The power of C++ - page 2

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I decided to change the furniture in my room, and the question arose of where to put the huge number of programming books I had accumulated over the years.

Sitting yesterday, I was selecting them with tears in my eyes, I was sorry to part with them, but many of them are not really needed anymore. Then it comes to a brick weighing 1.2 kg. (I weighed it on purpose) Bjorn Straustrup, "C++ programming language, special edition", 2005 translation edition, Binom.

For me personally C++ is like a second Russian language) Cool! I've got such a little book too) I'll keep it forever too=)

I remember how I started reading it and another book "Learn C++ in 21 days" )))).

Sometimes I think I know C++ better than russian.

But then I start to look through exploit codes and understand that I still don't understand a lot).

And I'm glad, because I have things to strive for and learn, but this is probably closer to assembler than to C++, although one must know both).

Martin Cheguevara:

For me personally, C++ is something like a second Russian language) Cool! I also have a book like that) I'll keep it forever too=)

I remember when I started it and another book "Learn C++ in 21 days" )))).

Sometimes I think I know C++ better than russian.

But then I start to look through exploit codes and understand that I still don't understand a lot).

And I'm glad, because I have things to strive for and to learn, but this is probably closer to assembler than to C++, though one must know both)

Learn C++ in 21 days - is it Schmidt? I've also put a lot of his books, he's a wonderful author for learning programming, he writes simply and understandably. But reading Bjorn is a little bit complicated, he's not so eager to understand it. But it's just at the beginning)). Then it passes.


Each book benefits in a different way

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Ha, I still have C#2008, it's thicker than this book by Bjorn. But spoon to dinner )) And now there's a regular hammer lying in the hallway for a long time. A friend came over for the May holidays and wondered why the hammer was in the hallway and not in the tools.

And at night I walk with an ordinary wooden rolling pin. Who will prove that It's an excellent weapon? ))

impact-crushingaction- any cop can detain a person until they find out his identity/circumstances. As a bit of communication statistics have shown, there are more questions about the screwdriver in the pocket than the knife in the sheath with you.

And what will the story be like in 20-40 years' time? I'm standing in my assembler's armour, holding a C-mech with two pluses, and in front of me there's a vast field of untold hordes of nasties... And I went to smash them and smash my multi-core horse into the ground...;);)

P.S. I used to think, that Chuck Noris in youth is Ilya Muromets in maturity.


To Leha, and without the girlfriend stories... Even in the "power of C++" thread.

What can I say... Envious, envious...

Martin Cheguevara:

For me personally, C++ is something like a second Russian language) Cool! I also have a book like that) I'll keep it forever too=)

I remember when I started it and another book "Learn C++ in 21 days" )))).

Sometimes I think I know C++ better than russian.

But then I start to look through exploit codes and understand that I still don't understand a lot).

And I'm glad, because there's something to strive for and learn, but this is probably closer to assembler than to C++, though one must know both).

This is logical, if the main job is a programmer, the compiler quickly makes you obey C++ rules, and if you forget, it reminds you. And Russian rules, after school, when you have already stopped writing dictations, are quickly forgotten.


This is natural, if the main job is a programmer, the compiler will quickly make you follow the C++ rules, and if you forget, it will remind you. And the rules of Russian, after school, when you have already stopped writing dictations, are quickly forgotten.

I never knew those rules, I barely made it past "D" in Russian at school. But I wrote straight A's in essays, without any mistakes, because I read a lot. There was no Internet back then).

Georgiy Merts:

To Leha, and without the girlfriend stories... Even in the "power of C++" thread.

What can I say... I envy you, I envy you...

Georges, as an experiment I've started a channel about women on Zen, maybe it will be useful or just interesting for you.

In general, I'm planning to use Zen for sales promotion, this channel is just for training, I'm not going to write about SEALs there ))

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Женщина - любовь после 30 | Яндекс Дзен
  • Женщина - любовь после 30
Рассказы про женщин, любовь, основанные на историях из моей жизни.
Georgiy Merts:

To Leha, and without the girlfriend stories... Even in the "mighty C++" thread

What can I say... Envious, envious...

Old joke:

- Doctor, it's been five years since I slept with my wife.
- How old are you?
- 65.
- That's age, age.
- But my neighbour is 75, he says that every day...
- Well, so you say.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Old joke:

- Doctor, it's been five years since I slept with my wife.
- And how old are you?
- 65.
- That's age, age.
- But my neighbour is 75, he says he's daily...
- Well, so you say.

I'm much smaller )) and it wasn't me who started it, it was Georges as always