Prop trading - is it a scam or is it good? - page 13


Today, Sber is in a classic situation of taking the spread over, although with a littlerisk

At 6:30, the SPOT froze at 234.75.

but the futures were jumping to 23800. I sold 5 futures at 23775.

And I expect to buy SPOT tomorrow at 234.75 and below (super situation), assuming that SPOT will not jump up to 2.75 RUR. (bad situation).

If all goes well, it will be 23-25% instead of 7-8% p.a.

Such actions can be taken if we already have a sufficiently large amount (relative to what we're buying) of purchased Spread

(I have already created a positive handicap by initially buying a spread at 8% p.a.)


Don't forget that Div hunter is aimed at catching dividends,

hence dividendscan be added to profits (if they fall out :) ),

But the nets are large


Well, as suggested "it's not the tail that drives the dog"

50 lots (500 shares) of Sbera were bought at 234.25 rbl.


If all goes well, it is no longer 7-8% per annum, but 23-25%.

Now that's interesting. Did you buy futures on the evening? I admit that the first hour could be for a bounce in RTS, and hence in Sber.

And then most likely the decline will continue globally, alas.

We didn't buy, we sold out :)


There seems to be no point in continuing to post ideas and exposés...


There seems to be no point in continuing to publish ideas and calculations...

Why so pessimistic?



Delta - net difference in Roubles between futures and spot

Indicator in my personal



Delta - net difference in Roubles between futures and spot

Indicator in my personal

Is it only for a select few, or is it possible to queue? If so, I am the last one in line :)

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Is this only for a select few, or is it possible to get in line? If so, I'm the last one in line :)

Use formulas yourself instead of "return(0);" and compile

//|                                                    SPOTvsFUT.mq5 |
//|                                     Copyright 2019, prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, prostotrader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "Input %"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrLime
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot Label2
#property indicator_label2  "Output %"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrAqua
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
#define  on_call -111
#define  YEAR    365
input double StCB     = 7.5;    //Ставка ЦБ(%)
input double BBSpot   = 0.025;  //Брокер и Биржа СПОТ(%)
input double BrFut    = 0.24;   //Брокер ФОРТС(руб.)
input double BiFut    = 0.0066; //Биржа ФОРТС(%) 
input double BrExp    = 1.0;    //Брокер за эксп.(руб.) 
input double BiExp    = 2.0;    //Биржа за зксп.(руб.)
input double Div      = 0;      //Дивиденты(руб./акция)
input double NalogDiv = 13;     //Налог на дивиденты(%)
input double NalDepo  = 175;    //Комиссия депозитария (руб./мес.)
input long   NFut     = 100;    //Передп. кол-во фьючерсов к продаже
input int    aBars    = 40;     //Мин. Баров на графике  
  int exp_day;
  double spot_ask;
  double spot_bid;
  double fut_ask;
  double fut_bid;
  double fut_lot;
  double go_sell;
  double go_buy;
string spot_symbol;
int event_cnt;
MARKET_DATA ma_data;
double inBuff[], outBuff[];
bool spot_book, fut_book;

//| Custom indicator Get Spot name function                          |
string GetSpot(const string fut_name)
  string Spot = ""; 
  if(fut_name != "")
    int str_tire = StringFind(fut_name, "-");
    if(str_tire > 0)
      Spot = StringSubstr(fut_name, 0, str_tire);
      if(Spot == "GAZR") Spot = "GAZP"; else
      if(Spot == "SBRF") Spot = "SBER"; else
      if(Spot == "SBPR") Spot = "SBERP"; else
      if(Spot == "TRNF") Spot = "TRNFP"; else
      if(Spot == "NOTK") Spot = "NVTK"; else
      if(Spot == "MTSI") Spot = "MTSS"; else
      if(Spot == "GMKR") Spot = "GMKN"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGR") Spot = "SNGS"; else
      if(Spot == "Eu")   Spot = "EURRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "Si")   Spot = "USDRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGP") Spot = "SNGSP";
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
  int t_bars = Bars(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT);
  if(t_bars < (aBars + 2))
    Alert("Не хватает баров на графике!");
  event_cnt = 0;
  spot_symbol = GetSpot(Symbol());
  if(spot_symbol == "")
    Alert("Не получено имя СПОТа!");
    if(SymbolSelect(spot_symbol, true) == false)
      Alert("Нет смвола с именем " + spot_symbol + "!");
      spot_book = MarketBookAdd(spot_symbol);
      if(spot_book == false)
        Alert("Не добавлен стакан СПОТа!");
  fut_book = MarketBookAdd(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == false)
    Alert("Не добавлен стакан фьючерса!");
  IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS, 2);
  SetIndexBuffer(0, inBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(inBuff, true); 
  SetIndexBuffer(1, outBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(outBuff, true);
    int window=ChartWindowFind(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: 0");  

