The councillor has not finished and I have already paid and even paid extra. What should I do? - page 6

Look for good developers on the forum, by published codes, by posts, by completed jobs. Contact them in person, and freelance the work.
No thanks :) .
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Look for good developers on the forum, by published codes, by posts, by work done. Apply in person, and work through freelancing.
No thanks :) .

How and by what criteria should I search and judge? because this one has like 500 jobs, and 11 products, and good reviews (he slyly asks not to leave a review if you do not want to put 5). the only thing confused him was 45% of the arbitration in favor of the customer. what if I write in the personal "can you do robot?" everyone will answer "yes easily!" I even made him a ToR with pictures and posted in the personal for clarity, because the project is not attached to the pictures.
I did not think it was such a problem to find a developer. the first was still normal - at least he warned me "if I fix it here, then somewhere else the glitch will appear" - I replied that it should be without glitches and according to TOR, but I also found bugs after closing. never again will close the project until a complete check. the second seemed normal, responsible and considerate, but was busy and had to search and found the brainwashing


"45% arbitration in favour of the customer" - that's a muggy person, skip it straight away.

"The second one seems to be normal, responsible and attentive, but he was busy" - good ones are taken apart, they are always busy :) .



question about arbitrage in freelance. is it possible to arbitrage closed projects?
because i closed the project with a bit of a bad heart and did not test all combinations of settings. now i wanted to add 2 new settings to it and i turned to the same developer with the expectation that if we find any glitches, it will still be his job to fix. But while fixing one problem he manages to break somewhere else, not attentively reads the description of the problem (even if it is a 4-word sentence) and comes up with something of his own and implements it, even though I do not need it at all and I have not written anything about it. I have already asked him to read attentively 300 times, but he still starts to tell me that 47 to 100 is not the same ratio as 4.7 to 10, that my terminal is wrong, that the indentation of less than 150 points for orders is impossible, some kind of links and conclusions that are not in ToR and a lot of other gaslighting - this is a kind of psychological violence, I do not want to be exposed to it endlessly. I would go to arbitrage, but then I won't only have to find a developer for new features, but I will also have to re-do this basic robot, for which I already got $100 and a lot of my nerves.
can i send the already closed project to arbitrage along with the current one and get my money back? will the arbitrage will have access to project discussions to make sure that the developer has a very specific way of thinking and comes up with something of his own, rather than read what i write. can i get my money back on the basis of "the developer used psychological violence" and "the developer does not understand russian"? i dont want to hang with him forever, but i dont want to lose money either. help, please. thank you

update: the current project was closed, refund the money for the past refused, because he believes that everything works there correctly, and all the bugs that I write to him, he does not understand{depending on his mood) and therefore do not exist, with no clarifying questions and no response to my request to clarify what is not clear. and at the same time I'm the last bitch and bitch all the way to the end. the feedback on it can be found in my profile

to admins: paying for inadequacy, lost time and nerves, no working solutions and insults to my address is normal, no problem? no punishment for him and no compensation for me?


update: the current project was closed, he refused to refund the money for the last one, because he is sure that everything works properly there, and all the errors that I write to him, he does not understand\me (depending on his mood) and therefore do not exist, with no clarifying questions and no response to my request to clarify what is not clear. and yet I am the last bitch and a complete cunt. feedback on him you can find in my profile

to admins: to pay for inadequacy, lost time and nerves, no working solution and insults to his address is normal, no problem? no punishment to him and no compensation to me for that?

Unfortunately, we must admit that the situation is the way it is, because you (and others like you) pay, tolerate, and do not assert your rights.

You will be taught a lesson, and the administration may listen and consider, if there are really insults and other violations, they can take action.


update: the current project was closed, he refused to refund the money for the last one, because he is sure that everything works properly there, and all the errors that I write to him, he does not understand\me (depending on his mood) and therefore do not exist, with no clarifying questions and no response to my request to clarify what is not clear. and yet I am the last bitch and a complete cunt. feedback on him can be found in my profile

to admins: to pay for inadequacy, lost time and nerves, no working solution and insults to his address is normal, no problem? no punishment to him and no compensation to me for that?

If a person has done almost 500 freelance jobs and has almost all positive feedback, are you sure that the problem is his insolvency?

I'll tell you as someone who has worked in freelancing. If the client engages in a dialogue, tries to get into my messages/comments, as I do with their assignment and needs - the job goes. If there is a "you owe me" question, that's different. To the question "could you get the result you want for your money from this programmer?" - I'm 99% sure I did.

I understand your indignation and complaints. I think everyone wants the work was like shopping in a supermarket - an accurate and clear price, quality assurance (as the exact description of the product on the packaging), the exact timing, polite communication within the framework, etc.. But this is not a shop, but freelance and here the programmers are not the call centre operators who are always polite and know how to communicate, TOR straight away and completely can not always be understood (especially when each customer makes it his own way) and still learned by heart, in hundreds of lines of code can be errors that are worth understanding / guess how to fix, the very client's claim also need to understand (often they write "it does not work", which generally says nothing).All I wanted to say is that the programmers here are real people, not some organization with processes honed to perfection.

Honestly, would I give money for such services? Probably not, if I was not in a hurry (and could not code). But if you give money, you have to do everything to get results. And the result is achieved not by persistence ("I've sent him a lot of pictures", "I've written him 100 times" etc.), but by dialogue - when you understand that you are understood and provide information that is requested.

Sofiia Butenko:


Bloody hell, I thought you were Galina Bobro )))))

Stanislav Aksenov:

Bloody hell, I thought you were Galina Bobro )))))

you were imagining things)))

Stanislav Aksenov:

Bloody hell, I thought you were Galina Bobro )))))

I thought so too, I'm going to take a pill.)

Stanislav Aksenov:

Bloody hell, I thought you were Galina Bobro )))))

What's the matter, me too )