Disadvantages and advantages , difference between stock trading and forex trading - page 3


A rating agency shows the risks of investing in a country's economy.

Friends! It would be useful for everyone to present here a list of websites whose experts comprehensively assess the situation of companies and states where these companies operate, the activities of their competitors, international trends, etc., etc., and draw conclusions as to where their shares will go. And also present the websites of experts who assess such forecasts and draw conclusions about their relative credibility.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Friends! It would be useful for everyone to present here a list of websites whose experts comprehensively assess the situation of companies and states where these companies operate, the activities of their competitors, international trends, etc., etc., and draw conclusions about where their shares will go. And also present the websites of experts who assess such forecasts and draw conclusions about their relative credibility.

For speculation this is not necessary. For investing - there's not much profit to be made there. There is no point.
Aleksey Ivanov:

Friends! It would be useful for everyone to present here a list of websites whose experts comprehensively assess the situation of companies and states where these companies operate, the activities of their competitors, international trends, etc., etc., and draw conclusions about where their shares will go. And also present the websites of experts who assess such forecasts and draw conclusions about their relative credibility.

For long-term investing and self-analysis, http://www.e-disclosure.ru is sufficient.

Интерфакс – Сервер раскрытия информации
  • www.e-disclosure.ru
Сервис раскрытия информации, получаемой от эмитентов, в свободном доступе для заинтересованных лиц.
Aleksey Ivanov:

My friends! It would be useful for everybody to present here a list of websites, whose experts comprehensively evaluate the companies and states, where these companies operate, the activities of their competitors, international trends, etc., etc. and draw conclusions about where their stocks will go. And also present the websites of experts who assess such forecasts and draw conclusions about their relative credibility.

Indices were invented a long time ago for this purpose. For example Dow Jones, SP500, SP100 and others. And index CFDs can be traded at many forex brokers for little money.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The disadvantage is that you have to have at least half a lakh to somehow earn some bread without butter. And on forex with this amount I will have a minimum of 50,000 p/month, the maximum is unlimited.

Yes, that is probably one of the drawbacks. If you are a forex broker you cannot get away from your job completely.

In practice on a real account for six months I have made 10%, with 1 billion it is only 100 thousand divided by 12 we get less than 10 thousand per month, although the year is not over yet probably more, dividends are not taken into account, 10% for six months is only in trading, I must say I trade very passively.

If I had 10 billion it would be 1 million a month, for 6 months it would be 80 thousand a month, if I had 20 million it would be about 160 thousand a month, enough not to work for an "uncle".

But with leverage, when you have a portfolio of about 16-20 shares, you cannot lose. Unless one of 20 companies goes bankrupt.

Gazprom, for instance, was bought in 2008 in December, dividends are dripping, and it is a good asset.

But everyone here understands how you get lost in the forex market.

Maxim Romanov:
+ stable (major currencies)
+ closed. Money cannot be withdrawn from the system, it can only be converted, the movements of all currencies affect each other, which allows for special analysis.
+Everyone is involved in trade in one way or another, even those who are far from the markets, just buying goods in a shop, a very large number of players
+ There is inflation for every currency. All of this together allows you to build a single theoretical model and use it on all currencies at once.
+ high leverage
+ round-the-clock (you can earn more)
+ no problems with long and short positions
- negative swaps
- frequent transparency of trades
- hyperinflation can lead to any price, there is no restriction on rise or fall.
-legal status in rf
+ bought and held. If you don't short a stock, sooner or later it will rise, which automatically raises the expectation of a strategy
+ Inflation protection. With the right portfolio, at least you will not lose in the long term
+ It is easy to calculate the minimum and maximum prices, so you need to average
+ Transparency of deals, you buy a share in the company
+ More difficult to lose money than in Forex
+ legal status
+ Real market with real trades and participants, which can be analyzed and algorithms that are unavailable for Forex
+ a huge number of instruments (not only from Russia)
+ there are dividends
+ no swaps, if you do not use a leverage.
- dependence on currency
- Limited trading time, which limits profits.
- very low liquidity in some places
- relatively low number of participants, leading to market manipulation
- low leverage
- not everything is possible to short
- possibility of asset bankruptcy
- the lot volume can change, which leads to inconveniences in algorithmic trading.

If you do not have enough money to withdraw it from your account, you will withdraw it in less time.

As a rule no one has time to withdraw, usually after a good surplus comes a minus. Probably 95% of them, and even more, simply do not have time to withdraw, which leads to a loss or stop out.

On stocks you have not added another minus , the amount with which there will be some interesting profit starts from one million.

Roman Shiredchenko:

Yuri! Good to read you! How is it going in America? :-)

:-) Awesome
Low yield )

At 10% a year with 10 ml RUB = 80 thousand RUB per month.

At 20% a year with 10 ml RUB = 160 thousand a month.

I guess it is not so much, but it is reliable and it is possible to live modestly.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The disadvantage is that you have to have at least half a lakh to somehow earn some bread without butter. And on the forex with this amount I will have a minimum of 50000 p/month, the maximum is unlimited.

Alexei - maybe - but if you don't sell out, and most likely a so-called "forex broker" will actively help you to sell out.

You know how trading conditions change, for example, if you try to close the deal you will find no price from the north within an hour or another refusal to execute the order and so on, according to the scheme.

Yuriy Zaytsev:
:-) Awesome

:-) Spc. No kidding... a little bit of a tweak... watching bloggers here... they're doing a lot of muving...

I wonder... what you yourself think you should report...