How do I disable the display of the balance in the header? - page 13

Now the wallet icon, the amount and ... no currency name! As a result, the Forum link is now visible in the bar and not hidden in the drop-down list!
Vladimir Karputov:
Now the wallet icon, the amount and ... no currency name! As a result, the Forum link is now visible in the bar and not hidden in the drop-down list!
What an achievement!
There's not much left to do - remove the asterisks and remove the wallet )
Vladimir Karputov:
Now the wallet icon, the amount and ... no currency name! As a result the Forum link is now visible in the bar and not hidden in the drop down list!
My mobile app now has 1 with a bell on it all the time. I click, go to finance. Why would I want to do that? Made it worse.
Just a little more to do - remove the asterisks and remove the wallet )


removing the "USD" was unnecessary -- now it's not clear what the number next to the "wallet" icon is -- better replace "USD" with a "$" sign
Andrey F. Zelinsky:
removing the "USD" was unnecessary -- now it's not clear what the number next to the "purse" icon is -- better change the "USD" to a "$" sign.

The number means size. Don't you get it? Shoes, for example...

How's that? There was a USD digit and it was clear. I covered the digit with my finger and it was unclear what the digit was, I opened it back - ah-ah, money..., closed it - it was unclear...

Artyom Trishkin:

The number means size. Don't you get it? Shoes, for example...

How do you do that? There was a figure with USD and it was clear. I put my finger over the figure and it was immediately clear what the figure was, I opened it back up - ah, money..., I closed it - it was unclear...

Artyom, I don't understand at all what you're saying, you often talk in an overly florid (never mind) way lately.

But the figure should be clear -- and if it's "money", there should be a sign that it's for money.

They didn't just decide to put the cash balance on the common screen -- they wanted the newcomers to see that they have the money and/or have it coming in.

For example, Europeans may think that it is euros and so on.

For example, Europeans may think that it's a Euro and that's the way it is. The amount of money should be accompanied by a money sign -- and the rounding is rounded down.

I suggest that instead of a rating under the avatar on the forum, the amount in the user's account should be written. Then all questions will be removed.
I suggest instead of rating under the avatar on the forum, to write the amount in the account of the user. Then all questions will be removed.

Also an option. I'm sure everyone will love it. :)