The councillor has not finished and I have already paid and even paid extra. What should I do? - page 7

Aleksey Mavrin:

Unfortunately it has to be admitted that this is how the situation is, because you (and others like you) pay, tolerate, and do not assert your rights.

It will be a lesson to you, and the administration may listen and consider, if there are really insults and other violations, may take action.

Yes, now not a single closure without a thorough inspection.

and the administration somehow ignores the issue of insults

Andrei Novichkov:

Come on, me too )

Write your address and I'll send you the pill too))

P.S. My last wife changed her name too, and oddly enough, so did my first name.
Sofiia Butenko:

If a person has done almost 500 freelance jobs and has almost all positive feedback, are you sure the problem is his or her insolvency?

I'll tell you as someone who has worked in freelancing. If the client engages in a dialogue, tries to get into my messages/comments, as I do with their assignment and needs - the job goes. If there is a "you owe me" question, that's different. To the question "could you get the result you want for your money from this programmer?" - I'm 99% sure I did.

I understand your indignation and complaints. I think everyone wants the work was like shopping in a supermarket - an accurate and clear price, quality assurance (as the exact description of the product on the packaging), the exact timing, polite communication within the framework, etc.. But this is not a shop, but freelance and here the programmers are not the call centre operators who are always polite and know how to communicate, TOR straight away and completely can not always be understood (especially when each customer makes it his own way) and still learned by heart, in hundreds of lines of code can be errors that are worth understanding / guess how to fix, the complaint itself the client must also understand (often they write "it does not work", which generally says nothing).All I wanted to say is that the programmers here are real people, not some organization with processes fine-tuned to perfection.

Honestly, would I give money for such services? Probably not, if I was not in a hurry (and could not code). But if you give money, you have to do everything to get results. And the result is achieved not by persistence ("I've sent him a bunch of pictures," "I've written him 100 times" etc.), but by dialogue - when you understand that you were understood and provide the information you asked for.

He asks not to put a grade, if you want to put not 5 - respectively, such responsive to requests can be enormous, and the rating of all 5 of course. worked with 2 other developers - never had such inadequacy, both were able to read and understand Russian, some clarification, if not understood, no complaints.

You said it right - Tries to understand. while this one doesn't understand what's written and comes up with some nonsense about why it doesn't work instead of correcting the errors or comes up with some unnecessary *** that has nothing to do with my problem and some connections that shouldn't be. and hysterics "nothing is understood!!!" instead of reading and looking at the picture or asking clarifying questions.

To the question "could you get the result you want for your money from this programmer? - 100% no! honestly tried for 3 weeks, but he is so inconsiderate that he does not understand what the problem is and implements some fantasy of his own, while still fixing the problems there are new ones in other places. if he does not understand he does not ask and does not clarify, he solves the problem, which is not and has nothing to do with what I described. it is BOTH. pay for the endless hassle? no thanks. I only have to pay for a implemented solution, which he is unable to provide, because he obviously has some kind of perception issues or is playing dumb to get lost. but the laws of the market have not been repealed, so there is a product - there is money, no product - no money. if I have to pay, then he should also provide a turnkey solution. you will not pay for a chair that only has two legs and cannot be used as a new one? you will not pay for it at all, as you do not need it in that form. i do not need advice either
I'll thank him if I don't ask for compensation for psychological abuse in the form of gaslighting and wasted time due to his inattention. I'm still not sure if he really did not go to school and is talking nonsense or if he thinks I did not go to school and buy it. in any case, the man is not motivated to work and cannot communicate without insults, i should not tolerate that and should not have to pay for it.
I can personalize my ToR and you will be able to evaluate how well I describe my tasks and express my thoughts.
Here is a small screen shot of my correspondence:
i would be grateful for feedback on what i have missed in my description that the problem is not obvious to him? and how has such a description led him to fantasise about the boundaries?



... a small screenshot from the correspondence:

You can insert images into the forum using the standard message editor:

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Write your address and I'll send you the pill too.)

Pour a hundred grams of haloperidol, please.... ))))

Artyom Trishkin:

Images can be inserted into the forum using the standard features of the message editor:

I didn't save the image to my computer to insert it. and I can't write the code to extract the image from the link either. but if critical, here's here


The customer writes to the performer (to find a suitable performer for the customer profiles on the forum is not difficult) in a ps about the personal work - "here's looking, you take it?", the performer responds "yes" and the customer posts a personal job on the freelance service - all within the rules and on site service, a personal job requires that the singer is already known.

Which does not guarantee the result ))))