Points VS Pips - page 168

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

This has nothing to do with the platform. How can you not understand.

Here on the forum (in Russian), right here in the threads. Let's communicate in our language, not theirs.

Just above, the man set the task of Petya and Vasya, who traded 100 different points each.
This is what is happening now on the "Russian-speaking forum", thanks to meta-quotes that confuse the basic concepts.

The answer to this (problem) is only one - you have to count profit as all brokers do, as all monitors do, as all English-speaking traders do (in the same units) -pips.
That is what the concept of percentage point (pips) is for, it is a standard value like a meter or centimeter.

And only Metakvot monitoring differs from all of them in that here 1 metre = 1 centimetre.
And when the six digits appear, in Signals, 1 metre equals 1 millimetre.

They have pints, inches, miles.
It's different for us.

if only)
The spelling and pronunciation of "pips" is the same whether "they" or "you"



the problem is not how "near-forexniks" or "programmers" understand points

the problem is that people from different parts of the world use these concepts in their own way, the way their brokers/teachers/articles...... teach them.

each client has his own understanding of the concept of a "pip" or "pip"

so for "some" people a pip is 5 digits, and for some it is 4 digits.

It is important to come to a common understanding of Point() in the terminal and programming language as the value of the last known digit after the decimal point (and this is calculated with the notion Digits)

any price/stop value ..... is calculated from the Current price +- XXXX *Point()

There are eternal debates about who is right and who is wrong.

The eternal debate about who is a trader and who is "near-forex".

Everyone is beating his chest that he knows more and that he knows how to do it right.....

Taras Slobodyanik:

Just above, the man set the task of Petya and Vasya, who traded 100 different points each.
This is what is happening now on the "Russian-speaking forum", thanks to meta-quotes that confuse the basic concepts.

The answer to this (problem) is only one - you have to count profit as all brokers do, as all monitors do, as all English-speaking traders do (in the same units) - pips.
That is what the concept of percentage point (pips) is for, it is a standard value like a meter or centimeter.

And only Metakvot monitoring differs from all of them in that here 1 metre = 1 centimetre.
And when the six digits appear, in Signals, 1 metre equals 1 millimetre.

If only)
the spelling and pronunciation of "pips" is the same whether "they" or "you".

Taras, enlighten us for unambiguity!

If EURUSD = 1.11197 , is "1," a point? "1.11" is pips (i.e. 111pips)? 111197 is points?

sfh4a511.PNG  3 kb

wrote about 100 pages ago)

For starters, let's forget, for a while, that there is a MetaTrader and it has _Point.

Pips is an English abbreviation - pips (percentage in point, price interest point).
For the dollar, a pip is one hundredth of a cent.
For the yen, a pip is one hundredth of a yen, i.e. the second digit.

Pips is a constant value like a kilogram or a meter and does not change with increasing accuracy of quoting.

When the accuracy of quotations is increased, an additional decimal place is added to the Pips.
If the quotes are in 4 digits, the pip=1
If the quotation is 5-digit then the pip = 1.0

If 6-digit quotes, Pip=1.00

English Wiki:

Fractional pips<br/ translate="no">Electronic trading platforms have brought greater price transparency and price competition to the foreign exchange markets.[4] Several trading platforms have extended the quote precision for most of the major currency pairs by an additional decimal point; the rates are displayed in 1/10 pip.

When translated into Russian, the word Pips is translated as Point (or Percentage Point).

Now remember the _Point in MT.

When there were 4 digits, point_MT was equal to 1 pips (or 1 Point).
When the 5th digit(Fractional pips) appeared, the point_MT was reduced by a factor of 10, with one pips (as a standard measure) remaining the same, but adding a decimal place after the decimal point - becoming 1.0 pips.
When the 6th digit appears, the point_MT will be reduced by a factor of 100, and another decimal place after the decimal point 1.00 pips will be added to the pips.

But since there is no concept of Pips (or Percentage Point) in MT, the Russian-speaking community has continued to (erroneously) refer to point_MT as Pips or Point.
But this does not coincide with the English-speaking community, for them pips (Point) does not equal point_MT.

I have already shown screenshots of brokers, banks, monitors - all have fractional Point (pips).

And only in MetaQuotes Services (and in MetaTrader) pips is understood as point_MT.
And it is MetaQuotes that has misled everyone and is now "not involved in the religious wars".

ps. so we should either remove the reference to pips in MT and in Signals, or bring it to an international standard, or give our own (metaQuotes) definition (to write it in the documentation).

Taras Slobodyanik:


For dollar a pip is one hundredth of a cent, i.e. it is the fourth rank for dollar quotations.
For the yen, a pip is one hundredth of a yen, which is the second digit.

In general I agree with you. And in the first place and with the claims about MQ.

But now explain to us, why a pip is one hundredth of a whole in one case, and one hundredth of a whole in the other case?

Сергей Таболин:

In general, I agree with you. First of all, I agree with your claims about MQ.

But now explain it to us on your fingers, why a pip in one case is one hundredth of one hundredth of a whole, and in another case it is one hundredth of a whole?

That's not for me.

i can also give you another example - on indices, 1 pip is also 1% of a whole.)

168 pages... what have we come to?

Пункт (от лат. punctum «точка»; сленговое  пипс от англ. pip — percentage in point «соответствующая процентная доля») в экономике — минимальное изменение показателя, когда более мелких изменений для данного показателя не предусмотрено. Одному пункту соответствует единичное изменение самой последней публикуемой цифры показателя. В пунктах измеряют колебания цен,  котировок ценных бумаг и валют на биржах [1].

For example, if the indicator is published with two decimal places, one point would represent a change of 0.01. A price change from 30.15 to 30.25 can be interpreted as an increase of 10 points. Alternately, 100 pips is referred to as a figure. In other words, a 100 pips increase (per $1) from 30.15 to 31.15 = one figure increase.

Forex pairs are more or less clear. To be more precise, it is not clear. We open the EURZAR . The price is 16.15485 ask is 1350 pips higher. It is very easy to understand. 5 signs mean spread = 0,01350.

Open UsdRub 61.450. Spread is 410 pips. In other words, 0.410.

We take the exchange. Instrument Si 3.20 bid 67856 spread of 2 points. According to the logic of the 4 digits it is 0.0002. In fact, it = 2.

RTS. Price is 162580, spread is 20 points. And everyone understands that asc = price +20.

Listening to the economic news. The Bank of Australia has raised the rate by 25 basis points. Logically, if a pip is equal to 0.0001 then it is nonsense. As everyone knows, the rate is shown as 7.00% or 1.25%. 25 points equals 0.25%.

If we shift to crypto, it will be great to mock "lovers of international standards" there.

As for international standards, tell me whether a person can live at a temperature of 110 degrees? It turns out that in America they can live at 150 and still feel fine.

I also suggest you call the parents "parent 1" and "parent 2" Why? "The whole civilized world is doing it now."

I wonder if anyone knows why kHz starts with a small letter, continues with a big one and ends with a small one. And GHz does roughly the same thing but starts with a capital one? 3 minutes to answer to demonstrate your knowledge, not your ability to read.

I see, no one is familiar with the international measurement system "SI", which replaced the beloved GHS (centimetre, degree, second) 60 years ago.