Prop trading - is it a scam or is it good? - page 14

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

I thought you'd already got the hang of it in the indicator.

No, I don't have the brains for it...


No, I don't have the brains for it...

It's not clear what this passive aggression has to do with...


Added the latest spot price so you can monitor your purchases

//|                                                    SPOTvsFUT.mq5 |
//|                                     Copyright 2019, prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, prostotrader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "Input %"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrLime
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot Label2
#property indicator_label2  "Output %"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrAqua
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
#define  on_call -111
#define  YEAR    365
input double StCB     = 7.5;    //Ставка ЦБ(%)
input double BBSpot   = 0.025;  //Брокер и Биржа СПОТ(%)
input double BrFut    = 0.24;   //Брокер ФОРТС(руб.)
input double BiFut    = 0.0066; //Биржа ФОРТС(%) 
input double BrExp    = 1.0;    //Брокер за эксп.(руб.) 
input double BiExp    = 2.0;    //Биржа за зксп.(руб.)
input double Div      = 0;      //Дивиденты(руб./акция)
input double NalogDiv = 13;     //Налог на дивиденты(%)
input double NalDepo  = 175;    //Комиссия депозитария (руб./мес.)
input long   NFut     = 100;    //Передп. кол-во фьючерсов к продаже
input int    aBars    = 30;     //Мин. Баров на графике  
input double pSpot    = 100;    //Цена СПОТ для вечернего мониторинга 
  int exp_day;
  double spot_ask;
  double spot_bid;
  double fut_ask;
  double fut_bid;
  double fut_lot;
  double go_sell;
  double go_buy;
string spot_symbol;
int event_cnt;
MARKET_DATA ma_data;
double inBuff[], outBuff[];
bool spot_book, fut_book;

//| Custom indicator Get Spot name function                          |
string GetSpot(const string fut_name)
  string Spot = ""; 
  if(fut_name != "")
    int str_tire = StringFind(fut_name, "-");
    if(str_tire > 0)
      Spot = StringSubstr(fut_name, 0, str_tire);
      if(Spot == "GAZR") Spot = "GAZP"; else
      if(Spot == "SBRF") Spot = "SBER"; else
      if(Spot == "SBPR") Spot = "SBERP"; else
      if(Spot == "TRNF") Spot = "TRNFP"; else
      if(Spot == "NOTK") Spot = "NVTK"; else
      if(Spot == "MTSI") Spot = "MTSS"; else
      if(Spot == "GMKR") Spot = "GMKN"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGR") Spot = "SNGS"; else
      if(Spot == "Eu")   Spot = "EURRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "Si")   Spot = "USDRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGP") Spot = "SNGSP";
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
  int t_bars = Bars(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT);
  if(t_bars < (aBars + 2))
    Alert("Не хватает баров на графике!");
  event_cnt = 0;
  spot_symbol = GetSpot(Symbol());
  if(spot_symbol == "")
    Alert("Не получено имя СПОТа!");
    if(SymbolSelect(spot_symbol, true) == false)
      Alert("Нет смвола с именем " + spot_symbol + "!");
      spot_book = MarketBookAdd(spot_symbol);
      if(spot_book == false)
        Alert("Не добавлен стакан СПОТа!");
  fut_book = MarketBookAdd(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == false)
    Alert("Не добавлен стакан фьючерса!");
  IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS, 2);
  SetIndexBuffer(0, inBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(inBuff, true); 
  SetIndexBuffer(1, outBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(outBuff, true);
    int window=ChartWindowFind(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: 0");  

