Based on the "Div hunter" strategy


I thought that when trading on SPOT is stopped, this can be used quite

risk strategy (Fut Gap). Its meaning is that we do not buy shares , but only sell futures

with the Gap set by us up.

When stocks are traded, we calculate the average delta between the futures and stocks, and when

stock trading has ended, we place an order (orders) for the sale of futures (calculated delta + our Gap).

And in the morning we sell futures

(the question is how to sell if the position is large enough?).

//|                                                      Fut_gap.mq5 |
//|                                     Copyright 2019, prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, prostotrader"
#property link        ""
#property version    "1.00"
#include   "AutoMagic.mqh"
input long PrGap        = 100 ;         //Гап вверх(пункты)
input string DeltaStart = "10:00:00" ; //Время начала расчета дельты
input string DeltaEnd   = "18:38:00" ; //Время конца расчета дельты
input string ClirStart  = "14:00:00" ; //Время начала дневного клиринга
input string ClirEnd    = "14:05:00" ; //Время конца клиринга
input string OrderStart = "19:05:00" ; //Время начала установки ордера
input string OrderEnd   = "23:43:00" ; //Время конца установки ордера
input long   PosMax     = 100 ;         //Максимальное кол-во контрактов
input long   PosEnter   = 5 ;           //Контрактов в ордере
//--- Variables
string fut_symbol, spot_symbol;
bool fut_book, spot_book;
  POS_UNKNOWN = - 1 ,
  POS_NONE    = 0 ,
  POS_LONG    = 1 ,
  POS_SHORT   = 2
  TIME_UNKNOWN     = - 1 ,
  TIME_DELTA       = 0 ,
  TIME_CLIRING     = 1 , 
  TIME_ORDER       = 2 ,
  ORD_NO_STATE  = 0 ,
  ORD_DO_SET    = 1 ,
  ORD_WORK      = 3 ,
struct EXP_DATA
   double contr_size;
   ulong delta_cnt;
   double fut_buy;
   double spot_sell;
   double spot_last;
   long contr_cnt;
   double delta_midle; 
   int spot_digits;
  TIME_STATE time_state;
   ulong st_delta_value;
   ulong end_delta_value;
   ulong st_clir_value;
   ulong end_clir_value;
   ulong st_order_value;
   ulong end_order_value;
  POS_STATE pos_state;
   double step_price;
   ulong ticket;
   ulong req_id;
   ulong magic;
  ENUM_ORD_STATE ord_state;
EXP_DATA exp_data;
//| Expert Set Time values function                                  |
ulong SetTimeValue( const string in_str)
   int str_size = StringLen (in_str);
   if (str_size == 8 )
     int k = StringFind (in_str, ":" , 2 );
     if (k == 2 )
       string s_hour = StringSubstr (in_str, 0 , k);
      k = StringFind (in_str, ":" , 5 );
       if (k == 5 )
         string s_min = StringSubstr (in_str, 3 , k- 3 );
         string s_sec = StringSubstr (in_str, 6 , str_size - k - 1 );
         ulong t_sec = ulong ( StringToInteger (s_sec));
         ulong t_min = ulong ( StringToInteger (s_min)) * 60 ;
         ulong t_hour = ulong ( StringToInteger (s_hour)) * 3600 ;
         return (t_hour + t_min + t_sec);
   return ( 0 );
//| Expert Get Spot name function                                    |
string GetSpot( const string fut_name)
   string Spot = "" ; 
   if (fut_name != "" )
     int str_tire = StringFind (fut_name, "-" );
     if (str_tire > 0 )
      Spot = StringSubstr (fut_name, 0 , str_tire);
       if (Spot == "GAZR" ) Spot = "GAZP" ; else
       if (Spot == "SBRF" ) Spot = "SBER" ; else
       if (Spot == "SBPR" ) Spot = "SBERP" ; else
       if (Spot == "TRNF" ) Spot = "TRNFP" ; else
       if (Spot == "NOTK" ) Spot = "NVTK" ; else
       if (Spot == "MTSI" ) Spot = "MTSS" ; else
       if (Spot == "GMKR" ) Spot = "GMKN" ; else
       if (Spot == "SNGR" ) Spot = "SNGS" ; else
       if (Spot == "Eu" )   Spot = "EURRUB_TOD" ; else
       if (Spot == "Si" )   Spot = "USDRUB_TOD" ; else
       if (Spot == "SNGP" ) Spot = "SNGSP" ;
   return (Spot);
//| Expert Chek position function                                    |
POS_STATE CheckPosState()
  exp_data.contr_cnt = 0 ;
   if ( PositionSelect (fut_symbol))
    exp_data.contr_cnt =   long ( PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME ));
     ENUM_POSITION_TYPE pos_type = ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ( PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE ));
     switch (pos_type)
       case POSITION_TYPE_BUY :
         return (POS_LONG);
       break ;
       case POSITION_TYPE_SELL :
         return (POS_SHORT);
       break ;
   else return (POS_NONE);
   return (POS_UNKNOWN);
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit ()
  fut_symbol = Symbol ();
  spot_symbol = GetSpot(fut_symbol);
   if (spot_symbol == "" )
     Alert ( "Не получено имя СПОТа!" );
     return ( INIT_FAILED );
     if ( SymbolSelect (spot_symbol, true ) == false )
       Alert ( "Нет смвола с именем " + spot_symbol + "!" );
       return ( INIT_FAILED );
      spot_book = MarketBookAdd (spot_symbol);
       if (spot_book == false )
         Alert ( "Не добавлен стакан СПОТа!" );
         return ( INIT_FAILED );
  fut_book = MarketBookAdd (fut_symbol);
   if (fut_book == false )
     Alert ( "Не добавлен стакан фьючерса!" );
