Indicator, Need advice on auto-control of DISTANCE between text (MT-4) - page 5

Vitaliy Kostrubko:

....... no time to read the comments ))

another option with objects:

- arrows all to the buffer
- align labels with anchor

there will be a constant distance between lines

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The turkey was thinking the same thing. It is understandable, though - the psychology of a former taxi driver comes into play. If you are asked for a ride, you should do it, not to show that it is close by, two houses away, and you can walk.

No, I was not offended or hurt. In our city, even some people who earn good money sometimes moonlight as taxi drivers, such as the head of a private detective agency, a friend of mine. In our town, anyone can do part-time work in the taxi industry - in their spare time. It is considered neither shameful nor poor thinking, backwardness or stupidity. I've had a lot of experience driving in all sorts of difficult situations. I can teach you accident-free driving both in dense urban traffic and in rugged terrain, even in a forest. In general, I remembered many interesting and unforgettable things. After all, I've circled the globe about eight times.

And next to you is a barn, not a house. However, you are not a fool - you yourself understand that you can make everything beautifully on the canvas, and you can do it yourself, but you have to defend (for some reason) what you said before, while lowering yourself to attempts to insult the interlocutor. And these grimaces of yours are just character and an attempt to hook a person with something when you yourself realise that you have offered something off-topic. It's not interesting - it's beneath the perception of adult conversation.


Artem, Putin was moonlighting as a taxi driver, nothing to be ashamed of.

How do you place readable lettering on any graphic?

Vitaliy Kostrubko:

Artyom, if you already HAVE experience in this area - can you LIE to take on this job (via freelance) = finish the multiline signature (?!!!) :)

Unfortunately, I'm tightly booked, and fully loaded. I only go to the forum when I'm resting (and when I'm resting, I don't write any code).

Moreover, if you want to use freelance, they will create canvas (one object) and display it in the right coordinates - well, not difficult.

And there will be additional features... You can display not just text, but like tiles with text and title, you can use semi-transparency, shadows, draw icons instead of labels, etc. - whatever your imagination allows.


Алексей Тарабанов:

How do I place a readable inscription on any graph?

That's an odd question. It's not clear. Can't you place a readable inscription? Why isn't it readable?

I can.
Taras Slobodyanik:

kanvas is definitely useful, for example - panels/tables/scales are much more convenient to do on a single canvas.

What a revelation!


I have stepped on a bit of a nail here))

In fact, everything is elementary simple: a customer comes and says: I need this and that. The question is why? As a result, there are two options to achieve the goal at a price of X and 2*X. But no one chooses the second option.

Vitaliy Kostrubko:

Artyom, if you already HAVE experience in this direction - can you LIE to take on this job (via freelance) = finish the multiline signature (?!!!) :)

....... I don't have time to read the comments))

Dmitry Fedoseev- your suggestion ==>"The easiest option is to rotate the test marks by 90 degrees and write everything in one line. "
already done ... looked it up - wrong (!) == very hard to perceive written (!) ... it's OK for japanese == their writing is already VERTICAL :D.

... in my head I thought == ok, at 45* (?!) ... a little better ... but it's not the same (!) == it's a long line (!)... And a trader must NOT "read" books, but quickly navigate patterns (!),
and a short 3-line inscription is OPTIMALLY suitable for this purpose:

... all in all == turned out VERY GOOD )))) (thanks to the developer))

... the unique "reversal" patterns themselves are a credit to Wykoff, and his followers))

found them, knowing the approximate method - succeeded )))) and very well indeed ))))

now refining the "filter" that eliminates false signals ... filter IS, but it is glitchy somewhere at terminal functions :( ..... looking for "workarounds" (!)

... Basically - it's a READY indicator ))) the only thing left is to fine-tune the filter (false signal elimination), and the "interval between lines , so that there was not THAT :

You see, what good advice was given to you. It's the second day, and your problem is still not solved. And how people lived with Metatrader here for 20 years without putting inscriptions in two lines? Unbelievable!

Oops... calculating the distance to the lettering arrow in pixels and correcting for it as you scroll through the graph.
testXXX.mq4  11 kb