Points VS Pips - page 72

Сергей Таболин:

Do you understand WHAT you are saying? Your tick size is not the minimum price change. The minimum price change is a point. The tick size is how many points the price has changed from the previous event (tick). The price change can be expressed either in monetary terms or in pips, but not in ticks!

I get the feeling that you are speaking in Uruk-Mortan and giving each value a different, invented definition.

I speak the language of traders, but you speak the language of dilettantes that the forex kitchens have drummed into your head.
If you do not accept the language of traders, we have nothing to talk about.

pips.PNG  33 kb
Vladimir Baskakov:
It is yes . For example GbpUsd lot=0.01:
at 4 digits (1000*0.0001)/1=0.1
at 5 (1000*0.00001)/1=0.01

why complicate it so much?

In the same terminal - different currency amount - at the same pips

I speak the language of traders, but you speak the language of amateurs, that has been drummed into your head by Forex kitchens.
If you don't accept the language of traders, we have nothing to talk about.

Now translate what it says in Russian (marked). I am not a native English speaker and I cannot translate it unambiguously. That's one.

Two. You are on the MQ resource, which is specifically designed for Forex. Why in the world would I use a fucking moron instead of a point?

Сергей Таболин:

As soon as you prove in practice that a penny is a divisible point (divide that penny into as many parts as you like and pay with those pips at the shop), I will immediately stop saying that a point is a minimum and indivisible value.

And stop asking for links in English. It's not barsko...

Proving it in practice (and send me the link to your broker, I'll show you pictures too)


Сергей Таболин:

Now translate what it says in Russian (marked). I am not a native English speaker and I cannot translate it unambiguously. That's one.

Two. You are on the MQ resource, which is specifically designed for Forex. Why the hell should I use some chuburach instead of a point?

Learn the English language. Use translators. And it is your right what to use instead of a point.
My mistake, your logic is confined to forex, while the MQ resource and the MT5 terminal are designed for different markets, including the stock market.
I'm tired of meeting people with such a tone of voice. They do not understand basic things, having traded in Forex kitchens, they think they have got some knowledge.
This is a misconception, forex is an over-the-counter exchange(spot), just a part of the big iceberg of other markets.
Study other markets and you will come to an understanding.


@Sergay Tabolin so will you cite the definition of the Point as indivisible? Or will you admit that this is self-inflicted? (Yours, and those who write about it)

Taras Slobodyanik:

I am proving it in practice (and send me the link to your broker, I will also show you pictures).

Brokers use fractional points in descriptions, no one is arguing with this, this is a so to speak convenient interpretation of reality, or information adapted to traders (call it what you want), and we are talking about the fact that the graph has no fractional values after the decimal point... So the mathematical scalar unit is indivisible. And there's even a minimum tick size confused with a tick... And by calling two different things by the same name, they also violate the first law of logic.

Nikolay Ivanov:

Brokers use fractional points in descriptions, no one argues with this, this is a convenient interpretation of reality, or information adapted for traders, but we are talking about the fact that there are no fractional values on the chart after the decimal point. So the mathematical scalar unit is indivisible. And there's even a minimum tick size confused with a tick... And by calling two different things by the same name, they also violate the first law of logic.

no-no, here they claim that there is only a point_mt and everything else is self-defeating (I can find posts)

Taras Slobodyanik:

Proving it in practice (and send me the link to your broker, I'll show you pictures too)

First, call your broker (from the picture) and find out from him what they call the Min. change in price. 0.00001 what? In what units is it expressed? And what is a point for them?

I see a completely illiterate presentation (or on the contrary, a very competent one? for a hundred percent misleading?)

Taras Slobodyanik:

@Sergay Tabolin so will you cite the definition of the Point as indivisible? Or will you admit that this is self-inflicted? (Yours, and those who write about it)

Have you sawed off the penny yet?