Sunset programming? - page 18


And the Celtic stone is also a volcano )

It seems to be much worse with it - there isn't even a universally accepted mathematical model)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It seems to be much worse with him - there isn't even a generally accepted mathematical model)

And then there is the Giannibekov effect, which breaks my brain even more, but the model seems to be OK there
And there is also Giannibekov's effect, which breaks my brain even more, though the model there seems to be OK

This is a rather complex problem associated with the (un)stability of different rotations. There is also a much simpler example of non-intuition - the vertical turning that occurs when a spinning flywheel is rotated horizontally (e.g. an electric planer).

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:

You wonder why the two code displays below are perceived differently:

Next, remove the graphic 'tinsel'. Minus the colour, minus the indentation (relative positioning).

//Initialization of the indicators

bool CSampleExpert::InitIndicators(void)


//create MACD indicator




printf("Error creating MACD indicator");



//create EMA indicator and add it to collection




printf("Error creating EMA indicator");






The readability is noticeably improved. This suggests that a graphical representation can noticeably improve readability. I'm not talking about diagrams specifically, there could be many options.
In your example there is no graphical representation. Both are textual.



And there is also the Giannibekov effect, which breaks my brain even more, though the model there seems to be OK

There is nothing there about this Janibekov effect, take a ping pong racket and throw it in a spinning position and get the same effect on the ground.

It's a gyroscopic phenomenon.

Олег avtomat:



1. Where can it be seen that the centre of mass is moving at an accelerated rate?

2. If it is that simple, give a line of reasoning which results in the fact that the motion of the centre of mass does not obey Newton's first law of mechanics?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

1. Where can you see that the centre of mass is moving at an accelerated rate?

2. If it is that simple, give the line of reasoning which results in the fact that the motion of the centre of mass does not obey Newton's first law of mechanics?

It's actually not that simple at all.Теория1.pdfТеория.pdf


Impressive. Especially this one:

Decided to repeat the experiment. A simple electronic scale with 0.01 accuracy. Powerball - easily spins up to 5k rpm, which is about 80 rpm.

At first I just put the Powerball on the scale, there were some hesitations in the readings, but these were more from vibration. To avoid vibration, I put a jar lid on the scale and put the Powerball in it, in this case no mass fluctuations were detected. I put the Powerball so that the axis of rotation was vertical. Tried once with horizontal axis of rotation - no result either.

Who knows, maybe the equipment is not suitable. I can't measure the mass accurately, but the oscillation in the second digit (in hundredths) should be.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Impressive. Especially this one:

I decided to repeat the experiment. A simple electronic scale with an accuracy of 0.01. Powerball - easily spins up to 5k rpm, which is about 80 rpm.

At first I just put the Powerball on the scale, there were some hesitations in the readings, but these were more from vibration. To avoid vibration, I put a jar lid on the scale and put the Powerball in it, in this case no mass fluctuations were detected. I put the Powerball so that the axis of rotation was vertical. Tried once with horizontal axis of rotation - no result either.

Who knows, maybe the equipment is not suitable. I can't precisely measure the mass, but the oscillation in the second digit (in hundredths) should be.

Apparently, something has not been taken into account in your case.

There are many different variants of the experiment. There are many videos.

The change in the weight of a gyroscope depends on the direction of rotation - in one direction the weight decreases, in the opposite direction the weight increases.

These effects cannot be reflected by Newtonian mechanics in principle.