The power of C++


I decided to change the furniture in my room, and the question arose of where to put the huge number of programming books I had accumulated over the years.

Sitting yesterday, I was selecting them with tears in my eyes, I was sorry to part with them, but many of them are not really needed anymore. Then it comes to a brick weighing 1.2 kg. (I weighed it on purpose) Bjorn Straustrup, "C++ programming language, special edition", 2005 translation edition, Binom.

An old story comes to mind. I'm sitting in kitchen in summer, wading through labyrinths of language. Suddenly my neighbour screams, -Lesha!!!! is being killed!!!

I jump up, this book in my hands, two guys trying to break into her flat. And in a fight, you have to start working straight away (I used to do hand-to-hand fighting when I was young) and use everything at hand. Without all that kimono, howling, cunning stance and other movie nonsense.

I went to rough 'em up with the old Bjorn, stunned one and split another's eyebrow with the corner of the book. I finished the rest.

I was sitting in the investigator's office, telling him how it was. He said, "What kind of language is that? I gladly explained that it was sharp as diarrhoea and fast as the wind. The fastest and most powerful of all the high-level ones. He had to be brief for the record.

He leafed through it - I don't understand anything, of course, but I believe him. Tough tongue-twister!


So I'll leave Bjorn for ever, although there's a '98 standard there, the first of the official ones, and now there are C++11, C++14, C++17.

If you don't know it, MQL5 is a kindred language to C++, thanks to developers who didn't reinvent their own bikes. Looking at the same Matlab language makes me want to find and beat beat the wretched creators to death.

A classy use of props, in the best ninja tradition. I still have 2 big 1000 page books, Economics and Investments, which I put under my wheels in the garage, come in handy too. Economics rules!
Thank you for the mood))) smiled at the story))
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Classy use of props, in the best ninja tradition. I still have 2 big 1000 page books, Economics and Investments, which I put under the wheels in the garage, come in handy too.

Ha, I still have C#2008, it's thicker than this book by Bjorn. But spoon to dinner )) And now there's a regular hammer lying in the hallway for a long time. Just this May, a friend came over, questioned why the hammer is in the hallway, and not in the tools.

At night I walk around with an ordinary wooden rolling pin. Who can prove that it is a great weapon? ))

Dmitrii Survila:
Thanks for the mood))) smiled at the story))

Back then the neighbourhood was pretty criminal, now it's even boring, I haven't had a fight on the street in 2-3 years ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Ha, I still have C#2008, it's thicker than this book by Bjorn. But spoon to dinner )) And now there's a regular hammer lying in the hallway for a long time. Just this May, a friend came over, questioned why the hammer is in the hallway, and not in the tools.

At night I walk around with an ordinary wooden rolling pin. Who can prove that it is a great weapon? ))

There are compact means of self-defence nowadays, the rolling pin is somehow inconvenient ))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

There are now compact means of self-defence, a rolling pin is somehow inconvenient ))

But it's unprovable. Went to a friend's house, wanted to bake pies, but it didn't work out, she threw him into bed like a bull. That's why the rolling pin is clean.

Actually, we've had this discussion. The canister is wind-dependent, it's dangerous in enclosed spaces too. I know from my own experience, once when I was young in a group fight, I got sprayed in the eyes from behind. I was completely incapacitated for five minutes. Thanks to my opponents, they were noble people, they did not kill me, they let me wake up and then one on one.

Shocker seems nice, but boring. Rolling pin more interesting ))) There is where to run wild developer imagination )))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

But it's unprovable. Went to a friend's house, wanted to bake pies, but it didn't work out, she threw him into bed like a steer. That's why the rolling pin's clean.

Actually, we've had this discussion. The canister is wind-dependent, it's dangerous in enclosed spaces too. I know from my own experience, once when I was young in a group fight, I got sprayed in the eyes from behind. I was completely incapacitated for five minutes. Thanks to my opponents, they were noble people, they did not kill me, they let me wake up and then one on one.

Shocker seems nice, but boring. Rolling pin more interesting ))) There is where to run wild developer imagination )))

You like to reminisce about stories from a hundred years ago.

By the way, on the subject of C++ and OOP

I've just came across an old article of 2011.



The author is well-known and competent. I have just read it diagonally, it is good for learning from the scratch. The MQL5 OOP is very similar to C++ OOP, I mean languages, and not the binding in the form of libraries.

I remember, I was taking an interview on C++ at one company long ago. They started asking tricky questions, which are never used in reality. And Bjorn introduced them into the language for some reason. I asked the guys: "Give me examples of applying these features yourselves. They're laughing - to cut my salary based on their ignorance ))

In this regard, MQL5 is really and reasonably simplified, simple and reliable, like a three-line gun.

Vladimir Baskakov:
You like to reminisce about stories from a hundred years ago

getting old


I've been looking at YouTube, just a question on my ancient channel that needs to be deleted, because it's all old stuff. It is on C++ and MQL4.

If the moderators delete it, I will not be offended. The channel is dead for a long time, it is not commercial.