it's exactly what really works, but for many is sometimes an insurmountable task, so ignore the criticism and keep up the good work.


Information from his grail demo signal. I suggest we wait a couple of days, maybe it will be over sooner. I'll get some popcorn for now.

Themanual trading is done with help of a specially created program, which I call Demon, it is a highly specialized program, which can be told by some magic and sacred formulas is able to project and show up to the minute the exact time in the future, where in these places the reaction and change in price moves at a certain time in one day.

5-minute TF

Leverage 1/50

Main instrument EURUSD

Entry and exit strictly according to the Demon instructions

Always place a stop loss

Stable profit varies from 30 to 100% per month and more


By the way, even before the opening of this thread, the author of this thread posted in another thread in advance for the whole day, the time at which reversals will occur up to minutes on the minute chart, maybe not everyone saw it, and who saw it did not immediately understand, so I just put this time in advance on the chart, and in general all coincided as in the screenshots that he posted here. And I'll even say more, he has already hinted in what direction we should dig. That's why we don't need to get mad at the author. I should say at once that it is one of the few areas, where you can really understand the market in fact and achieve results and the author is going in the right direction, or rather he really has already succeeded in discovering it. At least this is a completely different roada which is definitely worth digging in and which makes sense, rather than all those hackneyed and unworkable schemes. So I want to tell the author that it's cool and it's exactly what really works, but for many is sometimes an insurmountable task, so ignore the criticism and keep at it.

He who seeks, he finds, eh Sherlock?)

I find that kind of criticism amusing. It's nice to talk to them in different languages.

is your account open for special assignments?