     return ( INIT_FAILED );
  exp_data.pos_state = CheckPosState();  
  exp_data.delta_cnt = 0 ;
  exp_data.fut_buy = 0 ;
 // exp_data.fut_sell = 0;
 // exp_data.spot_buy = 0;
  exp_data.spot_sell = 0 ;
  exp_data.spot_digits = int ( SymbolInfoInteger (spot_symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS ));
  exp_data.spot_last = SymbolInfoDouble (spot_symbol, SYMBOL_LAST );
  exp_data.delta_midle = 0 ;
  exp_data.step_price = SymbolInfoDouble (fut_symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE );
  exp_data.contr_size = SymbolInfoDouble (fut_symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE );
  exp_data.st_delta_value = SetTimeValue(DeltaStart);
  exp_data.end_delta_value = SetTimeValue(DeltaEnd);
  exp_data.st_clir_value = SetTimeValue(ClirStart);
  exp_data.end_clir_value = SetTimeValue(ClirEnd);
  exp_data.st_order_value = SetTimeValue(OrderStart);
  exp_data.end_order_value = SetTimeValue(OrderEnd);
   if ((exp_data.st_delta_value > 0 ) && (exp_data.end_delta_value > 0 ) &&
     (exp_data.st_clir_value > 0 ) && (exp_data.end_clir_value > 0 ) &&
     (exp_data.st_order_value > 0 ) && (exp_data.end_order_value > 0 ))
    exp_data.magic = GetMagic(fut_symbol);
     if (exp_data.magic == 0 ) 
       Alert ( "Не установлен магик!" );
       return ( INIT_FAILED );
     return ( INIT_SUCCEEDED );
   else return ( INIT_FAILED );
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit ( const int reason)
   if (fut_book == true ) MarketBookRelease (fut_symbol);
   if (spot_book == true ) MarketBookRelease (spot_symbol);
   if (reason == REASON_INITFAILED )
     Print ( "Эксперт удалён! Причина - ошибка инициализации." );
     ExpertRemove ();
//| Expert Check Trade Time function                                 |
TIME_STATE CheckTradeTime()
   MqlDateTime dt_str;
   TimeTradeServer (dt_str);
   if (dt_str.year > 0 )
     ulong cur_time = ulong (dt_str.sec) + ulong (dt_str.min * 60 ) + ulong (dt_str.hour * 3600 );
     if ((cur_time >= exp_data.st_delta_value) && (cur_time <= exp_data.end_delta_value))
       return (TIME_DELTA);
       if ((cur_time >= exp_data.st_clir_value) && (cur_time <= exp_data.end_clir_value))
         return (TIME_CLIRING);
         if ((cur_time >= exp_data.st_order_value) && (cur_time <= exp_data.end_order_value))
           return (TIME_ORDER);
         else return (TIME_OUT_SESSION);
   return (TIME_UNKNOWN);
//| Expert Points to price function                                  |
double PointsToPrice( const long a_points)
   double a_price = ( double (a_points) * Point () ) / exp_data.step_price;
   if (a_points < 0 )
    a_price = MathFloor (a_price) * exp_data.step_price;
    a_price = MathCeil (a_price) * exp_data.step_price;
   return ( NormalizeDouble (a_price, Digits ()));
//| Expert Set Delta Value function                                  |
void SetDeltaValue()
  exp_data.fut_buy = SymbolInfoDouble (fut_symbol, SYMBOL_BID );
  exp_data.spot_sell = SymbolInfoDouble (spot_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK );
   if ((exp_data.fut_buy > 0 ) && (exp_data.spot_sell > 0 ))
     double cur_delta = (exp_data.fut_buy - exp_data.spot_sell * exp_data.contr_size);
     double tmp_delta = exp_data.delta_midle * exp_data.delta_cnt;
    exp_data.delta_midle = (tmp_delta + cur_delta)/exp_data.delta_cnt;
//| Expert Place Order function                                      |
bool PlaceOrder( const long volume)
   if ((exp_data.delta_cnt > 0 ) && (exp_data.delta_midle > 0 ))
    exp_data.spot_last = SymbolInfoDouble (spot_symbol, SYMBOL_LAST ); 
     long delta = long (exp_data.delta_midle/Point());
     double price = exp_data.spot_last * exp_data.contr_size + PointsToPrice(delta + PrGap); 
     double max_price = SymbolInfoDouble (fut_symbol, SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MAX );
     double min_price = SymbolInfoDouble (fut_symbol, SYMBOL_SESSION_PRICE_LIMIT_MIN );
     if ((price >= min_price) && (price <= max_price))
       MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
       MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
      exp_data.ticket = 0 ;
      exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
      request.action = TRADE_ACTION_PENDING ;
      request.magic  = exp_data.magic;
      request.symbol = fut_symbol;
      request.volume = double (volume);
      request.price  = price;
      request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT ;
      request.comment = "Отложенный ордер..." ;      
      request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_RETURN ;
      request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
//--- Send order
       if ( OrderSendAsync (request, result) == true )
         if ((result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) || (result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE )) 
          exp_data.req_id = result.request_id;
           if (exp_data.req_id > 0 ) exp_data.ord_state = ORD_DO_SET;
           Print (result.retcode, "; PleceOrder: Ордер не установлен!" );
