Based on the "Div hunter" strategy - page 6


Exited LKOH with a profit of RUB 3330.

But the best part will be tomorrow morning....


Really interesting.

Despite the fact that yesterday, before closing, the futures prices skyrocketed,

the loss, in the end, was not a very large amount (-2737.76 rubles)

And the total profit = 7344 + 3330 - 2737.76 = 7936.24 rub.


Exited LKOH with a profit of RUB 3330.

But the best part will be tomorrow morning....


Really interesting.

Despite the fact that yesterday, before closing, the futures prices skyrocketed,

the loss, in the end, was not a very large amount (-2737.76 rubles)

Total profit = 7344 + 3330 - 2737.76 = 7936.24 RUB.

How do you determine the volume of the position?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

How do you determine the volume of the position?

In the previously posted EA, there is theCheckPosState() function

It determines the volume of a position

exp_data.pos_vol =  long(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME));
//| Expert Check position function                                   |
POS_STATE CheckPosState()
  exp_data.pos_vol = 0;
    exp_data.pos_vol =  long(PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME));
  else return(POS_NONE);

In the previously posted EA, there is theCheckPosState() function

it defines the position volume

I do not understand anything in the code, can you put it in words?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Nothing is clear to me from the code, can you write it in words?

Sorry, but I don't know how to explain without code...

Because the volume of the position is determined by the functions

written in the code.


How's the strategy coming along?
Aleksey Vyazmikin:
How's the strategy working out?

No, I'm not doing it at the moment.

Standing at home


No, I'm not doing it at the moment.

Standing at home

If the house isn't six stories, there's too much mortar. Unless you have non-human builders and use up all the mortar. The joint should be 1-2 mm thick. The thicker the joint, the more heat will be lost.

Alexey Viktorov:

If the house is not going to be 6 stories, that's too much mortar. Unless you are a non-human builder and use up all of it. Joint thickness should be 1-2 mm. The thicker the joint, the more heat will be lost.

Two storeys

Joint 0.5 - 1.0 mm (masonry on Tytan foam adhesive), this is not mortar, but YTONG blocks(

Газобетонные блоки YTONG. Размеры, цены и сопутствующие материалы купить от производителя
Газобетонные блоки YTONG. Размеры, цены и сопутствующие материалы купить от производителя
Одним из главных преимуществ дома из YTONG являются его теплоизоляционные свойства. Высокотехнологичный строительный материал обеспечивает благоприятный климат внутри помещений, при этом значительно снижая эксплуатационные расходы по их содержанию. Зимой газобетон позволяет экономить на отоплении, а летом в помещениях сохраняется приятная...

No, I'm not doing it at the moment.

The house is standing.

How much effort have you put into these construction details? I remember wanting to build, but I started surfing around on websites and getting into it - there is a lot of information, and without understanding it there is anxiety that they will cheat and scam me for money.