Looking for patterns - page 127

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Try it.

You've got to be kidding me.

Just because you feel it, it's not like I haven't already been through it...

You have to be able to apply this formulae...........



The more I think about it, the more I doubt the market's manageability. Why would the promoter banks and other liquidity dispensers want to reverse the price? Why would they set themselves up? Sit on their asses and collect commission. Sell down - commission, buy up commission. Why run a risky probabilistic business when there is a 100% risk-free one? Well, yes, if the stray money comes in handy: closing counter bids, transferring from account to account, and other tricks, why not take it. But the basis is to serve those wishing to make money in the occasional market for a buck.

As the Italian classic says: "Bet on black, bet on red, it will fall out anyway". The market is random, gentlemen. I was wrong.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

The more I think about it, the more I doubt the market's manageability. Why would the promoter banks and other liquidity dispensers want to reverse the price? Why would they set themselves up? Sit on their asses and collect commission. Sell down - commission, buy up commission. Why run a risky probabilistic business when there is a 100% risk-free one? Well, yes, if the stray money goes into your own hands: closing counter bids, transferring from account to account, and other tricks, why not take it. But the bottom line is to serve those who want to make money in the casual market for a buck.

As the Italian classic says: "Bet on black, bet on red, it will fall out anyway". The market is random, gentlemen. I was wrong.

the answer to that question is of course

no customers, no banks

So let's say - price goes up with no reversals, they dump practically the whole market, and .... ?

so the market is in any case controlled by those in whose hands the information on all the buying and selling volumes is in their hands

Renat Akhtyamov:

и .... ?

Self-regulation. No well of course there are duties to maintain liquidity and other things. But the basis is randomness.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Self-regulation. No well of course there are responsibilities to maintain liquidity and other things. But the basis is randomness.


self-regulation is chaos

It is more likely that there is a profitability plan, like a slot machine - a percentage is given out to the client on the investment.

Renat Akhtyamov:


Renat, I don't know the nuances of what's inside there. But it's logical not to take the risk if you can. And the opportunity is there.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Renat, I do not know the nuances of what is in it. But it's logical not to take a risk if you can.

e.g. the Ministry of Finance is rubbing its hands when the yield is 0.3% per month

and forex ....

So who would be happy with that?

Consequently, the risk is a lot higher.

That is why it is very difficult to make such a risky and non-drying system.

The best of my reliable systems is about 30% a year.

Now I am testing a system with 30% a month. It is based on FormulaE,

Gianni is close by, very similar, but not quite there yet

Commissions and spreads and swaps are quite big, because everyone is draining. Almost.

Renat Akhtyamov:

The base is FormulaE,

Looks like you have more than one under that code name. It's hard to tell.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Looks like you've got more than one under that code name. It's hard to understand.

No, Zhenya.


Formulae isn't even half the trouble.

much harder to apply.