Bablokos 2 : risen from the Tlene - page 16


The doughboys in the real account blew it all again, just to zero ***.

Risen from the Shadow and turned into the Shadow.

We can close this discussion now.

Sergey Lebedev:

The doughboys in the real account blew it all again, just to zero ***.

Risen from the Shadow and turned into the Shadow.

We can close this discussion.


I've noticed a funny thing on this forum - once a trader grasps a strategy, he will never get rid of it until he dies...

They try and twist something, but the essence is the same - the infamous, plummeting Blagocoze like a veil in front of their eyes ...

Poor Bablokos, I truly feel sorry for you.

Sergey Lebedev:

The doughboys in the real account blew it all again, just to zero ***.

From the Shadow, he rose into the Shadow.

We can close this discussion.

That's the nature of things. Nothing in nature is eternal, everything sooner or later turns to Fade).



I've noticed a funny thing on this forum - once a trader grasps a strategy, he never gets out of it until he dies...

They try and twist something, but the essence is the same - the infamous, plummeting Blagocoze like a veil in front of their eyes ...

Poor baby-blocos, I sincerely pity you.

I have another problem). I have another problem. Instead of improving my TS which is already working, I always want to invent something even better and I can't stop.)


I have a different problem). Instead of improving an already working TS, all the time I want to come up with another one even better and so on to infinity, I can't stop.)

IMHO this is also not good. :)))

But, for fuck's sake, when a man sits on Bablokos for 15 years and drains, or as Automat for 10 years on his tractor with the same result - my heart bleeds...

Sergey Lebedev:

The doughboys in the real account blew it all again, just to zero ***.

Risen from the Shadow and turned into the Shadow.

We can close this discussion now.

It's only just beginning. Before you can rebel, you have to have a LOSS. Otherwise there's nothing to rebel from. It's easy to flop on any strategy, and let's not dwell on it. I honestly didn't think the branch would come up from the basement. If someone is interested in the direct use of the signal, there is a channel and chat. It's quite easy to find.
Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
It's easy to lose on any strategy and let's not focus on that.

It's as silly as saying "I've got the grail".

It is only the commission, the spread and the swaps that will make you lose.


IMHO this is also not good. :)))

But, for fuck's sake, when a man has been sitting on Bablokos for 15 years and empties it, or as Automat for 10 years on his tractor with the same result - my heart bleeds...

I do not pity them - it is their personal business. I pity the people who fell for this dough and spent a lot of time on it. I've tried to implement profitable trading on pairs, but to no avail. When this article appeared I tried again, and even made my own indicator for pair trading, but it turned out to be useless. In total I wasted several months on pair trading.


I don't feel sorry for them, it's their own business. It's a pity for the people who fell for this dough and spent a lot of time on it. I had unsuccessfully tried to make a profitable TS in pair trading before the "Not a grail, just a regular doughnut" branch. When this article appeared I tried again, and even made my own indicator for pair trading, but it turned out to be useless. In total I wasted several months on pair trading.

Just a few months.


Just a few months...

If you consider that I was doing it for at least 14 hours a day (let's say half a year), that's not a little.