Without open interest it's not a terminal, it's an ostrich compared to QuickBooks ! - page 6

If these 1,000 lots are included in the OI - then the OI can be considered a highly noisy indicator.

Not included.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Not included.

What does?
What is included?


открытый интерес - Финансовый словарь смарт-лаб.
открытый интерес - Финансовый словарь смарт-лаб.
  • 2014.03.08
  • smart-lab.ru
akaRem, вы путаетесь в способе расчета открытого интереса :) Если сумма всех длинных позиций на рынке равна 1000 контрактов, то это означает что сумма всех коротких позиций на этом же рынке тоже равна 1000 контрактов, а открытый интерес составляет те же 1000 контрактов. OpenInterest=Sum(LongPosition)=Sum(ShortPosition) Когда его рассчитывают...
What goes in?
Click me
In Quickvik at least there is a history of O.I. on which you can add volumes and track open positions, and in mt5 you can only get real time. And all the indicators are rubbish for a scam.

Both are neutered(

But if MT5 is neutered for one egg, then Quick is neutered for everything)


I've opened a demo account on QuickBooks here. )) To see what's up. And I was astonished.

There are no assets. I only have 300,000.

I think, let me try to sell one lot GAZR-9.19 (which I do not have). I put up a bid. It was accepted and executed. Logically, I should have received +23435. And got -23435 to balance.

Here I sit and can not figure out how so? Well, if I don't have something, how could I have accepted it for sale? I expected to see a reply of the type "boy, you have nothing to sell, do not mess with your head" )))). And if I sold "air", it means that someone bought it, so why do I have a minus?

Сергей Таболин:

I've opened a demo account on QuickBooks here. )) To see what's up. And I was astonished.

There are no assets. I only have 300,000.

I think, let me try to sell one lot GAZR-9.19 (which I do not have). I put up a bid. It was accepted and executed. Logically, I should have received +23435. And got -23435 to balance.

Here I sit and can not figure out how so? Well, if I don't have something, how could I have accepted it for sale? I expected to see a reply of the type "boy, you have nothing to sell, do not mess with your head" )))). And since I sold "air", it means someone bought it, so why am I minus?

As far as I'm concerned. You sold a futures contract, the settlement with the counterparty on this contract is supposed to come after the expiration. In other words, you will have to give the counterparty the gasprom shares when the deadline is reached. It is like money in the morning and chairs in the evening. But if you have sold shares in Gazprom that you don't have, the broker will lend them to you and will charge you interest every day. You will then be obliged to buy back the shares and return them to the broker.

Vitalii Ananev:

As far as I understand it. You have sold a futures contract, and the settlement with the counterparty under that contract is supposed to occur after the expiration date. In other words, you will have to give the counterparty the gasprom shares when the deadline is reached. -23435 is probably a guarantee in case you cannot fulfil your obligations. It is like money in the morning and chairs in the evening. But if you sell shares in Gazprom, which you don't have, the broker lends them to you and charges you interest each day. You will be obliged to buy the shares back and return them to the broker.

OK, yes, it's a futures contract. But how am I supposed to meet my obligation? Now I have to buy these futures? I'll see what I can do. But I still don't understand why it's negative on the balance sheet? If there was a plus and a note that it was a debt, it would make sense. But in this case... )))

Bought 1 lot for 23441. Now the balance is 300 291...

You can become a millionaire out of the blue ))))

Сергей Таболин:

All right, yes, it's a futures contract. But how am I supposed to fulfil the obligation? Am I supposed to buy this futures now? I'll give it a try. But I still don't understand why it's negative on the balance sheet? If there was a plus and a note that it was a debt, it would make sense. But as it is... )))

Bought 1 lot for 23441. Now the balance is 300 291...

You can become a millionaire out of the blue ))))

Futures is a futures contract. By selling a contract (if the futures are deliverable), you commit to deliver (transfer) the underlying asset to the buyer of the contract when the time period expires. In your case, the underlying asset is a share in Gazprom. If you buy the contract back before the expiration date, the security deposit is paid back to your account plus the difference between the purchase and sale price of the contract. That is, if the futures price went down, you would earn, and if it went up, you would lose.

To give an example. Suppose a large farmer planted wheat in spring and now he receives a forecast that the wheat yield will be too big and it will affect wheat price and it will become cheaper and the sales will not cover all expenses on its cultivation and seeds. Then he sells a futures contract for September delivery of wheat that has not yet been grown at the current price. This way he insures himself against losses if the wheat in September really is cheap.

Vitalii Ananev:

A futures is a futures contract. By selling the contract (if the futures are deliverable), you are taking on an obligation to deliver (transfer) the underlying asset to the buyer of the contract by the expiration date. In your case, the underlying asset is a share in Gazprom. If you buy the contract back before the expiration date, the security deposit is paid back to your account plus the difference between the purchase and sale price of the contract. That is, if the futures price went down, you would earn, and if it went up, you would lose.

To give an example. Suppose a large farmer planted wheat in spring and now he receives a forecast that the wheat yield will be too big and it will affect wheat price and it will become cheaper and the sales will not cover all expenses on its cultivation and seeds. Then he sells a futures contract for September delivery of wheat that has not yet been grown at the current price. This way he insures himself against losses if the wheat in September really is cheap.

О! Now I get it. Thank you. :)

But that won't work with stocks?