         Print (result.retcode, "; PlaceOrder: Ордер не отослан!" );
   return ( false );
//| Expert Set Order function                                         |
void SetOrder( const double o_vol, const bool buy_sell)
   MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
  exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
  exp_data.ticket = 0 ;
//--- Fill structure
  request.magic = exp_data.magic;
  request.symbol = fut_symbol;
  request.volume = o_vol; 
  request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_IOC ;
  request.type_time = ORDER_TIME_DAY ;
  request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL ;
  request.comment = "Рыночный ордер..." ;
   if (buy_sell == true )
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_BUY ;
    request.type = ORDER_TYPE_SELL ;
//--- Send order
   if ( OrderSendAsync (request, result))
     if ((result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) || (result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE ))
      exp_data.req_id = result.request_id;
       if (exp_data.req_id > 0 ) exp_data.ord_state = ORD_DO_SET;  
       Print (result.retcode, "; SetOrder: Ордер не установлен!" );
     Print (result.retcode, "; SetOrder: Ордер не отправлен!" );
//| Expert Close position function                                   |
void RemoveOrder()
  exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
   MqlTradeRequest request = { 0 };
   MqlTradeResult   result  = { 0 };
  request.action = TRADE_ACTION_REMOVE ;
  request.order = exp_data.ticket;
   if ( OrderSendAsync (request, result) == true )
     if ((result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_PLACED ) || (result.retcode == TRADE_RETCODE_DONE ))
      exp_data.req_id = result.request_id;
       if (exp_data.req_id > 0 ) exp_data.ord_state = ORD_DO_CANCEL;
     Print (result.retcode, "; RemoveOrder: Ордер не отослан!" );
//| Expert Close position function                                   |
void ClosePosition()
   if ( PositionSelect (fut_symbol))
     double a_vol = PositionGetDouble ( POSITION_VOLUME );
     ENUM_POSITION_TYPE pos_type = ENUM_POSITION_TYPE ( PositionGetInteger ( POSITION_TYPE ));
     switch (pos_type)
       case POSITION_TYPE_BUY :
        SetOrder(a_vol, false ); //Sell order
       break ;
       case POSITION_TYPE_SELL :
        SetOrder(a_vol, true );   //Buy order
       break ;     
//| Expert Book Event function                                       |
void OnBookEvent ( const string &symbol)
   if ((symbol == fut_symbol) || (symbol == spot_symbol))
    exp_data.pos_state = CheckPosState();
     if (exp_data.ord_state == ORD_NO_STATE)
       long a_vol;
       switch (CheckTradeTime())
        case TIME_OUT_SESSION:
          exp_data.delta_midle = 0;
          exp_data.delta_cnt = 0;
         case TIME_DELTA:
           switch (exp_data.pos_state)
             case POS_UNKNOWN:
             break ;
             case POS_NONE:
             break ;
             case POS_LONG:       //Не верно открыта позиция
             break ;
             case POS_SHORT:
              ClosePosition();   //Сразу закрывать позицию (10:00:00)??????? Всю или частями??????????
             break ;
         break ;
         case TIME_ORDER:
           switch (exp_data.pos_state)
             case POS_UNKNOWN:
             break ;
             case POS_NONE:
             break ;
             case POS_LONG:
              ClosePosition(); //Не верно открыта позиция
             break ;
             case POS_SHORT:   //Добавление позиции
              a_vol = PosMax - exp_data.contr_cnt;
               if (a_vol > 0 )
                 if (a_vol > PosEnter) a_vol = PosEnter; 
             break ;
         break ;
       switch (exp_data.ord_state)
         case ORD_DO_SET:
         break ;
         case ORD_DO_CANCEL:
         break ;
         case ORD_WORK:
         break ;
//| TradeTransaction function                                        |
void OnTradeTransaction ( const MqlTradeTransaction & trans,
                         const MqlTradeRequest & request,
                         const MqlTradeResult & result)
   switch (trans.type)
       if ((exp_data.req_id > 0 ) && (result.request_id == exp_data.req_id))
         if (result.order > 0 )
          exp_data.ticket = result.order;
          exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
          exp_data.ticket = 0 ;
          exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
          exp_data.ord_state = ORD_NO_STATE;
     break ;
       if ((exp_data.ticket > 0 ) && (trans.order == exp_data.ticket))
        exp_data.ticket = 0 ;
        exp_data.req_id = 0 ;
        exp_data.ord_state = ORD_NO_STATE;
     break ;
       switch (trans.order_state)
         case ORDER_STATE_PLACED :
           if ((exp_data.ticket > 0 ) && (trans.order == exp_data.ticket))
             switch (exp_data.ord_state)
               case ORD_DO_SET:
                exp_data.ord_state = ORD_WORK;
               break ;
         break ;
     break ;  

