Let's turn the existing Market into a SuperMarket, shall we? - page 7

Dmitry Sumsky:

Here we go.

Instead of suggesting something sensible, you start pointing fingers and getting personal.

Don't you want to change things for the better or do you think that everything on the Market is perfect for finding the right program?

It hasn't started yet. It's just advice.
Or if you're happy with the image you've created for yourself in this thread, then it's up to you (but it can't be related to the Market).

By the way, in English for the name of the branch as you had (did you edit?) - "Market-Poor", seeing that you're a merchant with an eye just for such a Market - a ban from the first post (with the reason - "self-propaganda") and with the removal of the branch (without any discussion and advice).
This is for information.


If you manage to make the thread constructive, then kudos to you.
If not, then no ...

Dmitry Sumsky:

Here we go.

Instead of suggesting something sensible, you start pointing fingers and getting personal.

Don't you want to change something for the better, or do you think that everything in the Market is perfect for finding the right program?

You have to create something of value first, and then offer something, much less give ratings.

In today's supermarkets too, half of the products are not of high quality. Another thing is that you can create a separate section for "Organic" products. I have talked about this more than once.

О! It's working. The theme now sounds beautiful.


Organic foods as in the best? It's not clear what criteria to use to select the best ones. It's easier to weed out the worst ones...


Dmitry Sumsky:

By the way, I have reviewed my Skype correspondence and did not find anything insulting about you.

You did not insult me in any way, nor did you insult me. It is impossible to insult a man - he can only be insulted himself or not.

You called the market a dump, and people who sell there - sellers of "rubbish" (in fact).

I am not speaking for myself, but for the market in general as a living organism.

By the way, at the bottom of the page there is a thing called Site Chronicle
I use it to see what's new in CodaBase.
You can also use it to look at Market
Dmitry Sumsky:


Organic foods as in the best? It's not clear what criteria to use to select the best ones. It's easier to weed out the worst ones...

No one will be able to determine in the Market what is better what is worse, who is in the top cheat and who with their own moves.

This will probably be the 4th or 5th time I've suggested doing a separate section where the robot for sale will be installed on a VPS server, with the appropriate signal.

They will work there without the seller's access. And let the buyer choose what he needs by the signal. This section will not interfere with the Market. The seller will pay for VPS and for maintenance of the section.

The robot will work on MetaQuotes-Demo server, for example.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

No one in the Market will be able to determine what is better or worse, who is at the top cheating and who with their own moves.

This will probably be the 4th or 5th time I've suggested making a separate section where the robot for sale will be installed on a VPS server, with an appropriate signal.

They will work there without the seller's access. And let the buyer choose what he needs by the signal. This section will not interfere with the Market. The seller will pay for VPS and for maintenance of the section.

The robot will work on MetaQuotes-Demo server.

It is not a bad option. Then a lot of EAs will pass into oblivion or will be reworked...

But it is not exactly like that.

The Seller puts the Expert Advisor for sale. If it is full automatic, the Seller gives the set file and installation recommendations to MQ owners, who install it on their server. and demonstrate the trade to buyers without the right to subscribe to the signal. The Buyer then finds the Expert Advisor, logs in to the link and sees this trade in real mode. If he likes testing and trading in real time, he buys with more confidence that he is not being cheated than he is now.


Dmitry Sumsky:

Not a bad option. Then a lot of EAs would go into oblivion or for rework...

Only it's not quite like that.

The Seller puts the EA for sale. If it is full automatic, the Seller gives the set file and installation recommendations to owners of MQ, who install it on their server. and demonstrate the trade to buyers without the right to subscribe to the signal. The Buyer then finds the Expert Advisor, logs in to the link and sees this trade in real mode. If he likes testing and trading in real time, he buys with more confidence that he is not being cheated than he is now.


Almost so. And I wonder how much more you have to learn.


Many times on the forum there have been created threads with statements that (1) the quality of many products on the market is low and (2) the market is overcrowded with such products, which makes it difficult for customers to find something useful. And by buying a weak product, customers lose interest in our market.

It is possible to filter products by quality. To do this, you need to use a rating, which, to a greater or lesser extent,still reflects the qualifications of a memberof the MQL5 community .

The essence of the proposal is the following :N products and M signals can be published, if the seller has ( N + M ) thousand rating points, i.e., each new thousand rating points gives an opportunity to publish one new product or one signal. For example, if the seller has 10 thousand rating points, he can publish e.g. 8 of the most popular products and 2 signals, and you have to remove the other 100 products from the shelves. Then both (1) the quality of the products will increase and their (2) quantity will decrease. It is the unpopular products that will disappear from the showcase.

Otherwise, you can see that a person has 500 ratings and ten products, which, accordingly, no one has bought and most likely will not buy.