Vim as ide for mql - page 9


can you imagine how much faster it is to write code when your fingers aren't tearing off to the arrows/mouse to copy/delete/paste/move the cursor? Of course, this is just one example from a whole heap.

Please record some videos with a clear demonstration of the possibilities. Thank you.


Please record some videos to give a clear demonstration of the features. Thank you.

Yes, there already are, for example

The basics are there, I think.

Not really. The former are programmers, they are few in number. The latter are commonly called coders, and there are a legion of them.

Where, by whom, when is it accepted?


I wanted to ask what is a vim...


There are some people who work in a 'hardcore only' style. There are few of them, they don't impose their own on others, they just share. I myself at work (a long time ago) used linux for years. But there were a lot of problems with MT under wine, and I've given up. Many problems are solved now, but I don't want to go back.

Let people work and describe, it will help a few others. Of course, it's all up to the amateur.

The only problem that sometimes makes you think "I'll drop everything and go to linux" is the eternal problems with windows. Crooked updates and MS unpredictability.


There are already, for example.

The basics are there, I think.

Imho, most of what is shown reminds of cutting out tonsils through the ass ) Yes, maybe for copywriters it's useful, but for a programmer the typing speed is not the most important factor. It would be more interesting to see how the process of working with MQL-code, compilation, error navigation, etc. looks like.

Alexey Navoykov:

Imho, most of shown reminds cutting out tonsils through the ass ) It may be useful for copywriters, but for programmers typing speed is not the most important factor. It would be more interesting to see how the process of working with MQL code itself looks like, compiling, navigation through errors, etc.

Most of the time the programmer is busy doing dumb stuff like typing code, small (correcting typing errors) and large code corrections (refactoring). Compilation and error navigation are such trifles.
This of course excludes the "think before you do" process :-)

When you know the language and environment, you write almost without syntax errors at once. Code-complete helps, but sometimes gets in the way. Why the hell did MTEditor decide that int should be expanded to interface ? You can still tweak crutches in VIM or EMacs, but in native editor it is insuperable - just write to the sports lotto

Debugging is a different story - the debugger is thinly or thinly integrated into the editor, but it's either there or it's not. That's why prints and logs are our everything :-)

Maxim Kuznetsov:

code-complete helps, but sometimes gets in the way

Well, it helps in 99% of cases, so all MQL-functions and types should be declared in the header file. In vim.mqh file, as I see, only a small part of functions have been declared so far.

When you know the language and environment, you write almost without syntax errors

By the way, does Wima have auto-check syntax on input? Because blindly writing a code fragment without mistakes is a very rare thing)

I never liked to write in the console) but if I write something in the console, I usually use nano and it's just for speed)
Alexey Navoykov:

Imho, most of the shown reminds of cutting out tonsils through the butt ) Yes, perhaps it's useful for copywriters, but for a programmer the typing speed is definitely not an important factor. It would be more interesting to see how the process of working with MQL code itself looks like, compiling, navigation through errors etc.

Well personally, I'm just annoyed by "normal editors", my fingers are already automatically pressing vim combinations. I'm not comfortable in the meta-editor.

By the way, is there autocheck of syntax in vim? Because it's very rare to write code fragment without mistakes blindly)

Sure, and it is much better than standard one in meta-editor. The clangd(lsp server) is responsible for this, in vim coc(lsp client), it is not confused by macros or templates of any complexity. And by throwing out ampersands when passing arrays and properly dereferencing the code, it has a positive effect on clang's ability to prompt. Well, the transitions to definitions, ..., are there too.

I have no plugins you can say (only font and coc), but you can put in whatever you like - for example a "navigator" for the files on the left.

But for vim you need training. I made a link on the first page to help with the commands, it takes time to get the hang of it.