Demo will not work!


//|                                                    AutoMagic.mqh |
//|                                 Copyright 2017-2018 prostotrader |
//|                                    |
//version   "1.01
ulong symb_magic;
// Split string function                                             |
string SplitString( const string a_str, ulong &a_month, ulong &a_year)
   int str_size= StringLen (a_str);
   int str_tire= StringFind (a_str, "-" );
   int str_tochka= StringFind (a_str, "." , str_tire);
   if ((str_tire> 0 ) && (str_tochka> 0 ) &&(str_size > 0 ))
      a_month= ulong ( StringToInteger ( StringSubstr (a_str,str_tire+ 1 ,str_tochka-str_tire- 1 )));
      a_year = ulong ( StringToInteger ( StringSubstr (a_str,str_tochka+ 1 ,str_size-str_tochka- 1 )));
       if ((a_month > 0 ) && (a_year > 0 )) return ( StringSubstr (a_str, 0 , str_tire));
   return ( "" );
// Get Magic function                                                |
ulong GetMagic( const string a_symbol)
//--- Get ChartID
  symb_magic = 0 ;
   if ( SymbolSelect ( Symbol (), true ) == false )
     Print ( __FUNCTION__ , ": Нет такого символа!" );
     return ( 0 );
   ulong month = 0 ;
   ulong year = 0 ;
   string new_str = SplitString(a_symbol,month,year);
   if ( StringLen (new_str)> 0 )
     uchar char_array[];
     int result= StringToCharArray (new_str,char_array, 0 , WHOLE_ARRAY , CP_ACP );
     if (result> 0 )
     ulong value;
     for ( int i = 0 ; i < result - 1 ; i++)
       value= ulong (char_array[i]);
       value<<=( 56 -(i* 8 ));
       symb_magic += value;
     month<<= 24 ;
     symb_magic += month;
     year<<= 16 ;
     symb_magic += year;
     return (symb_magic);
   return ( 0 ); 
// Is my magic function                                              |
bool IsMyMagic( const ulong m_magic)
   if (m_magic > 0 )
     ulong stored_magic=symb_magic;
    stored_magic>>= 16 ;
     ulong in_magic = m_magic;
    in_magic>>= 16 ;
     if (in_magic == stored_magic) return ( true );
   return ( false );
// Get stored magic function                                         |
ulong GetStoredMagic()
   if (symb_magic > 0 ) return (symb_magic);
   return ( 0 );  