  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: 0");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_3",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Delta: 0");
// Custom indicator DeInit function                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  if(fut_book == true) MarketBookRelease(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == true) MarketBookRelease(spot_symbol);
  if(reason == REASON_INITFAILED)
    Print("Индикатор удалён! Причина - ошибка инициализации.");
    string short_name = ChartIndicatorName(ChartID(), 1, 0);
    ChartIndicatorDelete(ChartID(), 1, short_name); 
//| Custom indicator Get expiration  function                        |
int GetExpiration(const string aSymbol)
  MqlDateTime ExpData, CurData;
  datetime expir_time = datetime(SymbolInfoInteger(aSymbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME));
  TimeToStruct(expir_time, ExpData);
  if(ExpData.year != CurData.year)
    return(YEAR * (ExpData.year - CurData.year) - CurData.day_of_year + ExpData.day_of_year);
    return(ExpData.day_of_year - CurData.day_of_year);
// Custom indicator On book event function                           |
void OnBookEvent(const string& symbol)
  if((symbol == Symbol()) || (symbol == spot_symbol))
    ma_data.exp_day  = GetExpiration(Symbol());
    ma_data.fut_ask  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.fut_bid  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);
    ma_data.fut_lot  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
    ma_data.go_sell  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL);
    ma_data.go_buy  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE);
    ma_data.spot_ask = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.spot_bid = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
    double price[]; 
    OnCalculate(event_cnt, event_cnt, on_call, price); 
// Custom indicator Calc In Value function                           |
double CalcInValue()
  double depocomiss = NalDepo/(NFut * ma_data.fut_lot);
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_ask * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 * 2 +
                  BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_bid/100 + BrExp + BiExp;
  double divNalog = Div/100 * 13;
  double divWaite = 0;
  if(Div > 0) divWaite = ((Div - divNalog) * ma_data.fut_lot * 13/100/365 * 20);
// Custom indicator Calc Out Value function                          |
double CalcOutValue()
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_bid * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 +
                   BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_ask/100;

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
  if(prev_calculated == 0)
    ArrayInitialize(inBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
    ArrayInitialize(outBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
    inBuff[1] = -50;
    outBuff[1] = 50;
  if(begin == on_call)
    for(int i = aBars - 1; i > 0; i--)
      inBuff[i] = inBuff[i - 1];
      outBuff[i] = outBuff[i - 1];
    inBuff[0] = CalcInValue(); 
    outBuff[0] = CalcOutValue();
    inBuff[0] = inBuff[1];
    outBuff[0] = outBuff[1];
  inBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  outBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: " + DoubleToString(inBuff[0], 2));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: " + DoubleToString(outBuff[0], 2));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_3",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Delta: " + DoubleToString(ma_data.fut_bid - (ma_data.spot_ask * ma_data.fut_lot), 2));
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
  event_cnt = rates_total;

Substitute formulas for "return(0);" and compile.

Thanks, but which formulas are we talking about? The ones in the function to choose from or what? I don't see a formula for yield in yearly terms...

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Thank you, but which formulas are we talking about? The ones in the selection function or what? I don't see a formula for the annual rate of return...

So you don't want to work and think about it yourself?


So you don't want to work and think about it yourself?

I thought you had already coped with this task in the indicator.