Forex: A Path without a Heart? - page 2

Our attitude towards what we do determines the path, i.e. whether it will be "with or without heart". Let me explain with an example. You can go for a hike and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you. Or you can just count the kilometres, calculating when the hike is over.
Aleksey Ivanov:
Our attitude towards what we do determines the path, i.e. whether it will be "with or without heart". Let me explain with an example. You can go hiking and enjoy the natural beauties around you. Or you can just count the kilometres, calculating when the hike is over.

I agree.

"The end justifies the means."

Those not wishing to learn the Way of Forex can always turn toZaibatsu-do - The Way of the Office Samurai
НадПроф >Дзайбатцу-до. Путь офис-самурая.
  • NadProf, Команда НадПроф
Главная / Юмор / Дзайбатцу-до. Путь офис-самурая. Дзайбатцу-до. Путь офис-самурая. Люди низкого положения полагают, что путь офис-самурая это его путь в  офис. Следует со снисхождением относиться к их незнанию. Люди выского положения полагают, что путь офис-самурая это путь карьеры. Следует с  сочувствием относиться к их заблуждениям. Путем...
What's with the snot? :D
Artem Prischepa:
What's with the snot? :D

:))) Obviously alcoholic.


:))) Obviously, alcoholic ones.

You, my friend, are perceptive. )

Vitaly Stepanov:
You, my friend, are perceptive. )

:))) Not a problem - it happens. And forex is not the way с With or without a heart. It is the way of the heart, without the "s". It is the way to the coveted Grail. And it does exist.


:))) Not a problem - it happens. And forex is not the way с With or without a heart. It is the way of the heart, without the "s". It is the way to the coveted Grail. And it does exist.

That sounds like fanaticism.
Or is the grail like a "carrot"?

Vitaly Stepanov:
Sounds like bigotry to me.
Or is the grail like a "carrot"?

Vitaly Stepanov:
Remember, it's foolish to waste your life on a single path, especially if it has no heart.

Is forex really a path?
The way is not even the lust for easy money through forex. It's just ignorance.

The way, for example, can be to fight your internal enemies - fear and greed. Forex may be just one of the means on this path. It may already be the way of the heart.

Don Juan spoke about the way of war. Is the freeloader a warrior?

Don Juan also spoke of the Petty Tyrants, which are necessary for a warrior on his path. And petty Tyrants are a gift on the way of the warrior. For they will either destroy him or make him stronger.

Forex is more suitable precisely to define not the path, but the petty Tyrant. As he can bankrupt, trample, humiliate, deprive you of your most precious possessions and even your family.

"As I said, the petty tyrant is an external
element, the kind over which we have no control, and the most significant
perhaps of all: my benefactor was fond of saying that the warrior who is assailed
a petty tyrant is a lucky man. What he meant by that was that you're
lucky if you met one on your way, otherwise you'd have to go out and
look for him somewhere else.
He explained that one of the greatest achievements of the visionaries of the
of the conquista period was a construction he called "the three-phase progression".
By understanding human nature, they were able to come to the undeniable conclusion
that if the visionaries could handle themselves in the face of petty tyrants,
they would be able to meet the unknowable flawlessly and then endure
even in the presence of the inscrutable."