Looking for patterns - page 204


You are right here, you can often deduce a strategy from the transaction history. And if a person doesn't want to reveal his strategy, he won't post his trades or monitor them. with a history of trades.

It does not have to be with the history of deals. It is enough at least statistics by months. With the drawdown and profit. And the number of deals. That way you won't reveal the strategy, and you will show your professionalism. The market has a lot of people who, unfortunately, like to measure themselves with jade rods on this forum. And if not the actual trading results, what can be the best measure of who has a thicker and bigger "escalibur"?
Сергей Таболин:

It feels like almost everyone here is monitoring... Am I the only one who is blind?

Analysis of full reports with a set of trades is the most objective information for a Trader's growth that can be found in this heap of rubbish called the internet...

I've never needed someone else's monitoring. I'm not a nosy broad from the back alley.)

But I am interested in someone else's experience or ideas. I investigate them from all angles, and if there is anything worthwhile I add it to my piggy bank.

I'll tell you a secret that very little worthwhile stuff can be found in discussions.

It does not have to include the history of transactions. The statistics by months is enough at least. With drawdown and profit. And the number of deals. That way you won't reveal the strategy, and you will show your professionalism. The market has a lot of people who, unfortunately, like to measure themselves with jade rods on this forum. And if not the actual trading results, what can be the best measure of who has a "escalibur" thicker and larger?

Well, no one was going to measure up. If you wanted to measure each other, you could have done better, and you have the test results. The test results are posted here solely to confirm the possibility of using the zigzag as a trend indicator and nothing more. Somebody stated here that this indicator cannot be used to identify the trend and it is suitable only for history analysis. But when you see the test results, you start talking about jade rods. You should read the history of the test report.

Alas, many on this forum like to measure themselves with jade rods. And if not the actual outcome of the trade, what better measure of who has the thicker and bigger "escalibur"?

This is beginning to look like a pattern )

Uladzimir Izerski:

I always mentally wonder about such posts.

Do you want to subscribe to a signal for such monitoring or humiliate a person with your post?

I rather see the latter.

It is good that you see, good for you. I did not want to humiliate anyone with my question and I will not subscribe, I am interested in Risk's statistics.



And you should, it's handy and it's an extra statistic you don't have to spend time collecting.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm going to give you a tough answer. No offense.


I want to subscribe to it.

You got your tongue taped to your sleeve when you write.

I'll ask you hard! WHERE'S YOUR MONITORING!

Farkhat Guzairov:

Let me ask you a question! WHERE'S YOUR MONITORING!

I'm not interested in backstreet chicks.)))

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm not interested in backstreet chicks.)

Do you consider yourself a man?