Financial transactions are limited - page 5

Artyom Trishkin:

How much money is frozen in the account? Is it enough to pay back the debt?

They have already been withdrawn from my account for the benefit of a client

Artem Markevych:

It's already been withdrawn from my account for the benefit of a client

Oh, you mean personal funds... No, not enough.

Artem Markevych:

I would love to do that! But I've just tried to click on "Top up" and my top up options don't appear. You need to remove (at least) the financial restrictions before I can do that...

And who can be sure that once the funds are unfrozen, you will top up and pay back the debt, rather than withdraw the funds sooner?

I'm sorry, but trust has been damaged. You need to deal with the administration. And, of course, not with ultimatums.

Artyom Trishkin:

And who can be sure that once the funds have been unfrozen, you will top up your account and repay the debt, rather than withdraw the funds sooner?

I'm sorry, but trust has been damaged. We need to deal with the administration. And, of course, not with ultimatums.

The funds that were frozen have already been withdrawn.

Artem Markevych:

The funds that were frozen have already been taken away.

Have a lot of funds been frozen?

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Have a lot of funds been frozen?

A 4-digit amount

Artem Markevych:

4-digit amount

just do NOT make it sound like you have been scammed by MKs - like all your funds have been blocked and taken away.

From your screenshots above and your profile -- the following is clear:

-- you had a job for 1500 dollars -- you did it, you did it, and after a month you asked the client to close the job early, like, then you finish it (or whatever it was, I can't be sure)

-- the customer closed the job, the $1,350 fell to you and the customer even left you a positive review saying that you were a rocket scientist

-- that's exactly what you said about the order originally:

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Financial transactions are limited

Artem Markevych, 2019.07.26 10:29

There was a problematic customer who accuses me of something but what am I supposed to do about it?

-- I had a problem client who accused me of something but now I have to do with it?

-- after the investigation, MKs considered your activity as fraudulent -- warned you of the consequences -- but you probably did not realize it -- and then MKs took away your verification and access to freelancing with all the ensuing

-- and the funds for this order of $1350 (which were frozen by freelance rules for 7 days) were returned to the customer

i.e. the customer actually lost $150

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

-- the customer closed the job, the $1,350 fell to you and the customer even left you a positive review saying you were a cool proger


which means the customer actually lost $150.

This is an interesting twist. So the customer is a good goose, too: he accepts the job he has not done, and now he complains? If that's the case, there's no reason to give him his commission back. That would be a lesson.
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Andrei, is 1500 a real figure or a figure "from the ceiling", as an example?

Alexey Viktorov:

And Andrew, and 1500 is the real or "from the ceiling", for example a figure?

Alexei -- all the information is available -- read:


I have already copied it and it does not affect the profit.

2. Go to his profile -- and look for the job from the previous screenshot:

The client's nickname is in references - and in his profile in Achievements we see that he was in contact with Service Desk

3. Work completed on the 21st -- 7 days freeze on freelance rules -- on the 26th IC payment was canceled -- on the 26th the topikstarter created this thread with a question about why financial transactions are blocked.