  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: 0");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_3",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Delta: 0");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_4",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Night Delta: 0");
// Custom indicator DeInit function                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  if(fut_book == true) MarketBookRelease(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == true) MarketBookRelease(spot_symbol);
  if(reason == REASON_INITFAILED)
    Print("Индикатор удалён! Причина - ошибка инициализации.");
    string short_name = ChartIndicatorName(ChartID(), 1, 0);
    ChartIndicatorDelete(ChartID(), 1, short_name); 
//| Custom indicator Get expiration  function                        |
int GetExpiration(const string aSymbol)
  MqlDateTime ExpData, CurData;
  datetime expir_time = datetime(SymbolInfoInteger(aSymbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME));
  TimeToStruct(expir_time, ExpData);
  if(ExpData.year != CurData.year)
    return(YEAR * (ExpData.year - CurData.year) - CurData.day_of_year + ExpData.day_of_year);
    return(ExpData.day_of_year - CurData.day_of_year);
// Custom indicator On book event function                           |
void OnBookEvent(const string& symbol)
  if((symbol == Symbol()) || (symbol == spot_symbol))
    ma_data.exp_day  = GetExpiration(Symbol());
    ma_data.fut_ask  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.fut_bid  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);
    ma_data.fut_lot  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
    ma_data.go_sell  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL);
    ma_data.go_buy  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE);
    ma_data.spot_ask = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.spot_bid = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
    double price[]; 
    OnCalculate(event_cnt, event_cnt, on_call, price); 
// Custom indicator Calc In Value function                           |
double CalcInValue()
  double depocomiss = NalDepo/(NFut * ma_data.fut_lot);
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_ask * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 * 2 +
                  BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_bid/100 + BrExp + BiExp;
  double divNalog = Div/100 * 13;
  double divWaite = 0;
  if(Div > 0) divWaite = ((Div - divNalog) * ma_data.fut_lot * 13/100/365 * 20);
// Custom indicator Calc Out Value function                          |
double CalcOutValue()
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_bid * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 +
                   BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_ask/100;

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
  if(prev_calculated == 0)
    ArrayInitialize(inBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
    ArrayInitialize(outBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
    inBuff[1] = -50;
    outBuff[1] = 50;
  if(begin == on_call)
    for(int i = aBars - 1; i > 0; i--)
      inBuff[i] = inBuff[i - 1];
      outBuff[i] = outBuff[i - 1];
    inBuff[0] = CalcInValue(); 
    outBuff[0] = CalcOutValue();
    inBuff[0] = inBuff[1];
    outBuff[0] = outBuff[1];
  inBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  outBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: " + DoubleToString(inBuff[0], 2));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: " + DoubleToString(outBuff[0], 2));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_3",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Delta: " + DoubleToString(ma_data.fut_bid - (ma_data.spot_ask * ma_data.fut_lot), 0));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_4",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Night Delta: " + DoubleToString(ma_data.fut_bid - (pSpot * ma_data.fut_lot), 0));
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
  event_cnt = rates_total;

Today, for Sberbank, there is a classic situation of taking up the spread, but with a little risk.

As far as I understand, the same situation occurred today? I.e. yesterday the futures also went up 100+ pips after the Sber. spot was closed.

Now to see if it was possible to buy more shares around yesterday's closing price from the opening.


Yes, you could have.


The glass is drunk before the market opens:

Back to the main topic of the thread: borsatrading is a forex style scam.
In fact they don't provide any capital, they just reduce by 20x the amount of GO required to open positions on MOEX futures (see FAQ 'What capital is available to me, how to look at it' )
Sergey Lebedev:
Getting back to the main topic of the thread: borsatrading is a forex style scam.
In fact they don't provide any capital, they just reduce by 20x the amount of GO required to open positions on MOEX futures (see FAQ 'What capital is available to me, how to look at it' )

Do you realise you are contradicting yourself by writing 'they don't provide any capital, they just reduce in 20x the amount of GOs'? In essence they are reducing the strain on cash, which instead of being frozen under the GO when trading, can be made to work in other instruments.


By the way, if there are interested people who want to be able to trade from MT5 in Kvek, I propose to cooperate and order together a trading class for these purposes.

In general, I have already opened a job, but I don't have to choose my executors yet, and they don't want much money, so this is the offer.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

By the way, if there are interested people who want to be able to trade from MT5 in Kvek, I suggest we team up and order a trading class together for this purpose.

Why should it be so complicated? It already trades pretty good in QuickKey. You can also scalp, if you want to. And you can make automatons too. They're pretty fast.
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

By the way, if there are interested people who want to be able to trade from MT5 in Kvek, I suggest we team up and order a trading class together for this purpose.

Why should it be so complicated? It already trades pretty good in QuickKey. You can also scalp, if you want to. And you can make automatons too. They're pretty fast.