Uladzimir Izerski page - page 10

Renat Akhtyamov:


What about the others?

Renat, I'm sorry, but the question"Where are the Euro, Pound, Yen, Audi, Chiff and Canadian trending now?"It makes my brain boil.


What is easier, to put a ZZ on any instrument and see the position of the tops and bottoms of the ZZ according to the sounded interpretation.

Alexsandr San:

It's not so much to discuss as to slag off the author. I see every topic is a red flag around here.

Yeah, it is. It's a tough forum. You got to have some balls.) So they don't get pecked.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Yeah. It's a tricky forum. You gotta have some iron balls.) In order not to get pecked.

I've somehow - stopped paying attention to it - if I want advice, and it's understood, thank God!

Renat Akhtyamov:


What about the rest?

I got it. Maybe that's what you wanted for the currencies?

A trend analogy.


Dmitry Fedoseev:

It's winter, the new year is coming up. Elephant goes to the drugstore, asks for a condom, takes it, goes around the corner. Five minutes later he comes back and asks for a condom again, and so on 10 times already. The pharmacist decides to take a peek, follows him sneakily. The elephant comes around the corner, takes out a condom and starts pulling it over his head. He suffers and suffers, the condom tears, of course. The elephant stomps his foot: I'm still going to be a pussy on New Year's Eve anyway!

Oops. I get it now.
Alexsandr San:

Uncle Renat - are you either a robot or an energy vampire, you ask such questions as if you were the smartest

If uncle - are you the vampire's nephew, or do you claim to be the smartest?

He writes, IMHO, it is interesting to me, I read it and know it with pleasure.

ps. are you a robot troll or are you just kidding?

Alexsandr San:

Uncle Renat, you are either a robot or an energy vampire, you ask such questions as if you were the smartest

Saw your gold totals.

Sobered up, and boom, money's in the account.

Did you like my prediction?


Uladzimir Izerski:

I have an idea. Maybe that's the option on currencies you wanted?

A trend analogy.

Not bad.

Only one mistake out of 4.

I don't consider the dollar as a separate currency.

Roman Shiredchenko:

If uncle - are you the vampire's nephew or do you claim to be the most?

I'm interested, I read and learn with pleasure.

ps you a robot-troll? or just kidding?

I do not know - for everyone has his own truth. I have not heard anything clever from you and not from your opponent, sorry, maybe I have missed your clever thoughts.


I always judge people by their deeds - (sometimes a man is drunk and talks a lot - but a sober man is a hard worker)