By the way, USDRUB_TOM could be an indicator for SBER and VTB .

I have to think how to "screw" it into my EA...


No one has any thoughts on how to exit a position with large volume?

Just need to add a function
void CheckOrderState()
And decide how to close a large position....
Fut_gap.mq5  46 kb



No one has any thoughts on how to get out of position, with high volume?

In small portions. Set a limit on the price above/below which to close the position by portions. For example, you take a position to buy. You set a limit to close the position by the price higher than 100 RUB. And if the price is above 100 you sell by portions or by limit or market price.


It occurred to me that with the SPOT trading halt, this could be used in a rather risky strategy (Fut Gap).

risky strategy (Fut Gap). The idea is that we don't buy stocks, but only sell futures

with the Gap we set up.

When the stock is traded, we calculate the average delta between the futures and the stock, and when

we set the order(s) to sell the futures (the calculated delta + our Gap).

And in the morning we sell the futures.

(The question is how to sell, if the position is big enough?).

It won't work on demo!


And if we sold, and the market went further up?

As for closing - it depends on the volume, if it is big, I break it into lots of 5-10 and put it in the spread - it works well in a fast market, but the process is not automated for me.


Will someone write an exit function for the position?

//| Expert Exit From Position function                               |
void ExitFromPosition()
  double pos_price = GetPositionPrice(fut_symbol);
  if(pos_price > 0)
    double cur_price = SymbolInfoDouble(fut_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
Fut_gap.mq5  50 kb
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

What if you sold out and the market went further upwards?

You set your own "greed" :)

input long PrGap        = 100;        //Гап вверх(пункты)

You set your own "greed" :)

I do not understand - we opened a short, but the market kept pushing upwards - we could not close it in the first minute and would use stops - I do not understand.


Will someone write a function for exiting a position?

And how do you decide to exit? I can give you a class on working with positions - opening/closing/modifying...

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I do not understand - we opened the short, but the market continues to press upwards - not to close at the first minute, will be wired with stops - I do not understand.

I do not understand.

In the first post it says:

"It occurred to me that when you stop the SPOT trades, you could use this in a fairly

risky strategy(Fut Gap)"


You need to read carefully.

The first post says:

"It occurred to me that when stopping trading on SPOT you could use this in a fairly

risky strategy(Fut Gap)"

The writing should be informative, I never understood anything of substance.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

You have to write informatively, I still don't get the gist of it.

Give me your card number, maybe I can transfer money to you....

Well, seriously, the point is this.

After stock trading stops, futures continue to trade - SPECULATELY,

because the price of the futures depends on the price of the stock. The next day the stock may fall or rise (50/50), BUT!

The delta between the futures and the stock yesterday, is greater than the delta today, hence our risks (50 - some %).

Next... We want to sell the futures much higher than they traded before the stock closed,

so our risks = (50 - some % on the delta - some % on the Gap we set).

Is it clear now?