Points VS Pips - page 24

Dmitry Fedoseev:

But the proof has already been given that there was no multiplication by 10 on the four digits, so points in your terminology, but called pips.

This is not a proof. The proof is a comparison of two monitoring services, one counts in pips and the other counts in pips

Dimitri, you're not even arguing now, you're writing to a Neanderthal.

you're nothing at all.

Vladimir Baskakov:
That's not a fact. It's a comparison of two monitoring services, one counts in pips and the other counts in pips.

Do you even know what they abbreviate words for?

They're abbreviated when there's a length limit

Олег avtomat:

You're nothing at all.

Thank you, you've already shown me.

And by the way, it wasn't you in the first place,

I have a separate opinion about you

Олег avtomat:

No, Artyom. You're stupid. Even though you're a younger fart, you don't understand the basics.

Oleg, read what a clause is.

And remember how you yourself personally spit out slang Americanisms.

And now think that it is the Americanisms in the form of "pips" instead of "point" that you are now using and proving that I don't know something there.

That's it, I'm off to bed from your madhouse.


Do you even know what they abbreviate words for?

They're abbreviated when there's a length limit

Listen, Mikhalych, leave me alone.
Vladimir Baskakov:
This is not a proof. The proof is a comparison of two monitoring services, one counts in pips and the other counts in pips.

So where on the beech can you see the word"point"?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

The basic thing is the definition of the clause: "the minimum unit of measure for the value of a quotation".

you don't know the basic stuff

Vladimir Baskakov:
Listen, Mikhalych, leave me alone.

If I leave you alone, you'll be even stupider.

Олег avtomat:

you're nothing at all.

Let's have a chat about wu-shin.