The Russian market, forecasts and expectations - page 18


The curve of the RTS index often repeats a siphon (S&P 500). The news says that unemployment in the US is higher now than during the Great Depression.

At the same time the national debt has risen a lot.

According to Wikipedia -

Вели́кая депре́ссия (англ. Great Depression) — мировой экономический кризис, начавшийся в октябре 1929 года с биржевого краха в США и продолжавшийся до 1939 года. (Наиболее остро с 1929 по 1933 год). 1930-е годы в целом считаются периодом Великой депрессии.

1939 is the year the Great Depression ended and the year World War II started.

I'm afraid to draw any conclusions from my analysis. I am afraid that the current world crisis will not end the way it did in the past.

Госдолг США и американских корпораций вырос до рекордных отметок
Госдолг США и американских корпораций вырос до рекордных отметок
  • 2020.04.19
Кредиты государственного и частного секторов и бизнеса в США достигли беспрецедентных значений, что создает серьезную угрозу американской экономике, сообщает 18 апреля издание The Washington Post. По прогнозам экспертов, по итогам 2020 года на фоне распространения нового коронавируса с федеральное правительство потратит на $4 трлн больше, чем...
Vitalii Ananev:
Central Bank may lower the rate.
Interesting news. I'm wondering what to do with aeroflot... Should I buy it now or wait until the aviation crisis intensifies and the stock drops further?
Maxim Romanov:
Interesting news. I'm wondering what's going to happen to aeroflot... Should I buy it now or wait till crisis in aviation intensifies and stock falls?

I am not focusing on fundamental analysis now, but on technical analysis. It's not just about aeroflot. One day the quarantine will be over. Profits will of course fall during this period, but if you buy long, look for signs of an upward reversal of the stock (technical analysis).

Vitalii Ananev:

I am not focusing on fundamental analysis now, but on technical analysis. It's not just about aeroflot. One day the quarantine will be over. Profits will of course fall during this period, but if you buy long, look for signs of an upward reversal of the stock (technical analysis).

I would not touch airline stocks until the self-isolation is lifted. By the way, Bafet has sold all airline stocks.

Vitalii Ananev:

I am not focusing on fundamental analysis now, but on technical analysis. It's not just about aeroflot. One day the quarantine will be over. Aeroflot's profits will of course fall over this period, but if you buy long term, look for signs of an upward reversal of the stock (technical analysis).

Aeroflot has been going down for several years, it is unlikely to go up after the self-isolation, where are the reasons for that ?,better look for a stock that is going up and at any point enter.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Aeroflot has been going down for several years, it is unlikely to go up after the self-isolation, where are the reasons for that ?, better look for a stock that is going up and enter at any point.

my guess is that aeroflot has already been dumped as they have already come up with a new airline company.

better look for a stock that's going up

You can't find those now, it's at least another year down the line, or even two.