Charles Dow's theory - page 94

Maxim Kuznetsov:
You will be surprised, but the Euro is more likely to go up today. It (combined with the "friends") is easier there, Friday's pie is still under-eaten.

The indicator turned out to be right! Start of the session - euro down.


What I was able to gather, from scraps and bits and pieces of Yusuf's messages.
And categorise it into a task.

The main variables of the model and their description.

T forecast lifetime (period corresponds to what?)
a alpha
B betta
D forecast error
Dcorr forecast momentum (-)short, (+)long. The (>) or (<) from zero the stronger the signal


It remains to find these variables in the code.
But since their notation is completely different in the code, it causes the main problem for everyone here in finding them.

I ask to Yusuf, for each variable in the table above, assign a name to the variable as it appears in the indicator code.

n = variable name in indicator code (?)
T= variable name in indicator code(?)
a= variable name in indicator code (?)
B= variable name in the indicator code(?)
D= variable name in the indicator code(?)
Dcorr= variable name in the indicator code(?)

Then local programmers will understand the essence of each variable, and start their investigations.
But in this case, when no one understands where to find this or that variable from the table in the code, the result of the collective investigation is equal to zero.

After the variables in the code from the table above are found,
the task announced by Yusuf sounds like this:

n- Identify the role of a mysterious value that Yusuf has no explanation for
T- Determine the prediction lifetime
D- Determine the critical value of the prediction error


What I was able to gather, from scraps and bits and pieces of Yusuf's messages.
And categorise it into a task.

The main variables of the model and their description.

T forecast lifetime (period corresponds to what?)
a alpha
B betta
D forecast error
Dcorr forecast momentum (-)short, (+)long. The (>) or (<) from zero the stronger the signal

It remains to find these variables in the code.
But since their notation is completely different in the code, it causes the main problem for everyone here in finding them.

I ask to Yusuf, for each variable in the table above, assign a name to the variable as it appears in the indicator code.

n = variable name in indicator code (?)
T= variable name in indicator code(?)
a= variable name in indicator code (?)
B= variable name in the indicator code(?)
D= variable name in the indicator code(?)
Dcorr= variable name in the indicator code(?)

Then local programmers will understand the essence of each variable, and start their investigations.
But in this case, when no one understands where to find this or that variable from the table in the code, the result of the collective investigation is equal to zero.

After the variables in the code from the table above are found,
the task announced by Yusuf sounds like this:

n- Identify the role of a mysterious value that Yusuf has no explanation for
T- Determine the prediction lifetime
D- Determine the critical value of the prediction error

Fair point. It will be done. Go for it, gentlemen! Everything is in the text of the article, read and reread it, compare it with exel

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.

Please to Yusuf, assign to each variable from the table above, the name of the variable as it looks in the indicator code.

n = variable name in indicator code (?)
T= variable name in indicator code(?)
a= variable name in indicator code (?)
B= variable name in the indicator code(?)
D= variable name in the indicator code(?)
Dcorr= variable name in the indicator code(?)

Then local programmers will understand the essence of each variable, and start their investigations.
But in this case, when no one understands where to find this or that variable from the table in the code, the result of the collective investigation is equal to zero.



n- Identify the role of the mystery value, which Yusuf has no explanation for

The mystery element is the period (sample size), which is what everything depends on.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

The enigmatic element is the period (sample size) that everything depends on.

Is there no indicator in the public domain?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Yes I've already realised that there is a variable name, my inattention. Thanks for the clarification.

By unknown n I was referring to n from the table.
I thought the table showed the main variables.


I also first thought of n as the sample length. But the table also has n, and it's double. This confused me.
That's why I got ambiguous interpretation of en. Which en means Yusuf ))


No indicator in the public domain?

Индикатор Султонова
Индикатор Султонова
Индикатор прогнозирует предполагаемый ход цены в будущем, анализируя заложенную историю в виде заданной ретроспективы.

No indicator in the public domain?

And also


That's why it's a bit ambiguous. Which en is Yusuf's meaning?)

No idea.

I need a table for the last 4 Open prices of the EURUSD daily chart, then I can compare it with the indicator.

By the way, I'm digging _Forecast_v12, I haven't looked at others and have no desire to.